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Personal Wireless Communications: IFIP TC6 11th International Conference, PWC 2006, Albacete, Spain, September 20-22, 2006, Proceedings

Pedro Cuenca ; Luiz Orozco-Barbosa (eds.)

En conferencia: 11º IFIP International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (PWC) . Albacete, Spain . September 20, 2006 - September 22, 2006

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Computer Communication Networks; Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet); Information Storage and Retrieval; Software Engineering; Personal Computing

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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Información sobre derechos de publicación

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Modified RWGH and Positive Noise Mitigation Schemes for TOA Geolocation in Indoor Multi-hop Wireless Networks

Young Min Ki; Jeong Woo Kim; Sang Rok Kim; Dong Ku Kim

Time of arrival (TOA) based geolocation schemes for indoor multi-hop environment are investigated and compared to some of conventional geolocation schemes such as least squares (LS) or residual weighting (RWGH). The multi-hop ranging involves positive multi-hop noise as well as non-line of sight (NLOS) and Gaussian measurement noise, so that it is more prone to ranging error than one-hop range. In this paper, RWGH algorithm is modified by adapting weighted residual normalization considering the number of hops taken to measure each ranging. The iterative positive noise mitigation schemes are further developed by using distance enlargement test (DET) to mitigate the multi-hop ranging noise. Simulation results show that the proposed modified RWGH algorithms show 5 to 25% smaller average estimation error compared to LS and RWGH for both positive noise mitigation and no mitigation cases, and the positive noise mitigation schemes provide 28 to 42% error mitigation compared to no mitigation schemes.

- Wireless Sensor Networks (II) | Pp. 471-482

The Use of Wireless Networks for the Surveillance and Control of Vehicles in an Airport Environment

Augusto Casaca; Tiago Silva; António Grilo; Mário Nunes; Franck Presutto; Isabel Rebelo

The paper focusses on the use of wireless networks, with special emphasis on Wi-Fi, in the manoeuvering and apron areas of an airport to control the ground vehicles movements in those areas and, consequently, to improve user safety, efficiency of operations and airport security. The use of Wi-Fi for these purposes constitutes a novel approach in an airport environment. Other wireless networks, namely CDMA and Tetra, are also experimented in this project as a lower bit-rate alternative to Wi-Fi. The platform consists of an on-board system in each vehicle, a centralised ground system and wireless networks to allow the communication between the vehicles and ground system. The architecture, protocols and network configurations in use are analysed as well as the respective deployment made in the airport of Porto in Portugal.

- Mobile and Wireless Applications | Pp. 483-493

Security Analysis and Implementation Leveraging Globally Networked RFIDs

Namje Park; Seungjoo Kim; Dongho Won; Howon Kim

Mobile RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a new application to use mobile phone as RFID reader with a wireless technology and provides new valuable services to user by integrating RFID and ubiquitous sensor network infrastructure with mobile communication and wireless internet. However, there are an increasing number of concerns, and even some resistances, related to consumer tracking and profiling using RFID technology. Therefore, in this paper, we describe the security analysis and implementation leveraging globally networked mobile RFID service which complies with the Korea’s mobile RFID forum standard.

- Mobile and Wireless Applications | Pp. 494-505

Smart Blood Bag Management System in a Hospital Environment

Soo-Jung Kim; Sun K. Yoo; Hyun-Ok Kim; Ha-Suk Bae; Jung-Jin Park; Kuk-Jin Seo; Byung-Chul Chang

In order to provide suitable blood transfusion samples to patients, the blood bag should be kept at a uniformly maintained temperature to prevent deterioration during transportation. Therefore, this paper presents a blood monitoring and management system for use in hospitals. This system may continuously report the temperature of the blood bank refrigerator, track the location of a blood bag to increase staff operation efficiency, and can confirm that the assigned blood bag was transported to the intended patient in need of transfusion. We developed and demonstrated the clinical usability of the combined blood temperature management and tracking system using a ubiquitous sensor network and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology.

- Mobile and Wireless Applications | Pp. 506-517

Energy Efficient Utilization of IEEE 802.11 Hot Spots in 3G Wireless Packet Data Networks

F. Ozan Akgül; M. Oğuz Sunay

The third generation wireless networks and wireless local networks possess complementary characteristics. Recently, there has been significant interest in providing algorithms and specifications that enable their inter-operability. In this paper we propose a novel cross-network, cross-layer algorithm that jointly performs 3G resource allocation and ad-hoc mode WLAN routing towards effectively increasing the performance of the 3G system. The metrics used in this joint design ensures that multi-user diversity is exploited without causing user starvation in the 3G system and the WLAN assistance does not cause an unfair treatment to any of the mobiles from a battery usage point of view. Furthermore, the design attempts to select the WLAN route so that the assistance does not become a major part of the internal WLAN traffic.

- Mobile and Wireless Applications | Pp. 518-529