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Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: 10th International Workshop, CASC 2007, Bonn, Germany, September 16-20, 2007. Proceedings

Victor G. Ganzha ; Ernst W. Mayr ; Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov (eds.)

En conferencia: 10º International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing (CASC) . Bonn, Germany . September 16, 2007 - September 20, 2007

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation; Programming Techniques; Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science; Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity; Math Applications in Computer Science; Algorithms

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Computer Algebra: A ‘Classical’ Path to Explore Decoherence and Entanglement Phenomena in Quantum Information Theory

Stephan Fritzsche

During the past decade, quantum information theory has attracted a lot of interest because of its promise for solving problems that are intractable otherwise. Despite of the recent advancements in understanding the basic principles of quantum information systems, however, there are still a large number of difficulties to be resolved. One of the great challenges concerns for instance the decoherence in quantum systems and how entanglement is lost or transfered between the subsystems, if they are coupled to their enviroment. — To overcome these difficulties, several schemes for studying the decay of quantum states and their interaction with an environment have been developed during recent years, including a large variety of separability and entanglement measures, decoherence-free subspaces as well as (quantum) error correction codes. To support the investigation of entanglement and decoherence phenomena in general N  −qubit quantum systems, we recently developed the Feynman program [1], a computer-algebraic approach within the framework of Maple , which facilitates the symbolic and numerical manipulation of quantum registers and quantum transformations. This program has been designed for studying the dynamics of quantum registers owing to their interaction with external fields and perturbations. In a recent addition to this program [2], moreover, we now implemented also various noise models as well as a number of entanglement measures (and related quantities). In this lecture, I shall display the interactive use of the program by a number of simple but intuitive examples. To make quantum information theory alive , an active (re-) search has been initiated during the past decade to find and explore physical systems that are suitable to produce and control the entanglement in course of their time evolution. In atomic photoionization, for instance, we have shown how the polarization can be transfered from the incoming photons to the emitted photoelectrons, giving rise to a (spin-spin) entanglement between the photoelectron and the remaining (photo-) ion. Detailed computations on the entanglement as function of the energy and polarization of the incoming light have been carried out along various isoelectronic sequences [3]. For the two-photon decay of atomic hydrogen, moreover, we analyzed the geometrical control of the polarization entanglement of the emitted photons.

Pp. 143-144

Deducing the Constraints in the Light-Cone SU(3) Yang-Mills Mechanics Via Gröbner Bases

Vladimir Gerdt; Arsen Khvedelidze; Yuri Palii

The algorithmic methods of commutative algebra based on the Gröbner bases technique are briefly sketched out in the context of an application to the constrained finite dimensional polynomial Hamiltonian systems. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms and their implementation in Mathematica is demonstrated for the light-cone version of the SU (3) Yang-Mills mechanics. The special homogeneous Gröbner basis is constructed that allow us to find and classify the complete set of constraints the model possesses.

Palabras clave: Poisson Bracket; Class Constraint; Lagrangian System; Primary Constraint; Secondary Constraint.

Pp. 145-159

On the Weight Spectra of Conway Matrices Related to the Non-transitive Head-or-Tail Game

Nikita Gogin; Aleksandr Mylläri

Our paper is devoted to the computation of the weight spectra of Conway matrices related to the non-transitive head-or-tail game. We obtained explicit formulas for the spectra containing partial binomial sums. These sums are rather hard to deal with when the methods of classical algebra and number theory are used; but when we used methods of computer algebra, we were able to handle them quite efficiently and could easily produce visualizations. We suggest a recurrence algorithm for efficient calculation of the weight-spectrum matrices, including, as a special case, integer matrices modulo m . The algorithm is implemented with MATHEMATICA and visualizations for some interesting examples are shown.

Pp. 160-168

Properties of the Liapunov Stability Zones of the Lagrange Triangle

E. A. Grebenikov; D. Kozak-Skoworodkin; N. I. Zemtsova

We derived the quantitative estimates for geometrical parameters of the stability domains of the Lagrange triangle in the restricted three-body problem. We have shown that these domains are plane ellipse-similar figures, extended along a tangent to a circle, on which the Lagrange triangular solutions are located. We have proposed the heuristic algorithm for finding the maximal sizes of the stability domains.

Palabras clave: Hamiltonian System; Stability Domain; Order Resonance; Nauk USSR; Lagrange Solution.

Pp. 169-180

Studying the Stability of the Second Order Non-autonomous Hamiltonian System

Evgenii A. Grebenikov; Ersain V. Ikhsanov; Alexander N. Prokopenya

The problem of studying the stability of equilibrium solution of the second order non-autonomous Hamiltonian system, containing a small parameter, is considered. The main steps in solving this problem and application of the computer algebra systems for doing necessary calculations are discussed. As an example, we analyze stability of some equilibrium solutions in the elliptic restricted (2 n  + 1)-body problem. The problem is solved in a strict nonlinear formulation. All calculations are done with the computer algebra system Mathematica.

Palabras clave: Hamiltonian System; Equilibrium Solution; Canonical Variable; Body Problem; Hamiltonian Function.

Pp. 181-194

On the Peculiar Properties of Families of Invariant Manifolds of Conservative Systems

Valentin Irtegov; Tatyana Titorenko

The paper discusses a technique for investigation of peculiar properties of invariant manifolds of conservative systems. The technique is based on constructing the envelope for the family of first integrals of such systems. Routh–Lyapunov’s method [1] has been applied for obtaining the families of invariant manifolds. With the use of the method of envelope we have analyzed some peculiar properties of families of invariant manifolds in the problems related to rigid body dynamics and vortex theory. For the purpose of solving the computational problems arising in the process of investigations we employed the computer algebra system (CAS) Mathematica . This paper presents a development of our approach [2] to investigation of some qualitative properties of conservative systems.

Palabras clave: Invariant Manifold; Computer Algebra System; Conservative System; Peculiar Property; Integrable Case.

Pp. 195-210

A Unified Algorithm for Multivariate Analytic Factorization

Maki Iwami

The expansion base algorithm, which was devised by Abhyankar, Kuo and McCallum is very efficient for analytic factorization of bivariate polynomials. The author had extended it to more than two variables but it was only for polynomials with non-vanishing leading coefficient at the expansion point. In this paper, we improve it to be able to apply to polynomials including the case of vanishing leading coefficient, that is, singular leading coefficient, which comes to a specific problem only for more than two variables.

Palabras clave: Singular Point; Formal Power Series; Multivariate Case; Irreducible Factor; Expansion Base.

Pp. 211-223

On the Computation of the Defining Polynomial of the Algebraic Riccati Equation

Takuya Kitamoto; Tetsu Yamaguchi

The algebraic Riccati equation, denoted by ’ARE’ in the paper, is one of the most important equation in the post modern control theory, playing important role for solving H _2 and H _ ∞  optimal control problems. The solution of ARE is given in the form of a matrix, and a typical procedure of computing the solution uses eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrix H , where H is a matrix determined by a given system. With the aid excellent numerical packages such as “LAPACK” for matrix computations, the procedure is quite efficient for the numerical systems (the systems without unknown parameters). This paper considers a system with an unknown parameter k . In this case, the numerical procedure cannot be applied without fixing parameter k to a constant value. Let us consider some symbolic method to compute the solution of ARE which leaves parameter k symbolic. Letting entries of the solution matrix be unknown variables, ARE can be viewed as a set of m algebraic equations with m variables and parameter k , where m is the number of entries of the unknown matrix. Computing Groebner basis of the algebraic equations with lexicographic ordering, we obtain a polynomial whose roots are the solution of ARE (i.e. the defining polynomial of ARE). Although this method with Groebner basis gives us the defining polynomial of ARE, it is not practical. The method easily collapses when the size of a given system is large because of its heavy numerical complexities. This paper presents a practical algorithm to compute the defining polynomial. The proposed algorithm uses polynomial interpolations, and is easily parallelizable, implying that it is advantageous under multi-CPU environments. Numerical experiments indicate that even in the single CPU environments, the proposed algorithm is much more practical than that with Groebner basis.

Palabras clave: Unknown Parameter; Optimal Control Problem; Computer Algebra; Symmetric Solution; Polynomial Interpolation.

Pp. 224-235

Symmetries and Dynamics of Discrete Systems

Vladimir V. Kornyak

We consider discrete dynamical systems and lattice models in statistical mechanics from the point of view of their symmetry groups. We describe a C program for symmetry analysis of discrete systems. Among other features, the program constructs and investigates phase portraits of discrete dynamical systems modulo groups of their symmetries, searches dynamical systems possessing specific properties, e.g., reversibility , computes microcanonical partition functions and searches phase transitions in mesoscopic systems. Some computational results and observations are presented. In particular, we explain formation of moving soliton-like structures similar to “ spaceships ” in cellular automata.

Palabras clave: Cellular Automaton; Phase Portrait; Ising Model; Discrete System; Discrete Dynamical System.

Pp. 236-251

Exact Solutions of Completely Integrable Systems and Linear ODE’s Having Elliptic Function Coefficients

N. A. Kostov; Z. T. Kostova

We present an algorithm for finding closed form solutions in elliptic functions of completely integrable systems. First we solve the linear differential equations in spectral parameter of Hermite-Halphen type. The integrability condition of the pair of equations of Hermite-Halphen type gives the large family of completely integrable systems of Lax-Novikov type. This algorithm is implemented on the basis of the computer algebra system MAPLE. Many examples, such as vector nonlinear Schödinger equation, optical cascaded equations and restricted three wave system are considered. New solutions for optical cascaded equations are presented. The algorithm for linear ODE’s with elliptic functions coefficients is generalized to 2×2 matrix equations with elliptic coefficients.

Palabras clave: Periodic Solution; Elliptic Function; Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation; Elliptic Solution; AKNS Hierarchy.

Pp. 252-264