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Data and Applications Security XX: 20th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security, Sophia Antipolis, France, July 31-August 2, 2006, Proceedings

Ernesto Damiani ; Peng Liu (eds.)

En conferencia: 20º IFIP Annual Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec) . Sophia Antipolis, France . July 31, 2006 - August 2, 2006

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Data Encryption; Computer Communication Networks; Operating Systems; Management of Computing and Information Systems; Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity; Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Resolving Information Flow Conflicts in RBAC Systems

Noa Tuval; Ehud Gudes

Recently, Role Based Access Control (RBAC) model has taken place as a promising alternative to the conventional access control models, MAC and DAC. RBAC is more general than those traditional models as was shown by Osborn et al. [17], however, mapping a role based system to a valid MAC configuration is not always possible because certain combinations of permissions that are included in a role’s effective privileges may cause information flow. Given a role-based graph where role’s permissions refer to labeled data objects, Osborn et al. showed how to find conflicts that are resulted from information flow, but they have not suggested a solution for these conflicts and they have not handled user-role assignments, for the solved scheme. In this paper, we assume a more general model of permissions conflicts than MAC. We introduce an algorithm that handles information flow conflicts in a given role-based graph, corrects the Role-based graph if needed, and proposes a consistent users-roles assignment. As RBAC and information flow are becoming extremely important in Web based information systems, this algorithm becomes very relevant.

Pp. 148-162

Policy Transformations for Preventing Leakage of Sensitive Information in Email Systems

Saket Kaushik; William Winsborough; Duminda Wijesekera; Paul Ammann

In this paper we identify an undesirable side-effect of combining different email-control mechanisms for protection from unwanted messages, namely, leakage of recipients’ private information to message senders. The problem arises because some email-control mechanisms like bonds, graph-turing tests, , inherently leak information, and without discontinuing their use, leakage channels cannot be closed. We formalize the capabilities of an attacker and show how she can launch guessing attacks on recipient’s mail acceptance policy that utilizes leaky mechanism in an effort to avoid unwanted mail.

The attacker in our model guesses the contents of a recipient’s private information. The recipients’ use of leaky mechanisms allow the sender to verify her guess. We assume a constraint logic programming based policy language for specification and evaluation of mail acceptance criteria and present two different program transformations that can prevent guessing attacks while allowing recipients to utilize any email-control mechanism in their policies.

Pp. 163-178

Term Rewriting for Access Control

Steve Barker; Maribel Fernández

We demonstrate how access control models and policies can be represented by using term rewriting systems, and how rewriting may be used for evaluating access requests and for proving properties of an access control policy. We focus on two kinds of access control models: discretionary models, based on access control lists (ACLs), and role-based access control (RBAC) models. For RBAC models, we show that we can specify several variants, including models with role hierarchies, and constraints and support for security administrator review querying.

Pp. 179-193

Discretionary and Mandatory Controls for Role-Based Administration

Jason Crampton

Role-based access control is an important way of limiting the access users have to computing resources. While the basic concepts of role-based access control are now well understood, there is no consensus on the best approach to managing role-based systems. In this paper, we introduce a new model for role-based administration, using the notions of discretionary and mandatory controls. Our model provides a number of important features that control the assignment of users and permissions to roles. This means that we can limit the damage that can be done by malicious administrative users. We compare our approach to a number of other models for role-based administration, and demonstrate that our model has several advantages.

Pp. 194-208

A Distributed Coalition Service Registry for Ad-Hoc Dynamic Coalitions: A Service-Oriented Approach

Ravi Mukkamala; Vijayalakshmi Atluri; Janice Warner; Ranjit Abbadasari

It is often necessary for organizations to come together in a coalition to share services, without prior planning, to accomplish certain tasks. The (DCBAC) model facilitates the formation of dynamic coalitions through the use of a registry service, where available services can be advertised by potential coalition members. The central component of the DCBAC model is the (DCSR). Depending upon the levels of service needed by the service providers and requesters, DCSR provides different functionality. We define three levels of DCSR services: (i) Registry Service (ii)Authenticator Service, and (iii) Query Service. For the last service, DCSR answers a specific question directly by using the information resources of service providers, when the requester has needed credentials. No direct interactions are needed between the coalition members in this level of service. In this paper, we describe our service-oriented approach to DCSR design and show the flexibility that it offers. The design features are tested through a prototype DCBAC system built using the .Net framework.

Pp. 209-223

Enhancing User Privacy Through Data Handling Policies

C. A. Ardagna; S. De Capitani di Vimercati; P. Samarati

The protection of privacy is an increasing concern in today’s global infrastructure. One of the most important privacy protection principles states that personal information collected for one purpose may not be used for any other purpose without the specific of the person it concerns. Although users provide personal information for use in one specific context, they often have no idea on how such a personal information may be used subsequently.

In this paper, we introduce a new type of privacy policy, called , which defines how the personal information release will be (or should be) dealt with at the receiving party. A data handling policy allows users to define simple and appropriate levels of control over who sees what information about them and under which circumstances.

Pp. 224-236

Efficient Enforcement of Security Policies Based on Tracking of Mobile Users

Vijayalakshmi Atluri; Heechang Shin

Recent advances to mobile communication, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies have propelled the growth of a number of mobile services. These require maintaining mobile object’s location information and efficiently serving access requests on the and status of the moving objects. Moreover, these services raise a number of security and privacy challenges. To address this, security policies are specified to ensure controlled access to the mobile user’s location and movement trajectories, their profile information, and stationary resources based on the mobile user’s spatiotemporal information. Considering the basic authorization specification 〈, , 〉, in a mobile environment, a moving object can be a subject, an object, or both. Serving an access request requires to search for the desired moving objects that satisfy the query, as well as enforce the security policies.

Often, enforcing security incurs overhead, and as a result may degrade the performance of a system. To alleviate this problem, recently Atluri and Guo have proposed an unified index structure, TPR-tree, to organize both the moving objects and authorizations specified over them. However, the TPR-tree is not capable supporting security policies based on of mobile users. In this paper, we present an index structure, called S-tree, which maintains past, present and future positions of the moving objects along with authorizations by employing . We demonstrate how the S-tree can be constructed and maintained, and provide algorithms to process two types of access requests, including moving object requests by stationary subjects such as and , and stationary object requests by moving subjects.

Pp. 237-251

A Framework for Flexible Access Control in Digital Library Systems

Indrajit Ray; Sudip Chakraborty

Traditional access control models are often found to be inadequate for digital libraries. This is because the user population for digital libraries is very dynamic and not completely known in advance. In addition, the objects stored in a digital library are characterized by fine-grained behavioral interfaces and highly-contextualized access restrictions that require a user’s access privileges to be updated dynamically. These motivate us to propose a trust-based authorization model for digital libraries. Access privileges can be associated with both objects and content classes. Trust levels associated with these specify the minimum acceptable level of trust needed of a user to allow access to the objects. We use a vector trust model to calculate the system’s trust about a user. The model uses a number of different types of information about a user, for example, prior usage history, credentials, recommendations etc., to calculate the trust level in a dynamic manner and thus achieve a fine-grained access control.

Pp. 252-266

Authrule: A Generic Rule-Based Authorization Module

Sönke Busch; Björn Muschall; Günther Pernul; Torsten Priebe

As part of the access control process an authorization decision needs to be taken based on a certain authorization model. Depending on the environment different models are applicable (e.g., RBAC in organizations, MAC in the military field). An authorization model contains all necessary elements needed for the decision (e.g., subjects, objects, and roles) as well as their relations. As these elements are usually inherent in the software architecture of an access control module, such modules limit themselves to the use of a certain specific authorization model. A later change of the model consequently results in a substantial effort for revising the software architecture of the given module. Rule-based systems are well suited to represent authorization models by mapping them to facts and rules, which can be modified in a flexible manner. In this paper we present a generic authorization module, which can take authorization decisions on the basis of arbitrary models utilizing rule-based technology. The implementation of the popular RBAC and ABAC (attribute-based access control) models is demonstrated.

Pp. 267-281

Aspect-Oriented Risk Driven Development of Secure Applications

Geri Georg; Siv Hilde Houmb; Indrakshi Ray

Security breaches seldom occur because of faulty security mechanisms. Often times, security mechanisms are incorrectly incorporated in an application which allows them to be bypassed resulting in a security breach. Methodologies are needed for incorporating security mechanisms in an application and assessing whether the resulting system is indeed secure. We propose one such methodology for designing secure applications. We begin by identifying the assets in the application that need protection. We then find the kinds of attacks that are typical for such applications. We show how to evaluate the application against such attacks. If the results are unacceptable, that is, they pose a high security risk, then some security mechanism must be incorporated into the application. We illustrate how this can be done and show how the resulting system can be evaluated to give assurance that it is resilient to the given attack.

Pp. 282-296