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Pro Drupal Development

John K. VanDyk Matt Westgate

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Apress 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Development Best Practices

I n this chapter, you’ll find all the little coding tips and best practices that’ll make you an upstanding Drupal citizen and help keep your forehead separated from the keyboard.

Palabras clave: Version Control; Menu Item; Assignment Operator; Window User; Core Code.

Pp. 317-338

Optimizing Drupal

D rupal’s core architecture is lean and written for flexibility. However, the flexibility comes at a price. As the number of modules increases, the complexity of serving a request increases. That means the server has to work harder, and strategies must be implemented to keep Drupal’s legendary snappiness while a site increases in popularity. Properly configured, Drupal can easily survive a Slashdotting. In this chapter, we’ll talk about both performance and scalability. Performance is how quickly your site responds to a request. Scalability has to do with how many simultaneous requests your system can handle and is usually measured in requests per second.

Palabras clave: Database Query; Anonymous User; File Server; Significant Performance Gain; Cache Page.

Pp. 339-355

Installation Profiles

W hen you install Drupal, certain modules are enabled and certain settings are selected, but these defaults may not be what you need. Drupal’s installer uses a default installation profile that determines all of these settings. By creating your own installation profile, you can customize the initial installation of Drupal to install your sites with all of the modules and settings you’d like. Maybe you work for a university and you’d like to create an installation profile that enables a custom module that ties in with your university’s single sign-on infrastructure, creates a new role for the site administrator, and sends e-mail to you when installation is complete. Drupal’s installer system allows you to customize what happens at installation by writing an installation profile. You’ll learn how in this chapter.

Palabras clave: Node Type; News Item; Front Page; Site Administrator; Profile Directory.

Pp. 357-364