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Distributed Computing: 21st International Symposium, DISC 2007, Lemesos, Cyprus, September 24-26, 2007. Proceedings
Andrzej Pelc (eds.)
En conferencia: 21º International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC) . Lemesos, Cyprus . September 24, 2007 - September 26, 2007
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
Theory of Computation; Computer Communication Networks; Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity; Programming Techniques; Computation by Abstract Devices; Operating Systems
Institución detectada | Año de publicación | Navegá | Descargá | Solicitá |
No detectada | 2007 | SpringerLink |
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ISBN electrónico
Editor responsable
Springer Nature
País de edición
Reino Unido
Fecha de publicación
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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
Cobertura temática
Tabla de contenidos
Fully Distributed Algorithms for Convex Optimization Problems
Damon Mosk-Aoyama; Tim Roughgarden; Devavrat Shah
We describe a distributed algorithm for convex constrained optimization in networks without any consistent naming infrastructure. The algorithm produces an approximately feasible and near-optimal solution in time polynomial in the network size, the inverse of the permitted error, and a measure of curvature variation in the dual optimization problem. It blends, in a novel way, gossip-based information spreading, iterative gradient ascent, and the barrier method from the design of interior-point algorithms.
- Brief Announcements | Pp. 492-493
On the Power of Impersonation Attacks
Michael Okun
In the standard message passing models it is assumed that the identity of a sender is known to the receiver. In practice, this often is not the case, due to impersonation attacks by malicious adversaries. Various impersonation attack schemes have been extensively investigated in the context of network security or cryptography, in particular for peep-to-peer and sensor networks [4,5]. Here, we study this problem in the context of distributed computing theory.
- Brief Announcements | Pp. 494-495
Perfectly Reliable and Secure Communication in Directed Networks Tolerating Mixed Adversary
Arpita Patra; Ashish Choudhary; Kannan Srinathan; Chandrasekharan Pandu Rangan
We characterize (PSMT) between two nodes and in model, assuming that wires are directed from to (also termed as ) and wires are directed from to (also termed as ). A adversary (, ) controls wires in Byzantine fashion and in fail-stop fashion among these u+n wires with unbounded computing power. wishes to send a message from a finite field in a manner to such that the adversary gets no information whatsoever on , though he has unbounded computing power. Our characterization is the first ever characterization for PSMT considering mixed adversary and reveals more fault tolerance than the existing results [1]. Our protocols terminates in constant number of phases, performs polynomial computation and have polynomial communication complexity.
- Brief Announcements | Pp. 496-498
A Formal Analysis of the Deferred Update Technique
Rodrigo Schmidt; Fernando Pedone
In the deferred update technique for database replication, a number of database replicas are used to implement a single serializable database interface. Its main idea consists in executing all operations of a transaction initially on a single database replica. Transactions that do not change the database state can commit locally to the replica they executed, but other transactions must be globally certified and, if committed, have their update operations submitted to all replicas. Despite its wide use, we are not aware of any work that explored the inherent limitations and characteristics of deferred update database replication, ours being the first attempt in this direction.
- Brief Announcements | Pp. 499-500
DISC at Its 20th Anniversary (Stockholm, 2006)
Michel Raynal; Sam Toueg; Shmuel Zaks
DISC 2006 marked the 20th anniversary of the DISC conferences. We list below the special events that took place during DISC 2006, together with some information and perspectives on the past and future of DISC.
- DISC 20th Anniversary | Pp. 501-503
DISC 20th Anniversary: Invited Talk Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of My Ideas About Distributed Systems
Leslie Lamport
A guided tour through the labyrinth of my thoughts, from the Bakery Algorithm to arbiter-free marked graphs. This exercise in egotism is by invitation of the DISC 20th Anniversary Committee. I take no responsibility for the choice of topic.
- DISC 20th Anniversary | Pp. 504-504
DISC 20th Anniversary: Invited Talk My Early Days in Distributed Computing Theory: 1979-1982
Nancy Lynch
I first became involved in Distributed Computing Theory around 1978 or 1979, as a new professor at Georgia Tech. Looking back at my first few years in the field, approximately 1979-1982, I see that they were tremendously exciting, productive, and fun. I collaborated with, and learned from, many leaders of the field, including Mike Fischer, Jim Burns, Michael Merritt, Gary Peterson, Danny Dolev, and Leslie Lamport.
Results that emerged during that time included space lower bounds for mutual exclusion; definition of the k-exclusion problem, with associated lower bounds and algorithms; the Burns-Lynch lower bound on the number of registers needed for mutual exclusion; fast network-wide resource allocation algorithms; the Lynch-Fischer semantic model for distributed systems (a precursor to I/O automata); early work on proof techniques for distributed algorithms; lower bounds on the number of rounds for Byzantine agreement; definition of the approximate agreement problem and associated algorithms; and finally, the Fischer-Lynch-Paterson impossibility result for consensus.
In this talk, I will review this early work, trying to explain how we were thinking at the time, and how the ideas in these projects influenced later work.
- DISC 20th Anniversary | Pp. 505-505
DISC 20th Anniversary: Invited Talk Provably Unbreakable Hyper-Encryption Using Distributed Systems
Michael O. Rabin
Encryption is a fundamental building block for computer and communications technologies. Existing encryption methods depend for their security on unproven assumptions. We propose a new model, the Limited Access model for enabling a simple and practical provably unbreakable encryption scheme. A voluntary distributed network of thousands of computers each maintain and update random pages, and act as Page Server Nodes. A Sender and Receiver share a random key K. They use K to randomly select the same PSNs and download the same random pages. These are employed in groups of say 30 pages to extract One Time Pads common to S and R. Under reasonable assumptions of an Adversary’s inability to monitor all PSNs, and easy ways for S and R to evade monitoring while downloading pages, Hyper Encryption is clearly unbreakable. The system has been completely implemented.
- DISC 20th Anniversary | Pp. 506-508