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Combinatorial Image Analysis: 11th International Workshop, IWCIA 2006, Berlin, Germany, June 19-21, 2006, Proceedings

Ralf Reulke ; Ulrich Eckardt ; Boris Flach ; Uwe Knauer ; Konrad Polthier (eds.)

En conferencia: 11º International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA) . Berlin, Germany . June 19, 2006 - June 21, 2006

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Image Processing and Computer Vision; Pattern Recognition; Computer Graphics; Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity; Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science; Numeric Computing

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

A Comparison of Shape Matching Methods for Contour Based Pose Estimation

Bodo Rosenhahn; Thomas Brox; Daniel Cremers; Hans-Peter Seidel

In this paper, we analyze two conceptionally different approaches for shape matching: the well-known iterated closest point (ICP) algorithm and variational shape registration via level sets. For the latter, we suggest to use a numerical scheme which was introduced in the context of optic flow estimation. For the comparison, we focus on the application of shape matching in the context of pose estimation of 3-D objects by means of their silhouettes in stereo camera views. It turns out that both methods have their specific shortcomings. With the possibility of the pose estimation framework to combine correspondences from two different methods, we show that such a combination improves the stability and convergence behavior of the pose estimation algorithm.

Palabras clave: Iterate Close Point; Shape Match; Point Correspondence; Iterate Close Point Algorithm; Pose Estimation Algorithm.

- Shape and Matching | Pp. 263-276

Relevance Criteria for Data Mining Using Error-Tolerant Graph Matching

Sidharta Gautama; Rik Bellens; Guy De Tré; Johan D’Haeyer

In this paper we present a graph based approach for mining geospatial data. The system uses error-tolerant graph matching to find correspondences between the detected image information and the geospatial vector data. Spatial relations between objects are used to find a reliable object-to-object mapping. Graph matching is used as a flexible query mechanism to answer the spatial query. A condition based on the expected graph error has been presented which allows to determine the bounds of error tolerance and in this way characterizes the relevancy of a query solution. We show that the number of null labels is an important measure to determine relevancy. To be able to correctly interpret the matching results in terms of relevancy the derived bounds of error tolerance are essential.

Palabras clave: Point Pattern; Graph Match; Spatial Query; Maximum Clique Problem; Graph Base Approach.

- Shape and Matching | Pp. 277-290

Computational Aspects of Digital Plane and Hyperplane Recognition

David Coeurjolly; Valentin Brimkov

In these note we review some basic approaches and algorithms for discrete plane/hyperplane recognition. We present, analyze, and compare related theoretical and experimental results and discuss on the possibilities for creating algorithms with higher efficiency.

Palabras clave: Grid Point; Convex Hull; Recognition Algorithm; Euclidean Plane; Computational Aspect.

- Invited Paper | Pp. 291-306

A Linear Algorithm for Polygonal Representations of Digital Sets

Helene Dörksen-Reiter; Isabelle Debled-Rennesson

Polygonal representations of digital sets with the same convexity properties allow a simple decomposition of digital boundaries into convex and concave parts. Representations whose vertices are boundary points, i.e. are integer numbers, attract most attention. The existing linear Algorithm UpPolRep computes polygonal representations with some uncorresponding parts. However, the algorithm is unable to decide if a corresponding polygonal representation still exists and in the case of existence it is unable to compute the representation. Studying situations where uncorrespondences appear we extended the algorithm. The extention does not change the time complexity. If a digital set possesses a corresponding representation then it detects this representation. Otherwise, it recognizes that such representation does not exist.

Palabras clave: digital convexity; discrete lines and discrete curves; convex and concave parts of discrete curves; polygonal representation.

- Approximations II | Pp. 307-319

The Monogenic Curvature Scale-Space

Di Zang; Gerald Sommer

In this paper, we address the topic of monogenic curvature scale-space. Combining methods of tensor algebra, monogenic signal and quadrature filter, the monogenic curvature signal, as a novel model for intrinsically two-dimensional (i2D) structures, is derived in an algebraically extended framework. It is unified with a scale concept by employing damped spherical harmonics as basis functions. This results in a monogenic curvature scale-space. Local amplitude, phase and orientation, as independent local features, are extracted. In contrast to the Gaussian curvature scale-space, our approach has the advantage of simultaneous estimation of local phase and orientation. The main contribution is the rotationally invariant phase estimation in the scale-space, which delivers access to various phase-based applications in computer vision.

Palabras clave: Spherical Harmonic; Curvature Tensor; Local Phase; Geometric Algebra; Main Orientation.

- Approximations II | Pp. 320-332

Combinatorial Properties of Scale Space Singular Points

Atsushi Imiya; Tomoya Sakai

Singular points in the linear scale space provide fundamental features for the extraction of dominant parts of an image. Employing the geometrical configuration of singular points, it is possible to construct a tree in scale space. This tree expresses a hierarchical structure of dominant parts. In this paper, we clarify the graphical grammar for the construction of this tree in the linear scale space and morphological scale space. Furthermore, we show a combinatorial structure of singular points in the linear scale space and morphological scale space using conformal mapping from Euclidean space to the spherical surface.

Palabras clave: Singular Point; Hessian Matrix; Scale Space; Combinatorial Property; Voronoi Tessellation.

- Combinatorics and Grammars | Pp. 333-346

Additive Subsets

Yan Gerard

Additive subsets have been introduced in the framework of discrete tomography with the underlying notion of x-rays. This notion can be defined from two different ways. We provide in the paper extensions of the two definitions and a proof of their equivalence in a framework where x-rays are replaced by any subsets. It results a pair of dual definitions of additivity cleared out from dispensable assumptions and a proof of their equivalence reduced to a separation theorem.

Palabras clave: Convex Hull; Convex Cone; Normal Linear Space; Separation Theorem; Polyhedral Cone.

- Combinatorics and Grammars | Pp. 347-353

Cooperating Basic Puzzle Grammar Systems

K. G. Subramanian; R. Saravanan; P. Helen Chandra

Nivat et al [3] introduced Context-free Puzzle grammars for generating connected picture arrays in the two-dimensional plane. Basic Puzzle grammars [6] constitute a subclass of these grammars. In this note we consider the Cooperating Array Grammar Systems introduced by Dassow et al [2] with Basic Puzzle grammar rules in the components instead of array grammar rules and examine the picture generating power of the resulting system, called, Cooperating Basic Puzzle Grammar System, in the maximal mode.

- Combinatorics and Grammars | Pp. 354-360

Quasi-isometric and Quasi-conformal Development of Triangulated Surfaces for Computerized Tomography

Eli Appleboim; Emil Saucan; Yehoshua Y. Zeevi; Ofir Zeitoun

In this paper we present a simple method for minimal distortion development of triangulated surfaces for mapping and imaging. The method is based on classical results of F. Gehring and Y. Väisälä regarding the existence of quasi-conformal and quasi-isometric mappings between Riemannian manifolds. A random starting triangle version of the algorithm is presented. A curvature based version is also applicable. In addition the algorithm enables the user to compute the maximal distortion errors. Moreover, the algorithm makes no use to derivatives, hence it is suitable for analysis of noisy data. The algorithm is tested on data obtained from real CT images of the human brain cortex.

Palabras clave: Quasiconformal Mapping; Circle Packing; Minimal Distortion; Maximal Dilatation; Triangulate Surface.

- Tomography | Pp. 361-374

Binary Tomography with Deblurring

Stefan Weber; Thomas Schüle; Attila Kuba; Christoph Schnörr

We study two scenarios of limited-angle binary tomography with data distorted with an unknown convolution: Either the projection data are taken from a blurred object, or the projection data themselves are blurred. These scenarios are relevant in case of scattering and due to a finite resolution of the detectors. Assuming that the unknown blurring process is adequately modeled by an isotropic Gaussian convolution kernel with unknown scale-parameter, we show that parameter estimation can be combined with the reconstruction process. To this end, a recently introduced Difference-of-Convex-Functions programming approach to limited-angle binary tomographic reconstruction is complemented with Expectation-Maximization iteration. Experimental results show that the resulting approach is able to cope with both ill-posed problems, limited-angle reconstruction and deblurring, simultaneously.

Palabras clave: Binary Tomography; Reconstruction Algorithm; Gaussian Kernel; Projection Data; Reconstruction Process.

- Tomography | Pp. 375-388