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Multiple Classifier Systems: 7th International Workshop, MCS 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, May 23-25, 2007. Proceedings

Michal Haindl ; Josef Kittler ; Fabio Roli (eds.)

En conferencia: 7º International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems (MCS) . Prague, Czech Republic . May 23, 2007 - May 25, 2007

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Pattern Recognition; Image Processing and Computer Vision; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Biometrics; Computation by Abstract Devices

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Selecting Diversifying Heuristics for Cluster Ensembles

Stefan T. Hadjitodorov; Ludmila I. Kuncheva

Cluster ensembles are deemed to be better than single clustering algorithms for discovering complex or noisy structures in data. Various heuristics for constructing such ensembles have been examined in the literature, e.g., random feature selection, weak clusterers, random projections, etc. Typically, one heuristic is picked at a time to construct the ensemble. To increase diversity of the ensemble, several heuristics may be applied together. However, not any combination may be beneficial. Here we apply a standard genetic algorithm (GA) to select from 7 standard heuristics for k-means cluster ensembles. The ensemble size is also encoded in the chromosome. In this way the data is forced to guide the selection of heuristics as well as the ensemble size. Eighteen moderate-size datasets were used: 4 artificial and 14 real. The results resonate with our previous findings in that high diversity is not necessarily a prerequisite for high accuracy of the ensemble. No particular combination of heuristics appeared to be consistently chosen across all datasets, which justifies the existing variety of cluster ensembles. Among the most often selected heuristics were random feature extraction, random feature selection and random number of clusters assigned for each ensemble member. Based on the experiments, we recommend that the current practice of using one or two heuristics for building k-means cluster ensembles should be revised in favour of using 3-5 heuristics.

- Cluster and Graph Ensembles | Pp. 200-209

Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Multiple Segmenters Strategy

Michal Haindl; Stanislav Mikeš

A novel unsupervised multi-spectral multiple-segmenter texture segmentation method with unknown number of classes is presented. The unsupervised segmenter is based on a combination of several unsupervised segmentation results, each in different resolution, using the sum rule. Multi-spectral texture mosaics are locally represented by four causal multi-spectral random field models recursively evaluated for each pixel. The single-resolution segmentation part of the algorithm is based on the underlying Gaussian mixture model and starts with an over segmented initial estimation which is adaptively modified until the optimal number of homogeneous texture segments is reached.

The performance of the presented method is extensively tested on the Prague segmentation benchmark using the commonest segmentation criteria and compares favourably with several alternative texture segmentation methods.

- Cluster and Graph Ensembles | Pp. 210-219

Classifier Ensembles for Vector Space Embedding of Graphs

Kaspar Riesen; Horst Bunke

Classifier ensembles aim at a more accurate classification than single classifiers. Different approaches to building classifier ensembles have been proposed in the statistical pattern recognition literature. However, in structural pattern recognition, classifier ensembles have been rarely used. In this paper we introduce a general methodology for creating structural classifier ensembles. Our representation formalism is based on graphs and includes strings and trees as special cases. In the proposed approach we make use of graph embedding in real vector spaces by means of prototype selection. Since we use randomized prototype selection, it is possible to generate different vector sets out of the same underlying graph set. Thus, one can train an individual base classifier for each vector set und combine the results of the classifiers in an appropriate way. We use extended support vector machines for classification and combine them by means of three different methods. In experiments on semi-artificial and real data we show that it is possible to outperform the classification accuracy obtained by single classifier systems in the original graph domain as well as in the embedding vector spaces.

- Cluster and Graph Ensembles | Pp. 220-230

Cascading for Nominal Data

Jesús Maudes; Juan J. Rodríguez; César García-Osorio

In pattern recognition many methods need numbers as inputs. Using nominal datasets with these methods requires to transform such data into numerical. Usually, this transformation consists in encoding nominal attributes into a group of binary attributes (one for each possible nominal value). This approach, however, can be enhanced for certain methods (e.g., those requiring linear separable data representations). In this paper, different alternatives are evaluated for enhancing SVM (Support Vector Machine) accuracy with nominal data. Some of these approaches convert nominal into continuous attributes using distance metrics (i.e., VDM (Value Difference Metric)). Other approaches combine the SVM with other classifier which could work directly with nominal data (i.e., a Decision Tree). An experimental validation over 27 datasets shows that Cascading with an SVM at Level-2 and a Decision Tree at Level-1 is a very interesting solution in comparison with other combinations of these base classifiers, and when compared to VDM.

- Cluster and Graph Ensembles | Pp. 231-240

A Combination of Sample Subsets and Feature Subsets in One-Against-Other Classifiers

Mineichi Kudo; Satoshi Shirai; Hiroshi Tenmoto

We investigated a “sample-feature-subset” approach which is a kind of extension of bagging and the random subspace method. In the procedure, we collect some subsets of training samples in each class and then remove the redundant features from those subsets. As a result, those subsets are represented in different feature spaces. We constructed one-against-other classifiers as the component classifiers by feeding those subsets to a base classifier and then combined them in majority voting. Some experimental results showed that this approach outperformed the random subspace method.

- Feature Subspace Ensembles | Pp. 241-250

Random Feature Subset Selection for Ensemble Based Classification of Data with Missing Features

Joseph DePasquale; Robi Polikar

We report on our recent progress in developing an ensemble of classifiers based algorithm for addressing the missing feature problem. Inspired in part by the random subspace method, and in part by an AdaBoost type distribution update rule for creating a sequence of classifiers, the proposed algorithm generates an ensemble of classifiers, each trained on a different subset of the available features. Then, an instance with missing features is classified using only those classifiers whose training dataset did not include the currently missing features. Within this framework, we experiment with several bootstrap sampling strategies each using a slightly different distribution update rule. We also analyze the effect of the algorithm’s primary free parameter (the number of features used to train each classifier) on its performance. We show that the algorithm is able to accommodate data with up to 30% missing features, with little or no significant performance drop.

- Feature Subspace Ensembles | Pp. 251-260

Feature Subspace Ensembles: A Parallel Classifier Combination Scheme Using Feature Selection

Hugo Silva; Ana Fred

In feature selection (FS), different strategies usually lead to different results. Even the same strategy may do so in distinct feature selection contexts. We propose a feature subspace ensemble method, consisting on the parallel combination of decisions from multiple classifiers. Each classifier is designed using variations of the feature representation space, obtained by means of FS. With the proposed approach, relevant discriminative information contained in features neglected in a single run of a FS method, may be recovered by the application of multiple FS runs or algorithms, and contribute to the decision through the classifier combination process. Experimental results on benchmark data show that the proposed feature subspace ensembles method consistently leads to improved classification performance.

- Feature Subspace Ensembles | Pp. 261-270

Stopping Criteria for Ensemble-Based Feature Selection

Terry Windeatt; Matthew Prior

Selecting the optimal number of features in a classifier ensemble normally requires a validation set or cross-validation techniques. In this paper, feature ranking is combined with Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE), which is an effective technique for eliminating irrelevant features when the feature dimension is large. Stopping criteria are based on out-of-bootstrap (OOB) estimate and class separability, both computed on the training set thereby obviating the need for validation. Multi-class problems are solved using the Error-Correcting Output Coding (ECOC) method. Experimental investigation on natural benchmark data demonstrates the effectiveness of these stopping criteria.

- Feature Subspace Ensembles | Pp. 271-281

On Rejecting Unreliably Classified Patterns

Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Carlo Sansone; Mario Vento

In this paper we propose to face the rejection problem as a new classification problem. In order to do that, we introduce a trainable classifier, that we call , to distinguish it from the classifier to which the reject option is applied (termed ). This idea yields a reject option that is largely independent of the approach used for the primary classifier, working also for systems providing as their only output the guess class.

The whole classification system can be seen as a serial multiple classifier system: given an input patter , the primary classifier limits to two the number of possible classes (i.e., its guess class and the reject class), while the reject classifier attributes to one out of these two classes.

The proposed reject method has been tested on three different publicly available databases. We also compared it with other reject rules and the results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

- Multiple Classifier System Theory | Pp. 282-291

Bayesian Analysis of Linear Combiners

Battista Biggio; Giorgio Fumera; Fabio Roli

A new theoretical framework for the analysis of linear combiners is presented in this paper. This framework extends the scope of previous analytical models, and provides some new theoretical results which improve the understanding of linear combiners operation. In particular, we show that the analytical model developed in seminal works by Tumer and Ghosh is included in this framework.

- Multiple Classifier System Theory | Pp. 292-301