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Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering: ITEE 2007: Third International ICSC Symposium

Jorge Marx Gómez ; Michael Sonnenschein ; Martin Müller ; Heinz Welsch ; Claus Rautenstrauch (eds.)

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Environmental Monitoring/Analysis; Environmental Management

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Water Supply and Water Demand of Beijing — A Game Theoretic Approach for Modeling

Shouke Wei; Albrecht Gnauck

Water allocation is an important and complicated issue in natural resource management. It usually involves water demand and water supply conflicts. However, most of the existing water allocation approaches usually do not function well in solving those conflicts. On the one hand, market-based water allocation is efficient for different users. On the other hand, however, water market is difficult to establish in most countries. One common feature of water allocation is that it is involved in such conflicts with multi-users of contradictory interests, goals and strategies. In this paper, a game-theory based concept for modeling of water allocation problems is presented. The demand-supply principle (DSP) is used as a platform to formulate non-cooperative games for decision support of water management plans. The results of such games allow not only better comparisons of the different groups of water users (including environment), but also give benefits to the administration and water supply companies. Examples are given from Beijing municipality.

- Water Pollution | Pp. 525-536

Modeling a Material Flow Network of a Casting House

Alexander Bock

The present contribution shows the process-modeling and analyzing of a foundry with the software Umberto. Besides, the special difficulties which appear at this enterprise should be indicated. In addition to that, a suggestion should be discussed to solve the problem of the data capture.

- Workshop: Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems | Pp. 539-547

Conception and Realization of a Web-based User Interface for an Environmental Simulation with Gridfunctionality

Stefan Hinze

Many available software products are overcrowded with functionality, so that a lot of users are overwhelmed. Often, the result is a failure of the according product. Especially environmental simulations need a lot of data as input and results should be simple to handle.

- Workshop: Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems | Pp. 549-558

Concept to Migrate an Access Based Environmental Information System into a Web-based Front-end Solution for the Environmental Management of a Waste Disposal Company

Thomas Kästner

Many Enterprises do still use MS-Access based Applications for the assistance of the tasks of environmental management. It is increasingly postulated to bring web based applications in use. Therefore many solutions are possible. This development will be shown on an example of the migration of an environmental information system for a waste disposal company. In this case the enterprise given conditions lead to three possible solutions. The usage of the Java Server Pages technology turned out as most suitable.

- Workshop: Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems | Pp. 559-566

Development of a Software-based Environmental Reporting According to the “Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz”

Jan Goscimski

Subject of this work is a software-based reporting according to paragraph 19 of 13 “BlmSchV”. Paragraph 19 calls for an annual reporting. The realization took place at a mineral oil company. On the enterprise’s behalf, an automated reporting was to be introduced in order to support the person responsible for emission protection. The reporting is based on ecological data, located at databases within the company’s intranet. The result of the implementation is a “Microsoft Excel” file. Various tasks have been realized through the usage of “Visual Basic for Applications”.

- Workshop: Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems | Pp. 567-574

Environmental and Safety Management Support

Thomas Wetzel; Nabil Allam

The legal conditions of industrial facilities that protect environment and staff have been improved in the last years. Independently of the type of enterprise, the appropriate regulations, conditions and documentations can hardly be managed. Under practical conditions these tasks are part of safety, health, and environment management. In 2005 a software prototype was developed at the University of Applied Sciences (FHTW). This prototype used simple technologies (e.g. Access as DBMS and a Microsoft Visual Basic 6 front-end) also contains the substantially functional requirements such as handling hazardous material. A research project was started in 2006 at FHTW that endeavors to realize encompassing environmental information system on the basis of the prototype. The usage of modern web-technologies is a special focus of data handling such as java server faces with hibernate. However such technologies are not only associated with advantages, especially the access to database via hibernate has to be used with caution to avoid data defects.

- Workshop: Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems | Pp. 575-583

Development and Implementation of a Software to Accelerate Data Acquisition as Part of a Corporate Environmental Management Information System for an Energy Company

Mathias Zirkelbach

In the present paper I will discuss a way to simplify the acquisition of a fuel data capturing software as part of an industrial environmental in-formation system for an energy producing company.

A lot of data is directly or indirectly linked to financial matters such as gains, costs, tax refunds, fees and necessary CO certificates. Numerous changes in the latest regulations and laws make it necessary for the energy producer to adjust his power stations [cp. ].

If a system’s emission is not up-to-date, sections are rebuilt. If this is impossible, a new power station needs to be build. The available soft-ware often is not able to meet the increasing amount of demands. New possibilities for the fuel data capturing make it necessary to adjust the software in short time. Even though the software is adjusted to the production, there are also several programs to be considered which are subject to the data evaluation. These programs do not have import inter-faces but are manually provided with data. The annual stocktaking, for example, is completely carried out by hand. Its data is saved in excel.

- Workshop: Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems | Pp. 585-595