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On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: CoopIS, DOA, GADA, and ODBASE (vol. # 4275): OTM Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, GADA, and ODBASE 2006, Montpellier, France, October 29: November 3,

Robert Meersman ; Zahir Tari (eds.)

En conferencia: OTM Confederated International Conferences "On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems" (OTM) . Montpellier, France . October 29, 2006 - November 3, 2006

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

WorkflowNet2BPEL4WS: A Tool for Translating Unstructured Workflow Processes to Readable BPEL

Kristian Bisgaard Lassen; Wil M. P. van der Aalst

This paper presents a tool to automatically map a graphical workflow model expressed in terms of Workflow Nets (WF-nets) onto BPEL. The (BPEL) has emerged as the de-facto standard for implementing processes and is supported by an increasing number of systems (cf. the IBM WebSphere Choreographer and the Oracle BPEL Process Manager). While being a powerful language, BPEL is difficult to use. Its XML representation is very verbose and only readable for the trained eye. It offers many constructs and typically things can be implemented in many ways, e.g., using links and the flow construct or using sequences and switches. As a result only experienced users are able to select the right construct. Some vendors offer a graphical interface that generates BPEL code. However, the graphical representations are a direct reflection of the BPEL code and not easy to use by end-users. Therefore, we provide a mapping from WF-nets to BPEL. This mapping builds on the rich theory of Petri nets and can also be used to map other languages (e.g., UML, EPC, BPMN, etc.) onto BPEL. To evaluate WorkflowNet2BPEL4WS we used more than 100 processes modeled using Protos (the most widely used business process modeling tool in the Netherlands), automatically converted these into CPN Tools, and applied our mapping. The results of these evaluation are very encouraging and show the applicability of our approach.

- Workflow Modelling | Pp. 127-144

Let’s Dance: A Language for Service Behavior Modeling

Johannes Maria Zaha; Alistair Barros; Marlon Dumas; Arthur ter Hofstede

In Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs), software systems are decomposed into independent units, namely services, that interact with one another through message exchanges. To promote reuse and evolvability, these interactions are explicitly described right from the early phases of the development lifecycle. Up to now, emphasis has been placed on capturing structural aspects of service interactions. Gradually though, the description of behavioral dependencies between service interactions is gaining increasing attention as a means to push forward the SOA vision. This paper deals with the description of these behavioral dependencies during the analysis and design phases. The paper outlines a set of requirements that a language for modeling service interactions at this level should fulfill, and proposes a language whose design is driven by these requirements.

- Workflow Modelling | Pp. 145-162

Dependability and Flexibility Centered Approach for Composite Web Services Modeling

Neila Ben Lakhal; Takashi Kobayashi; Haruo Yokota

The interest surrounding the Web services (WS) composition issue has been growing tremendously. In the near future, it is awaited to prompt a veritable shift in the distributed computing history, by making the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) a reality. Yet, the way ahead is still long. A careful investigation of a major part of the solutions proposed so far reveals that they follow a workflow-like composition approach and that they view failures as exceptional situations that need not to be a primary concern. In this paper, we claim that obeying these assumptions in the WS realm may constrain critically the chances to achieve a high-dependability level and may hamper significantly flexibility. Motivated with these arguments, we propose a WS composition modeling approach that accepts failures inevitability and enriches the composition with concepts that can add flexibility and dependability but that are not part from the WS architecture pillars, namely, the state, the transactional behavior, the vitality degree, and the failure recovery. In addition, we describe a WS composition in terms of definition rules, composability rules, and ordering rules, and we introduce a graphical and a formal notation to ensure that a WS composition is easily and dynamically adaptable to best suit the requirements of a continuously changing environment. Our approach can be seen as a higher level of abstraction of many of the current solutions, since it extends them with the required support to achieve higher flexibility, dependability, and expressiveness power.

- Workflow Modelling | Pp. 163-182

Aspect-Oriented Workflow Languages

Anis Charfi; Mira Mezini

Most available aspect-oriented languages today are extensions to programming languages. However, aspect-orientation, which is a paradigm for decomposition and modularization, is not only applicable in that context. In this paper, we introduce aspect-oriented software development concepts to workflow languages in order to improve the modularity of workflow process specifications with respect to crosscutting concerns and crosscutting changes. In fact, crosscutting concerns such as data validation and security cannot be captured in a modular way when using the constructs provided by current workflow languages. We will propose a concern-based decomposition of workflow process specifications and present the main concepts of aspect-oriented workflow languages using AO4BPEL, which is an aspect-oriented workflow language for Web Service composition.

- Workflow Modelling | Pp. 183-200

A Portable Approach to Exception Handling in Workflow Management Systems

Carlo Combi; Florian Daniel; Giuseppe Pozzi

Although the efforts from the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) led to the definition of a standard process definition language (XPDL), there is still no standard for the definition of expected exceptions in workflows. Yet, the very few Workflow Management Systems (WfMC) capable of managing exceptions, provide a proprietary exception handling unit, preventing workflow exception definitions from being portable from one system to another one.

In this paper, we show how generic process definitions based on XPDL can be seamlessly enriched with standard-conform exception handling constructs, starting from a high-level event-condition-action language. We further introduce a suitable rule compiler, enabling to yield portable process and exception definitions in a fully automated way.

- Workflow Management and Discovery | Pp. 201-218

Methods for Enabling Recovery Actions in Ws-BPEL

Stefano Modafferi; Eugenio Conforti

Self-Healing is an emerging exigency for Information Systems where processes are everyday more complicated and where many autonomous actors are involved. Roughly, self-healing mechanisms can be viewed as a set of automatic recovery actions fired at run-time according to the detected fault. These actions can be at infrastructure level, i.e. transparently to the process, or they can be defined in the workflow model and executed by the workflow engine. In the Service Oriented Computing world Ws-BPEL is the most used language for web-service orchestration, but standard recovery mechanisms provided by Ws-BPEL are not enough to implement, with reasonable effort, lots of suitable recovery actions.

This paper presents an approach where a designer defines a Ws-BPEL process annotated with some information about recovery actions and then a preprocessing phase, starting from this “annotated”Ws-BPEL, generates a “standard” Ws-BPEL, that is a file understandable for a standard Ws-BPEL engine. This approach has the advantage of avoiding any change in the engine using the standard capabilities to define specific behaviors that will realize recovery actions, but at the end are still a set of Ws-BPEL basic and structured activities.

- Workflow Management and Discovery | Pp. 219-236

BPEL Processes Matchmaking for Service Discovery

Juan Carlos Corrales; Daniela Grigori; Mokrane Bouzeghoub

The capability to easily find useful services (software applications, software components, scientific computations) becomes increasingly critical in several fields. Current approaches for services retrieval are mostly limited to the matching of their inputs/outputs. Recent works have demonstrated that this approach is not sufficient to discover relevant components. In this paper we argue that, in many situations, the service discovery should be based on the specification of service behavior. The idea behind is to develop matching techniques that operate on behavior models and allow delivery of partial matches and evaluation of semantic distance between these matches and the user requirements. Consequently, even if a service satisfying exactly the user requirements does not exist, the most similar ones will be retrieved and proposed for reuse by extension or modification. To do so, we reduce the problem of behavioral matching to a graph matching problem and we adapt existing algorithms for this purpose. A prototype is presented which takes as input two BPEL models and evaluates the semantic distance between them; the prototype provides also the script of edit operations that can be used to alter the first model to render it identical with the second one.

- Workflow Management and Discovery | Pp. 237-254

Evaluation of Technical Measures for Workflow Similarity Based on a Pilot Study

Andreas Wombacher

Service discovery of state dependent services has to take workflow aspects into account. To increase the usability of a service discovery, the result list of services should be ordered with regard to the relevance of the services. Means of ordering a list of workflows due to their similarity with regard to a query are missing. In this paper different similarity measures are presented and evaluated based on a pilot of an empirical study. In particular the different measures are compared with the study results. It turns out that the quality of the different measures differ significantly.

- Workflow Management and Discovery | Pp. 255-272

Evolution of Process Choreographies in DYCHOR

Stefanie Rinderle; Andreas Wombacher; Manfred Reichert

Process-aware information systems have to be frequently adapted due to business process changes. One important challenge not adequately addressed so far concerns the evolution of process choreographies, i.e., the change of interactions between partner processes in a cross-organizational setting. If respective modifications are applied in an uncontrolled manner, inconsistencies or errors might occur in the sequel. In particular, modifications of private processes performed by a single party may affect the implementation of the private processes of partners as well. In this paper we present the DYCHOR (DYnamic CHOReographies) framework which allows process engineers to detect how changes of private processes may affect related public views and – if so – how they can be propagated to the public and private processes of partners. In particular, DYCHOR exploits the semantics of the applied changes in order to automatically determine the adaptations necessary for the partner processes. Altogether our framework provides an important contribution towards the realization of adaptive, cross-organizational processes.

- Dynamic and Adaptable Workflows | Pp. 273-290

Worklets: A Service-Oriented Implementation of Dynamic Flexibility in Workflows

Michael Adams; Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede; David Edmond; Wil M. P. van der Aalst

This paper presents the realisation, using a Service Oriented Architecture, of an approach for dynamic flexibility and evolution in workflows through the support of flexible work practices, based not on proprietary frameworks, but on accepted ideas of how people actually work. A set of principles have been derived from a sound theoretical base and applied to the development of , an extensible repertoire of self-contained sub-processes aligned to each task, from which a dynamic runtime selection is made depending on the context of the particular work instance.

- Dynamic and Adaptable Workflows | Pp. 291-308