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Perspectives in Conceptual Modeling: ER 2005 Workshop AOIS, BP-UML, CoMoGIS, eCOMO, and QoIS, Klagenfurt, Austria, October 24-28, 2005, Proceedings

Jacky Akoka ; Stephen W. Liddle ; Il-Yeol Song ; Michela Bertolotto ; Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau ; Willem-Jan van den Heuvel ; Manuel Kolp ; Juan Trujillo ; Christian Kop ; Heinrich C. Mayr (eds.)

En conferencia: 24º International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) . Klagenfurt, Austria . October 24, 2005 - October 28, 2005

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems; Simulation and Modeling; Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet); Database Management; Information Storage and Retrieval; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics)

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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Using Data Mining for Modeling Personalized Maps

Joe Weakliam; David Wilson

There has been a vast increase in the amount of spatial data that has become accessible in recent years, mirroring the continuing explosion in information available online. People browsing the Web can download maps of almost any region when planning trips or seeking directions. However, GIS applications generating maps typically present default maps to clients without personalizing any spatial content. This gives rise to a problem whereby the most relevant map information can be obscured by extraneous spatial data, thus hindering users in achieving map interaction goals. Several applications exist that deliver personalized information, but they rely on clients providing explicit input. We describe a novel system that provides personalized map content using techniques prevalent in data mining to model spatial data interaction and to present users with automatically and implicitly personalized map content. Modeling spatial content preferences in this manner allows us to recommend spatial content to individuals whenever they request maps, without requiring the additional burden of explicit user modeling input.

Palabras clave: Association Rule; Spatial Data; Mapping Task; Association Rule Mining; User Interest.

- Spatial Queries, Analysis and Data Mining | Pp. 290-299

3D Scene Modeling for Activity Detection

Yunqian Ma; Mike Bazakos; Zheng Wang; Wing Au

Current computer vision algorithms can process video sequences and perform key low-level functions, such as motion detection, motion tracking, and object classification. This motivates activity detection (e.g. recognizing people’s behavior and intent), which is becoming increasingly important. However, they all have severe performance limitations when used over an extended range of applications. They suffer from high false detection rates and missing detection rates, or loss of track due to partial occlusions, etc. Also, activity detection is limited to 2D image domain and is confined to qualitative activities (such as a car entering a region of interest). Adding 3D information will increase the performance of all computer vision algorithms and the activity detection system. In this paper, we propose a unique approach which creates a 3D site model via sensor fusion of laser range finder and a single camera, which then can convert the symbolic features (pixel based) of each object to physical features (e.g. feet or yards). We present experimental results to demonstrate our 3D site model.

- Data Modeling and Visualisation | Pp. 300-309

SAMATS – Edge Highlighting and Intersection Rating Explained

Joe Hegarty; James D. Carswell

The creation of detailed 3D buildings models, and to a greater extent the creation of entire city models, has become an area of considerable research over the last couple of decades. The accurate modeling of buildings has LBS (Location Based Services) applications in entertainment, planning, tourism and e-commerce to name just a few. Many modeling systems created to date require manual correspondences to be made across the image set in order to determine the models 3D structure. This paper describes SAMATS, a Semi-Automated Modeling And Texturing System, which has the capability of producing geometrically accurate and photorealistic building models without the need for manual correspondences by using a set of geo-referenced terrestrial images. This paper gives an overview of SAMATS’ components, while describing the Edge Highlighting component and the Intersection Rating step from the Edge Recovery component in detail.

Palabras clave: Primary Line; Extrinsic Property; Secondary Line; Valid Intersection; Valid Match.

- Data Modeling and Visualisation | Pp. 310-319

Applying Semantic Web Technologies for Geodata Integration and Visualization

Zhao Xu; Huajun Chen; Zhaohui Wu

Nowadays new applications ask for enriching the semantics associated to geographic information in order to support a wide variety of tasks including data integration, interoperability, knowledge reuse, spatial reasoning and many others. This paper proposes a new framework called GeoShare, which supports for semantic integration and querying over heterogeneous geospatial data sets distributed over the grid environment. In GeoShare we try to resolve semantic heterogeneity by using an RDF-View based approach for schema mediation and focus on embedding domain semantics in geographic maps. A series of grid services such as ontology service, semantic registry service, and semantic query service with a set of innovative semantic tools are brought forward to accomplish these purposes. A visualization module also presents at the upper level of GeoShare to automatically generate Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) maps embedded with domain semantics as an ideal data view to end users.

Palabras clave: Resource Description Framework; Intelligent Transportation System; Grid Service; SPARQL Query; Semantic Integration.

- Data Modeling and Visualisation | Pp. 320-329

Preface to eCOMO 2005

Willem-Jan van den Heuvel; Bernhard Thalheim

The 6th International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for e-Business, eCOMO’05, was held in conjunction with the ER-Conference 2005. Traditionally, modeling of business processes is achieved using different views of a single company, viz. the data or content view, functional view, process view, and the organizational view. These views should not be treated in an isolated manner.

Palabras clave: Business Process; Service Composition; Business Process Modeling; Content View; Organizational View.

- Sixth International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for e-Business (eCOMO 2005) | Pp. 331-332

Bargaining in E-Business Systems

Klaus-Dieter Schewe

Despite the fact that bargaining plays an important role in business communications, it is almost completely neglected in e-business systems. In this paper we make an attempt to integrate bargaining into web-based e-business systems. We characterise the bargaining process and place it into the co-design approach for the design of web information systems. Then we outline how game-theoretic concepts can be used to develop a conceptual model for bargaining.

Palabras clave: Acceptable Outcome; Bargaining Process; Total Price; Loan Contract; Bargaining Situation.

- Sixth International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for e-Business (eCOMO 2005) | Pp. 333-342

Conceptual Content Management for Enterprise Web Services

Sebastian Bossung; Hans-Werner Sehring; Joachim W. Schmidt

Web services aim at providing an interoperable framework for cross system and multiple domain communication. Current basic standards are allowing for first cases of practical use and evaluation. Since, however, the modeling of the underlying application domains is largely an open issue, web service support for cross domain applications is rather limited. This limitation is particularly severe in the area of enterprise services which could benefit substantially from well-defined semantics of multiple domains. This paper focuses on the representation of user-specific domain models and on the support of their coherent interpretation on both client and server side. Our approach is founded on the paradigm of Conceptual Content Management (CCM) and provides support for coherent model interpretation by automatically generating CCM system implementations from high-level domain model specifications. Our approach to CCM has been successfully applied in several application projects.

Palabras clave: Domain Model; Description Logic; Asset Class; Enterprise Service; Enterprise Application.

- Sixth International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for e-Business (eCOMO 2005) | Pp. 343-353

Verifying Web Services Composition

YanPing Yang; QingPing Tan; Yong Xiao

Current Web services composition proposals, such as BPEL, BPSS or WSCI, provide notations for describing the control and message flows in service collaborations. However, they remain at the descriptive level, without providing any kind of mechanisms or tool support for verifying the composition specified in them. In this paper, we present an approach based on CP-net formalism to analyze and verify Web services composition. We provide translation scheme from composition language into CP-nets and the techniques to analyze and verify effectively the CP-nets to investigate several behavioral properties. Our approach is essentially independent of the language describing composition. As an example, to show the effectiveness of our technique, in this paper, we present the transformation of WSCI to CP-nets, which can be analyzed, verified and simulated as prototypes of WSCI models by the CP-net tools.

Palabras clave: Travel Agent; Business Process Execution Language; Input Message; Substitution Transition; Credit Card Information.

- Sixth International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for e-Business (eCOMO 2005) | Pp. 354-363

Towards Amplifying Business Process Reuse

Sergiy Zlatkin; Roland Kaschek

This paper proposes an approach to the reuse of business processes. We consider business process reuse as a problem of software economy. An infrastructure component that we call Process Assembler is supposed to aid in business process reuse. That component together with a number of other components could realize an environment for assessing, pricing and trading business processes. We work out the key functionality that needs to be provided by a software component that aids in reusing business processes. Furthermore we discuss a high level architecture for the Process Assembler and argue that this software component can aid users in performing the key reuse functionality.

Palabras clave: Business Process; Reusable Component; Teleological Explanation; High Level Architecture; Process Modeling Language.

- Sixth International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for e-Business (eCOMO 2005) | Pp. 364-374

Preface to QoIS 2005

Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau; Samira Si-Saïd Cherfi

Quality is emerging as a key issue for information systems researchers and practitioners. The information system is often defined as “a system, whether automated or manual, that comprises people, machines, and/or methods organized to collect, process, transmit, and disseminate data that represent user information”. Information system quality aims at the evaluation of its main components, i.e. system quality, data quality, information quality as well as model quality and method quality. Ongoing research encompasses theoretical aspects including quality definition and/or quality models. These theoretical contributions lead to methods, approaches and tools for quality measurement and/or improvement. Most approaches focus on specific environments, such as web site quality, data warehouse quality, ontologies quality, etc. This workshop is devoted to present and discuss papers related both to theoretical and practical aspects of information systems quality. Two sessions are devoted respectively to : –Model quality: frameworks, criteria, and experiments are proposed to facilitate the evaluation of model and language quality. –Quality driven process: this session will demonstrate how quality can be used to improve methods, tool selection or information retrieval. We received 17 papers from over 10 countries and the program committee finally selected seven papers. We would like to thank the organizing committee of the 24th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER2005) for recognizing the relevance of this workshop and ER2005 workshop chairs for their helpful attitude. We are very indebted to all program committee members and additional reviewers who have very carefully and timely worked. We would also like to thank all the authors who submitted papers to our workshop. We hope this workshop will be an opportunity for stimulating exchange between researchers and practitioners about information system quality.

- First International Workshop on Quality of Information Systems (QoIS 2005) | Pp. 375-375