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Reuse of Off-the-Shelf Components: 9th International Conference on Software Reuse, ICSR 2006, Torino, Italy, June 12-15, 2006, Proceedings

Maurizio Morisio (eds.)

En conferencia: 9º International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR) . Turin, Italy . June 12, 2006 - June 15, 2006

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems; Software Engineering; Management of Computing and Information Systems; Programming Techniques

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Variability Modeling in a Component-Based Domain Engineering Process

Ana Paula Terra Bacelo Blois; Regiane Felipe de Oliveira; Natanael Maia; Cláudia Werner; Karin Becker

Domain Engineering (DE) and Component-based Development (CBD) are approaches that focus on reuse. On the one hand, DE methods emphasize variability modeling in analysis phase. On the other hand, most CBD methods gude on the development of components, with a minor focus on reusability properties. This paper presents an approach to support variability modeling, in a Component-based Domain Engineering Process.

Palabras clave: Abstraction Level; Business Type; Product Line Engineering; Software Engineer Institute; Domain Requirement.

- Short Papers | Pp. 395-398

GENMADEM: A Methodology for Generative Multi-agent Domain Engineering

Mauro Jansen; Rosario Girardi

The generative approach is one of the most productive ways to promote the automatic reuse in software product lines. Multi-Agent Domain Engineering is a process to build multi-agent system families. This paper describes GENMADEM, an ontology-based methodology for generative multi-agent domain engineering whose main products are ontology-based domain models, domain specific languages and application generators.

Palabras clave: Generative Software Reuse; Multi-Agent Systems Development Methodologies; Domain Engineering; Domain Specific Languages; Generators.

- Short Papers | Pp. 399-402

Product Line Architecture for a Family of Meshing Tools

María Cecilia Bastarrica; Nancy Hitschfeld-Kahler; Pedro O. Rossel

Meshing tools are traditionally built in a one by one basis without reusing already developed parts. However, there are several concepts within this application domain that are present in most tools. Developing software components implementing these concepts is extremely time consuming and requires highly specialized programmers. Software product lines is a way of systematically reusing assets. We propose a layered product line architecture for meshing tools. We specify it formally using xADL, and we show that it fits some already built tools.

Palabras clave: Software Architecture; Product Family; Software Product Line; Component Type; Voronoi Region.

- Short Papers | Pp. 403-406

Binding Time Based Concept Instantiation in Feature Modeling

Valentino Vranić; Miloslav Šípka

In this paper, we address the issue of concept instantiation in feature modeling with respect to binding time. We explain the impact of such instantiation on applying constraints among features expressed in feature diagrams and as additional constraints and propose a way to validate a concept instance under these new conditions.

Palabras clave: Feature Modeling; Additional Constraint; Variable Feature; Normal Conjunctive Form; Feature Diagram.

- Short Papers | Pp. 407-410

Aspects as Components

Marcelo Medeiros Eler; Paulo Cesar Masiero

An adaptation of the UML Component method to design crosscutting components is briefly presented. Such components are allowed to crosscut only the public interface of base (convencional) components. The design and implementation of crosscutting components using the language JAsCO is discussed.

- Short Papers | Pp. 411-414

Improving Reuse of Off-the-Shelf Components with Shared, Distributed Component Repository Systems

Glêdson Elias; Jorge Dias; Sindolfo Miranda Filho; Gustavo Cavalcanti; Michael Schuenck; Yuri Negócio

The task of identifying software components that meet business requirements is a challenging issue in component-based development processes. In such a context, component repository systems can provide the means to effectively find suitable components, improving reuse of off-the-shelf software components. This paper presents a shared, distributed component repository architecture for large scale deployment of commercial and open source software components. The proposed architecture adopts a service-oriented approach in order to achieve a high degree of availability and reliability. Besides, the proposed architecture also deals with issues such as security, component certification and business models.

- Short Papers | Pp. 415-418

Support to Development-with-Reuse in Very Small Software Developing Companies

José L. Barros; José M. Marqués

There are a variety of specifications to represent information about reusable assets. Most of this models and specifications are complex, difficult to understand and implement in reduced environments. Small and very small organizations (less than 10 employees) can benefit from reuse but, they need easy to understand methodologies, processes and tools; low cost technologies and, flexible development models. We provide a flexible approach to the modelling process proposing an easy model to represent and classify reusable assets, mainly those developed inside the organization but, compliant with standards to allow the use of COTS. Our model deals with functional and non-functional properties and, it’s able to represent assets from the whole software development life cycle.

Palabras clave: Functional Description; Small Software; Development Life Cycle; Retrieval Mechanism; Software Development Life Cycle.

- Short Papers | Pp. 419-422

A Simple Generic Library for C

Marian Vittek; Peter Borovansky; Pierre-Etienne Moreau

This paper presents Sglib, a C library freely inspired by the Standard Template Library (STL). In opposition to C++, the C language lacks any support for generic programming. Our library results from the idea to create a generic library of reusable algorithms through the C preprocessor.

Palabras clave: IEEE Computer Society; Generic Programming; Generic Library; Open Source Project; Software Maintenance.

- Short Papers | Pp. 423-426

Eliciting Potential Requirements with Feature-Oriented Gap Analysis

Sangim Ahn; Kiwon Chong

Software reuse has long been paid attentions as an effective way to improve software quality and productivity. In the context of Requirements Engineering (RE), a reuse approach is effective in particular because it can help to define requirements and to anticipate requirements change. We propose a feature-oriented gap analysis method to elicit potential requirements from various stakeholders. We use feature modeling, which are an important concept in software product line, to identify reusable requirements elements. To achieve our goal, we present (1) a meta-model of reusable requirements elements, (2) gap analysis between new collected requirements and reused requirements in the repository, and (3) a potential requirements elicitation process with feature-oriented gap analysis. This process is a set of sequential procedures to elicit potential requirements in addition to users’ Plus minus interest (PMI).

Palabras clave: Requirement Engineer; Software Product Line; Feature Category; Sequential Procedure; Requirement Engineer.

- Short Papers | Pp. 427-431

X-ARM: A Step Towards Reuse of Commercial and Open Source Components

Michael Schuenck; Yuri Negócio; Glêdson Elias; Sindolfo Miranda; Jorge Dias; Gustavo Cavalcanti

In component-based software development processes, one of the most challenging tasks is to find reusable assets that fulfill the requirements of a particular software system under development. Over time, in the context of component repository systems, reusable asset specification approaches have been proposed to help find suitable reusable assets. As an important step forward, RAS (Reusable Asset Specification) provides a standard way to describe all kinds of software assets. However, despite its contributions, RAS suffers from problems related to fine-grain reuse. Besides, RAS does not provide representation for asset certification and business models. As another step forward, this paper presents X-ARM, an XML-based Asset Representation Model, specified as a RAS extension and organized in four hierarchical profiles. The proposed model overcomes RAS limitations, providing effective means for developing universal repository systems that can improve reuse of commercial and open source software components.

- Short Papers | Pp. 432-435