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Advances in Production Management Systems: International IFIP TC 5, WG 5.7 Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS 2007), September 17-19, , Linköping,Sweden

Jan Olhager ; Fredrik Persson (eds.)

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Computer Communication Networks

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© International Federation for Information Processing 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Extended Service Integration: Towards “Manufacturing” SLA

Frédérique Biennier; Loubna Ali; Anne Legait

Market constant evolution towards more and more customisation and call for “product/service” increases to need of agile and lean organisations, making an heavy use of information and communication technologies. To bring the necessary openness, interoperability and agility features to the enterprises information systems, one can use fruitfully Service Oriented Architecture. Already used at a business level as a potential interoperable and integrating framework, this technology must be adapted to define manufacturing services and to take into account manufacturing constraints, namely time constraint and security integration. In this paper, we propose a global framework to define a “manufacturing service bus”, paying a particular attention to the manufacturing service definition. We also show how mobile agents can be used to set dynamically monitoring systems

Palabras clave: SOA; Interoperability; SLA; manufacturing agreements; ESB.

Part II - Strategic Operations Management | Pp. 87-94

Designing Manufacturing Networks — An Empirical Study

Andreas Feldmann; Jan Olhager; Fredrik Persson

The design of the manufacturing network for a firm is an important factor for its competitive position. By manufacturing network we mean the plant or plants of the manufacturing firm and the relationships with external suppliers. The way that these operate together is central to the entire supply system supports the competition of the products in the marketplace. The decisions are typically categorised as related to facilities and vertical integration, two decision categories in an operations strategy. This paper presents the results of a survey of 84 Swedish manufacturing plants. The results show that competitive priorities such as quality and price play different roles in the networks, and that there is a significant difference in terms of how internal and external suppliers are selected

Palabras clave: Empirical analysis; External suppliers; Internal suppliers; Manufacturing networks; Market characteristics; Survey research.

Part II - Strategic Operations Management | Pp. 95-102

Methodologies for Dividing Profit in Networked Production Structures

Hendrik Jähn; Joachim Käschel

This conceptual paper focuses the problem of dividing the profit earned in a production network to the different network members. In this context different theoretical approaches for profit division are introduced and discussed. It is assumed that a high degree of automation is aimed at by using the modern information and communication technology (ICT) intensively. The task of profit division is integrated in a comprehensive approach considering incentive and sanction mechanisms for harmonising the interests of the network members as well. In that context the basic assumptions of the New Institutional Economics serve as a theoretic basis.

Palabras clave: Production Network; Network Controlling; Profit Division.

Part II - Strategic Operations Management | Pp. 103-110

Coordinating the Service Process of Two Business Units towards a Joint Customer

Rita Lavikka; Riitta Smeds; Miia Jaatinen; Emmi Valkeapää

The paper presents a new theoretical framework for coordinating an inter-unit collaborative service process towards a joint customer. The common service process is itself presented as a central coordination mechanism. It defines how tasks and responsibilities are shared between the collaborating units. The framework presents the factors supporting cooperation between the units, the prerequisites of the common service process, and the ways of coordination suitable for inter-unit cooperation. The framework is developed through a single-company longitudinal, qualitative case study that consists of three action research projects.

Palabras clave: Coordination; collaboration; service process; case study; action research.

Part II - Strategic Operations Management | Pp. 111-119

Consortium Building in Enterprise Networks to Design Innovative Products

Marcus Seifert; Klaus-Dieter Thoben; Patrick Sitek

The potential of an Enterprise Network is the ability to design and to realize innovative, customized products by selecting and integrating for each order the worldwide leading partners. To exploit this potential, it is too late to configure the network and to search for partners on the basis of an already specified bill of material: Co-operation has already to start with the product-idea, where possible contributions to the planned endproduct must be identified while concretizing the bill of material. Only in this way, the network is able to benefit from the expertise of all potential partners and to ensure that the expertise of the planned consortium is also synchronized with the needed capabilities for the requested end-product. In the proposed paper, a method to support the building of consortia within Enterprise Networks on the basis of open product designs will be highlighted. The method starts from an end-product and collects possible contributions from potential collaboration partners.

Palabras clave: Virtual organizations; Product design; Consortium building; partner selection.

Part II - Strategic Operations Management | Pp. 121-131

Design Quality: A Key Factor to Improve the Product Quality in International Production Networks

Zhu Yanmei; R. Alard; P. Schoensleben

As the result of the broken-up value chain of the world, design becomes an independent commodity. Goods often are designed in one company and produced in another company. Although product is shaped in manufacturing companies of supply chain, design quality is the key sticking-point for product quality. Therefore, finished goods quality lies on the quality of Design-Manufacturing Chain. This paper defines Design-Manufacturing Chain Quality Management (D-MCQM), analyses poor quality of design and manufacturing and the controllable factor and noise factor for quality stability. Furthermore, the figure and formula are presented for the leverage relationship among design quality, manufacturing quality and product quality.

Palabras clave: Design-Manufacturing Chain; Quality Management; Design Quality; Poor Quality; Leverage Relationship.

Part II - Strategic Operations Management | Pp. 133-141

Postponement Based on the Positioning of the Differentiation and Decoupling Points

Joakim Wikner; Hartanto Wong

Structural analysis of supply chains often involves postponement to some degree. The concept has received a lot of attention in the literature but the understanding of how to operationalize the concept still deserves some attention. A framework is introduced that provides an integrative picture of how different aspects of supply chain and operations management interplay in a postponement context. The framework is founded on a process/object perspective where a set of characteristics, properties and concepts are identified for each entity.

Palabras clave: Supply Chain; Mass Customization; Customer Order; Changeover Time; Product Configuration.

Part II - Strategic Operations Management | Pp. 143-150

Closed-loop PLM of Household Appliances: An Industrial Approach

Jacopo Cassina; Maurizio Tomasella; Andrea Matta; Marco Taisch; Giovanni Felicetti

This paper will present how the technologies and specifically the PLM data management semantic object model developed within the PROMISE project have been successfully applied to a concrete business scenario in the household sector, allowing the development of new services and functionalities to the customers, creating a real life demonstrator of closed-loop PLM.

Palabras clave: Customer Relationship Management; Household Appliance; Physical Product; Product Lifecycle; PROduct Lifecycle Management.

Part III - IS/IT Applications in the Value Chain | Pp. 153-160

Global Supply Chain Control

Heidi C. Dreyer; Ottar Bakås; Erlend Alfnes; Ola Strandhagen; Maria Kollberg

The operation of global manufacturing network is challenging due to the complexity in product and information flow, diversity in sites, localization and processes and the information processing needed for control. Thus information technology has to be developed to cope with this complexity and to develop decision support for controlling the network. In this paper the concept of the Global Control Centre for manufacturing activity is developed based on research on a Norwegian supplier of fish hooks. The main elements of the GCC is found to be the global control model, performance measurement system, ICT solutions and the organization and the physical environment. In order to realize the GCC the main challenges are ICT investments and standardization, and the management of change and organizational resistance. The findings presented in this paper are not yet collectively implemented and tested and must therefore only be viewed as conceptual proposals.

Palabras clave: Operations management; case study; supply chain control; global operations.

Part III - IS/IT Applications in the Value Chain | Pp. 161-170

Integrated Approach for Self-Balancing Production Line with Multiple Parts

Daisuke Hirotani; Katsumi Morikawa; Katsuhiko Takahashi

In a “Self-Balancing Production Line”, each worker is assigned work dynamically, thus they can keep the balanced production under satisfying the specific conditions. For structure of line, in-tree assembly network line has been analyzed in previous paper. In that paper, line are virtually integrated to one and slowest to fastest sequence can be balanced under the integrated line. However, if an item consists of multiple parts and parallel work is possible, a new approach is applicable under the condition, and performance measure increase comparing to integrated line. In this paper, new integrated approach for both previous self-balancing line and buffer is proposed, and we compare the line that had been proposed in the previous paper.

Palabras clave: Self-balancing; production; blocking; multiple parts.

Part III - IS/IT Applications in the Value Chain | Pp. 171-178