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Biological and Artificial Intelligence Environments: 15th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, WIRN VIETRI 2004

Bruno Apolloni ; Maria Marinaro ; Roberto Tagliaferri (eds.)

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Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics)

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Recent Applications of Neural Networks in Bioinformatics

Matthew J. Wood; Jonathan D. Hirst

In the post-genomic era, bioinformatics methods play a central role in understanding vast amounts of biological data. Due to their ability to find arbitrarily complex patterns within these data, neural networks play a unique, exciting and pivotal role in areas as diverse as protein structure and function prediction. This paper presents a critical overview of recent advances in bioinformatics which have utilised neural network methods.

- Pre-Wirn workshop on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Bistatistics (CIBB) | Pp. 91-97

An Algorithm for Reducing the Number of Support Vectors

Davide Anguita; Sandro Ridella; Fabio Rivieccio

According to the Support Vector Machine algorithm, the task of classification depends on a subset of the original data-set, which is the set of Support Vectors (SVs). They are the only information needed to compute the discriminating function between the classes and, therefore, to classify new data. Since both the computational complexity and the memory requirements of the algorithm depend on the number of SVs, this property is very appealing from the point of view of hardware implementations. For this reason, many researchers have proposed new methods to reduce the number of SVs, even at the expenses of a larger error rate. We propose in this work a method which aims at finding a single point per each class, called archetype, which allows to reconstruct the classifier found by the SVM algorithm, without suffering any classification rate loss. The method is also extended to the case of non-linear classification by finding an approximation of the archetypes in the input space, which maintain the ability to classify the data with a moderate increase of the error rate.

- Pre-WIRN workshop on Computational Intelligence on Hardware: Algorithms, Implementations and Applications (CIHAIA) | Pp. 99-105

Genetic Design of Linear Block Error-Correcting Codes

Alan Barbieri; Stefano Cagnoni; Giulio Colavolpe

In this paper we describe a new method, based on a genetic algorithm, for generating good (in terms of minimum distance) linear block error-correcting codes. We offer a detailed description of the algorithm, with particular regard to the genetic operators (selection, mutation and crossover) which have been specifically adapted to the problem. Preliminary experimental results indicate that the method can be very effective, especially in terms of fast production of good sub-optimal codes.

- Pre-WIRN workshop on Computational Intelligence on Hardware: Algorithms, Implementations and Applications (CIHAIA) | Pp. 107-116

Neural Hardware Based on Kernel Methods for Industrial and Scientific Applications

Andrea Boni; Ignazio Lazzizzera; Alessandro Zorat

This paper describes the design of a digital architecture suitable for the classification of large quantities of measurement data by means of a method based on the Support Vector Machines (SVMs). The proposed approach can be applied for solving general inverse modeling problems and for processing complex measurement data requiring real-time processing, possibly in a distributed mode over a number of physically small and geographically separated ‘computational nodes’. A problem of nonlinear channel equalization and a classification task from high energy physics are presented as discussed as two case studies for which the ability of achieving real-time processing is of paramount importance. The performance of such architectures is then analyzed in terms of its speed of execution, occupancy of the hardware modules available in a Virtex II FPGA chip, and classification error.

- Pre-WIRN workshop on Computational Intelligence on Hardware: Algorithms, Implementations and Applications (CIHAIA) | Pp. 117-123

Stratistical Learning for Parton Identification

D. Cauz; M. Giordani; G. Pauletta; M. Rossi; L. Santi

The application of methods of statistical learning to the identification of the partons from which hadronic jets originate is investigated using simulated jets in the CDF detector with the ultimate objective of applying them at the trigger level. Using only jet-related properties, it appears to be raltively easy to distinguish between jets originating from gluons and those originating from quarks in an energy-independent manner. Distinguishing between quark flavours is more difficult and will require inclusion of other variables.

- Pre-WIRN workshop on Computational Intelligence on Hardware: Algorithms, Implementations and Applications (CIHAIA) | Pp. 125-132

Time-Varying Signals Classification Using a Liquid State Machine

Antonio Chella; Riccardo Rizzo

The liquid state machine is a novel computation paradigm based on the transient dynamics of recurrent neural circuitry. In this paper it is shown that this systems can be used to recognize complex stimuli composed by non-periodic signals and to classify them in a very short time. Even if the network is trained over a segment of the signal the classification task is completed in a time interval significantly shorter than the time-window used for the training. Stimuli composed by many complex signals are recognized and classified even if some signals are absent.

- Pre-WIRN workshop on Computational Intelligence on Hardware: Algorithms, Implementations and Applications (CIHAIA) | Pp. 133-139

FPGA Based Statistical Data Mining Processor

Eros Pasero; Walter Moniaci; Tassilo Mendl

The goal of this project is to realize an enhanced data mining system which performs intelligent processing on data received from sensorial agents in a very flexible manner with reusability prospective. The project is implemented through a “digital core” constituted of a FPGA, a microcontroller and several memory blocks which co-operate to the computation. The FPGA is programmed in VHDL to implement the data mining process. The data mining system is composed of a sophisticated statistical non parametric part and a recurrent artificial neural network. The core was written in a recursive manner to permit the reconfigurability of the network and its reusability to all the systems which can be modeled through a similar system.

- Pre-WIRN workshop on Computational Intelligence on Hardware: Algorithms, Implementations and Applications (CIHAIA) | Pp. 141-148

Neural Classification of HEP Experimental Data

Salvatore Vitabile; Giovanni Pilato; Giorgio Vassallo; S. M. Siniscalchi; Antonio Gentile; Filippo Sorbello

High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments require discrimination of a few interesting events among a huge number of background events generated during an experiment. Hierarchical triggering hardware architectures are needed to perform this tasks in real-time. In this paper three neural network models are studied as possible candidate for such systems. A modified Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) architecture and a EαNet architecture are compared against a traditional MLP. Test error below 25% is archived by all architectures in two different simulation strategies. EαNet performance are 1 to 2%better on test error with respect to the other two architectures using the smaller network topology. The design of a digital implementation of the proposed neural network is also outlined.

- Pre-WIRN workshop on Computational Intelligence on Hardware: Algorithms, Implementations and Applications (CIHAIA) | Pp. 149-155

The Random Neural Network Model for the On-Line Multicast Problem

Giovanni Aiello; Salvatore Gaglio; Giuseppe Lo Re; Pietro Storniolo; Alfonso Urso

In this paper we propose the adoption of the Random Neural Network Model for the solution of the dynamic version of the Steiner Tree Problem in Networks (SPN). The Random Neural Network (RNN) is adopted as a heuristic capable of improving solutions achieved by previously proposed dynamic algorithms. We adapt the RNN model in order to map the network characteristics during a multicast transmission. The proposed methodology is validated by means of extensive experiments.

- WIRN Regular Sessions | Pp. 157-164

ERAF: A R Package for Regression and Forecasting

M. Filippone; F. Masulli; S. Rovetta

We present a package for R language containing a set of tools for regression using ensembles of learning machines and for time series forecasting. The package contains implementations of Bagging and Adaboost for regression, and algorithms for computing mutual information, autocorrelation and false nearest neighbors.

- WIRN Regular Sessions | Pp. 165-173