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Model Driven Architecture- Foundations and Applications: Third European Conference, ECMDA-FA 2007, Haifa, Israel, June 11-15, 2007, Proceedings

David H. Akehurst ; Régis Vogel ; Richard F. Paige (eds.)

En conferencia: 3º European Conference on Model Driven Architecture - Foundations and Applications (ECMDA-FA) . Haifa, Israel . June 11, 2007 - June 15, 2007

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Computer System Implementation; Computer Systems Organization and Communication Networks; Software Engineering; Logics and Meanings of Programs; Management of Computing and Information Systems

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Scenarios of Traceability in Model to Text Transformations

Gøran K. Olsen; Jon Oldevik

The challenges of managing change in model-driven development are addressed by traceability mechanisms for model to text transformations. A traceability model, tailored for representing trace information between models and generated code, provides the basis for visualisation and analysis of the relationships between models and code. Usage scenarios for traceability are discussed and illustrated by our traceability implementation.

Palabras clave: Trace Link; Transformation Code; Trace Type; Atlas Transformation Language; Text Transformation.

Pp. 144-156

Human Comprehensible and Machine Processable Specifications of Operational Semantics

Markus Scheidgen; Joachim Fischer

This paper presents a method to describe the operational semantics of languages based on their meta-model. We combine the established high-level modelling languages MOF, OCL, and UML activities to create language models that cover abstract syntax, runtime configurations, and the behaviour of runtime elements. The method allows graphical and executable language models. These models are easy to read by humans and are formal enough to be processed in a generic model interpreter. We use Petri-nets as a running example to explain the method. The paper further proposes design patterns for common language concepts. The presented method was applied to the existing modelling language SDL to examine its applicability.

Palabras clave: Language Model; Operational Semantic; Abstract Syntax; Input Place; Output Place.

Pp. 157-171

Adopting Model Driven Development in a Large Financial Organization

Dov Shirtz; Michael Kazakov; Yael Shaham-Gafni

Two years ago the IT Division of a large financial organization in Israel made a strategic decision to adopt Model Driven Development as its major development methodology. This decision was based on assessing the results of several pilot projects that had run during the previous year using this methodology. The QA Department that was the main advocate of this move took upon itself to lead the adoption effort. In this paper we report on the process of adopting Model Driven Development in the IT Division of the financial organization, from inception to successful maturation. We provide details on the methodology, models and tools, and describe the challenges, benefits, and lessons learnt.

Palabras clave: Financial Organization; Pilot Project; Adoption Process; Domain Specific Language; Elaboration Phase.

Pp. 172-183

Reverse Engineering Models from Traces to Validate Distributed Systems – An Industrial Case Study

Andreas Ulrich; Alexandre Petrenko

The paper targets the applicability of model-driven methodologies to the validation of complex systems and presents a case study of a mobile radio network. Validation relies on the availability of a collection of models formally describing various aspects of the system behavior and an execution trace obtained through monitoring the system during the execution of designated test cases. The models describe system properties and are derived from existing (informal) system specifications or other traces. The recorded trace is reverse-engineered to produce a model of the system that is used to visualize the architecture of the system during test execution and to verify the system against the specified properties using model checking technology. The obtained results and lessons learned from this case study are discussed.

Palabras clave: Model-driven development; reverse engineering; model verification; trace analysis; system validation; telecommunication industry; experience report.

Pp. 184-193

A Model Driven Software Factory Using Domain Specific Languages

Jos Warmer

This paper describes the development of the SMART-Microsoft Software Factory. This factory is a fully model driven factory that makes extensive use of the Microsoft DSL Tools and is bases on the Microsoft Service Oriented Architecture. We describe the process used for developing the factory and share the experience gained in the first projects in which this factory has been used. The first project has 73% of the delivered code being generated.

Palabras clave: Service Orient Architecture; Service Interface; Business Rule; Software Factory; Domain Specific Language.

Pp. 194-203

Towards a Model Driven Approach to Automatic BPEL Generation

Xiaofeng Yu; Yan Zhang; Tian Zhang; Linzhang Wang; Jianhua Zhao; Guoliang Zheng; Xuandong Li

Both complex separate Web services and composite Web services need orchestration specification. However, on one hand, the process of manually creating orchestration specification is time-consuming and error-prone; and on the other hand, application developers are in a dilemma to choose between virous orchestration languages and engines. In this paper, to reduce the complexity of creating Web services orchestration specification, and to make orchestration models isolate from orchestration languages and engines, we propose a model driven approach to generate orchestration specification. Web services orchestration is modeled using the CCA (Component Collaboration Architecture) of the UML profile for Enterprise Distributed Object Computing (EDOC). Then transform CCA specified orchestration models to BPEL via transformation rules. The same orchestration model can be transformed to different orchestration specifications though we take BPEL as the transformation target. Moreover, the transformation process is automatic.

Palabras clave: model transformation; EDOC; BPEL generation.

Pp. 204-218