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Business Information Systems: 10th International Conference, BIS 2007, Poznan, Poland, April 25-27, 2007. Proceedings

Witold Abramowicz (eds.)

En conferencia: 10º International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS) . Poznań, Poland . April 25, 2007 - April 27, 2007

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet); IT in Business; Information Storage and Retrieval; Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery; Computers and Society; Management of Computing and Information Systems

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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Bottom-Up Discovery of Clusters of Maximal Ranges in HTML Trees for Search Engines Results Extraction

Dominik Flejter; Roman Hryniewiecki

Unsupervised HTML records detection is an important step in many Web content mining applications.

In this paper we propose a method of bottom-up discovery of clusters of maximal, non-agglomerative similar HTML ranges in nested set HTML tree representation. Afterward we demonstrate its applicability to records detection in search engines results. For performance measurement several distance assessment strategies were evaluated and two test collections were prepared containing results pages from almost 60 global and country-specific search engines and almost 100 methodically generated complex HTML trees with pre-set properties respectively.

Empirical study shows that our method performs well and can detect successfully most of search results ranges clusters.

- Information Retrieval | Pp. 398-410

Usability of GeoWeb Sites: Case Study of Czech Regional Authorities Web Sites

Jitka Komarkova; Martin Novak; Renata Bilkova; Ondrej Visek; Zdenek Valenta

Today, many of the solved problems are spatially oriented. It means that more and more people need to use spatial information. They need to be able to use it quickly, without any special software tool and without any special training. So they need an easy-to-use solution. GeoWeb sites can perfectly fit the demands but they must be properly designed. The article describes usability testing of GeoWeb sites of all Czech regional authorities and proposes some recommendations how user interface should be designed. Recommendations can be generalized because there are no significant differences between private and public sector. The main differences are between target groups of the users: regular or casual users.

- Information Retrieval | Pp. 411-423

Supporting Use-Case Reviews

Alicja Ciemniewska; Jakub Jurkiewicz; Łukasz Olek; Jerzy Nawrocki

Use cases are a popular way of specifying functional requirements of computer-based systems. Each use case contains a sequence of steps which are described with a natural language. Use cases, as any other description of functional requirements, must go through a review process to check their quality. The problem is that such reviews are time consuming. Moreover, effectiveness of a review depends on quality of the submitted document - if a document contains many easy-to-detect defects, then reviewers tend to find those simple defects and they feel exempted from working hard to detect difficult defects. To solve the problem it is proposed to augment a requirements management tool with a detector that would find easy-to-detect defects automatically.

- System Design | Pp. 424-437

Investigation of Application Specific Metrics to Data Quality Assessment

Dariusz Król; Tadeusz Lasota; Maciej Siarkowski; Bogdan Trawiński

Databases have risen to be one of the most important corporate assets, but usually their data quality is poor or even not manageable at all. Several metrics of data quality have been designed and implemented to monitor a database of an information system. The primary goal of data quality metrics design was to provide the managers of information centres the tools for monitoring of their databases and for alerting that the amount of errors crossed a given threshold value and it is necessary to undertake activities aimed at data cleansing. The metrics should also be useful for the software producers to enable them to improve their applications. The proposed metrics have been evaluated using databases of several cadastral information systems. The investigation of data quality changes during the period of last three years is presented in the paper. Several metrics applying to domain and referential defects have been used. The study has revealed that simple metrics based on the number of defects detected in a database are not sufficient. The metrics calculating the cost of defect removal have been proposed and evaluated. The experiments covered also metrics specific for cadastral data.

- System Design | Pp. 438-448

Tool-Supported Method for the Extraction of OCL from ORM Models

Sergejus Sosunovas; Olegas Vasilecas

It is recognized that conceptual models expressed in ORM are more suitable for analysis stage and the relational database design, and because of natural verbalization are better tolerated by stakeholders, whereas UML models are more often used in the design of object oriented systems. If the system requires both of these characteristics in particular relational database and object oriented implementation of business logic, the problem of transformation from ORM to UML arises. This paper propose the approach to transform between two well-known modelling techniques: ORM models are transformed into UML models constrained by Object Constraint Language (OCL). The approach precisely describes properties of the transformation. This opens the approach for seamless refining of resulted models using UML tools and transformation to executable code. The transformation of ORM to UML/OCL transformation is validated for correctness by means of a widely used UML tools. Paper illustrates the proposed approach by a number of representative examples.

- System Design | Pp. 449-463

Model-Driven Architecture for Mobile Applications

Jürgen Dunkel; Ralf Bruns

Although significant improvements in the development of business applications for mobile devices have been made in recent years, the software development in this area is still not as mature as it is for desktop computers. Therefore, declarative and code generation approaches should be preferred instead of manually coding. In the BAMOS project an architecture has been designed and implemented for the generic and flexible development of mobile applications. The architecture is based on the declarative description of the available services. In this paper we present a model-driven approach for generating almost the complete source code of mobile services. By applying model-driven development within the proposed approach, a new service can be conveniently modeled with a graphical modeling tool and the graphical models are then used to generate the corresponding XML descriptions of the mobile user interface and the workflow specification. In order to use such a service no specific source code has to be implemented on the mobile device.

- Agents And Mobile Applications | Pp. 464-477

Automated Integration Tests for Mobile Applications in Java 2 Micro Edition

Dawid Weiss; Marcin Zduniak

Applications written for mobile devices have become more and more complex, adjusting to the constantly improving computational power of hardware. With the growing application size comes the need for automated testing frameworks, particularly frameworks for automated testing of user interaction and graphical user interface. While such testing (also called ) has been thoroughly discussed in literature with respect to desktop applications, mobile development limits the possibilities significantly. To our best knowledge only a few solutions for creating automated tests of mobile applications exist and their functionality is very limited in general or constrained to only proprietary devices. In this paper we demonstrate preliminary results of our attempt to design and implement a framework for capturing and replaying user interaction in applications written for the Java 2 Micro Edition environment. Our evaluation test bed is a complex commercial mobile navigation system and the outcomes so far are very promising.

- Agents And Mobile Applications | Pp. 478-487

Pitfalls of Agent System Development on the Basis of a Travel Support System

Maciej Gawinecki; Mateusz Kruszyk; Marcin Paprzycki; Maria Ganzha

Belief that a particular software engineering paradigm is universal for all domains is an illusion and agent-oriented engineering is not an exception. This we have learned during the development of an agent-based Travel Support System. The system was developed as a distributed environment to provide user with personalized content helping in travel planning. In this article we focus on these issues of our systems, where agents fit and give practical alternatives, where they do not. We believe that lessons learned in our project generalize to other project involving utilization of agent technology.

- Agents And Mobile Applications | Pp. 488-499

Anticipative Agent Based System Synchronization Example

Andrej Škraba; Miroljub Kljajić; Davorin Kofjač; Blaž Rodič; Matevž Bren

The concept of control as the extension of classical Wiener paradigm is considered in the context of multi agent systems. The behavior of complex real world agents is based on the consideration of feedback information as well as on the anticipation. A linear model of the agents with a nonlinear interaction rule is proposed as the mean for the methodological conception. The results of the developed system display a periodic response. An analytical determination of periodicity conditions for individual agents was performed by the application of . Proof of system stability for the case of two interacting agents has been provided. The hyperincursivity paradigm is presented as an interesting methodological platform for further investigation of multi agent systems.

- Agents And Mobile Applications | Pp. 500-509

Ubiquitous Commerce Business Models Based on Ubiquitous Media

Kyoung Jun Lee; Jeong-In Ju

Conventional media, such as newspapers, radio, TV and Internet appeal human cognitive and perceptual organisms such as brain, eyes and ears. The producers of text, image, and video use their cognitive and perception processes and their consumers also receive and interpret the messages using the same two kinds of processes. However, the media in ubiquitous environment not only takes advantage of human biological systems, but also the digital systems of human beings while conventional media appeals only to people’s bio-systems. Ubiquitous media creates and consumes content through not only human cognitive and perceptual processes but also through the interactions between surrounding digital systems. U-Media(Ubiquitous media) provides information by generating, collecting, and attaching the content itself and the related information based on the interaction of the bio-systems incorporating digital information and devices embedded in humans, and surrounding objects including external digital devices. This paper investigates the concept of media in ubiquitous environments and proposes a commerce business model based on U-Media.

- Agents And Mobile Applications | Pp. 510-521