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New Trends in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 20th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2007, Kyoto, Japan, June 26-29, 2007. Proceedings

Hiroshi G. Okuno ; Moonis Ali (eds.)

En conferencia: 20º International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE) . Kyoto, Japan . June 26, 2007 - June 29, 2007

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Computation by Abstract Devices; Pattern Recognition; Software Engineering; Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet); User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Constraint-Based Approach for Steelmaking–Continuous Casting Rescheduling

Tieke Li; Dongfen Guo

Steelmaking-continuous casting rescheduling problem is an NP-hard problem. In this paper, we present a constraint-based approach for steelmaking–continuous casting rescheduling problem in integrated steel production environment. We treat the steelmaking–continuous casting rescheduling problem as a dynamic constraint satisfaction problem. To maintain the production stability and the material flow continuity after rescheduling, the perturbation measure function of the model is defined as the summation of the absolute deviation between the new start times and the original start times of operations in continuous casting stage, the variable selection and value selection heuristics is designed based on the resource slackness to minimize the change extent of the rescheduling solution. The resource conflicts in the original schedule are incrementally repaired by the variable selection and value selection heuristics. The validity of the proposed model and approach are demonstrated by the computational examples.

- Heuristic Search II | Pp. 1108-1117

Study on Loop Problem in Opening Database for Chinese Chess Programs

Shi-Jim Yen; Tai-Ning Yang; Jr-Chang Chen; Shun-Chin Hsu

A Chinese chess program systematically constructs a large tree-based opening database by collecting knowledge from chess masters, books and game records in the opening phrase. However, those games with loops are not managed properly in the database. The perpetual situations are not recorded correctly in the database, and therefore the program will play a draw in an advantageous position and a loss in a draw position. This study describes a solution to the loop problem in opening database.

- Heuristic Search II | Pp. 1118-1126

Job Shop Scheduling Optimization Using Multi-modal Immune Algorithm

Guan-Chun Luh; Chung-Huei Chueh

A multi-modal immune algorithm is utilized for finding optimal solutions to job-shop scheduling problem emulating the features of a biological immune system. Inter-relationships within the algorithm resemble antibody molecule structure, antibody-antigen relationships in terms of specificity, clonal proliferation, germinal center, and the memory characteristics of adaptive immune responses. In addition, Gene fragment recombination and several antibody diversification schemes were incorporated into the algorithm in order to improve the balance between exploitation and exploration. Moreover, niche scheme is employed to discover multi-modal solutions. Numerous well-studied benchmark examples were utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

- Heuristic Search II | Pp. 1127-1137

Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Solving Network Expanded Problem in Wireless ATM Network

Der-Rong Din

In this paper, the (NEP) which optimally assigns new adding and splitting cells in (Personal Communication Service) network to switches in an (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) network is studied. In NEP, the locations of cells (or Base Stations, BSs) in PCS network are fixed and known, but new switches should be installed to ATM network and the topology of the backbone network may be changed.Given some potential sites of new switches, the problem is to determine how many switches should be added to the backbone network, the locations of new switches, the topology of the new backbone network, and the assignments of new adding and splitting cells in the PCS to switches of the new ATM backbone network in an optimal manner. The goal is to do the expansion in an attempt to minimize the total communication cost under budget and capacity constraints. The NEP is modelled as a complex integer programming problem. Since finding an optimal solution to this problem is Impractical. A simulated annealing (SA) algorithm is proposed to solve this problem. In the proposed SA, several heuristics are encoded into the perturbation to generate good solutions. Experimental results indicate that the proposed simulated annealing algorithm can get better performance than heuristic algorithm.

- Heuristic Search II | Pp. 1138-1147

An Intrusion Detection Based on Support Vector Machines with a Voting Weight Schema

Rung-Ching Chen; Su-Ping Chen

Though IDS (Intrusion Detection System) have been used for many years, the large number of returned alert messages leads to management inefficiencies. In this paper, we propose a novel method based on SVM (Support Vector Machines) with a voting weight schema to detect intrusion. First, TF (Term Frequency), TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) and entropy features are extracted from processes. Next, these three features are sent to the SVM model for learning and then for testing. We then use a general voting schema and a voting weight schema to test attack detection rate, false positive rate and accuracy. Preliminary results show the SVM with a voting weight schema combines low the false positive rates and high accuracy.

- Other Applications | Pp. 1148-1157

An Ontology-Supported and Fully-Automatic Annotation Technology for Semantic Portals

Sheng-Yuan Yang

We employ the techniques of ontology and linguistics to develop a fully-automatic annotation technique, which, when coupled with an automatic ontology construction method, can play a key role in the development of semantic portals. Based on this technique, we also demonstrate a semantic-portal prototype which defines how a semantic portal is interacting with the user by providing five different types of interaction patterns, including keyword search, synonym search, POS (Part-of-Speech)-constrained keyword search, natural language query, and semantic index search. Our primarily demonstrations show that it can indeed retrieve better semantic-directed information to meet user requests.

- Other Applications | Pp. 1158-1168

Development and Evaluation of an Intelligent Colour Planning Support System for Townscapes

Yuichiro Kinoshita; Eric W. Cooper; Katsuari Kamei

Aesthetics of townscapes have been a main factor in urban development. This paper introduces , an intelligent colour planning support system. The system offers improved colour schemes for existing townscapes based on three elements: colour harmony, impressions of the townscape, and cost for the change of colours. The system is constructed using an evolutionary algorithm and the engineering approach. After the construction, system evaluation is conducted. The subjects evaluate fifteen colour schemes output from the system in terms of colour harmony and the ideal impressions for the townscapes using the semantic differential method introduced by Osgood et al. The results of the evaluation demonstrate that the system has sufficient ability to propose appropriate colour schemes for the ideal town impressions.

- Other Applications | Pp. 1169-1179

A Testing Device for the Human Ability to Utilise Beneficial Environmental Features

Blagovest Vladimirov; Hiromi Mochiyama; Hideo Fujimoto

In this paper, we propose a device for testing the human ability to utilise, even unconsciously, beneficial environmental features. An important characteristic of the proposed testing device is that additional stimuli, correlated to the correct task outcome, are introduced during the test without informing the subject. The device tests whether the subject will notice the subtly provided stimuli and use them, consciously or not, to improve the task performance. The use of these additional stimuli is confirmed by observing a sudden drop in the subject’s performance (slump-like effect) when the additional stimuli are reversed, i.e., correlate to the wrong task outcome. We present several facts suggesting that the ability tested by the proposed device supports the human skill acquisition. An illustrative example of a specific implementation of the proposed device, based on a visual alternative choice task with additional audio stimuli, is presented to explain the testing process.

- Other Applications | Pp. 1180-1189