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Multi-Agent Systems and Applications V: 5th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEMAS 2007, Leipzig, Germany, September 25-27, 2007. Proceedings

Hans-Dieter Burkhard ; Gabriela Lindemann ; Rineke Verbrugge ; László Zsolt Varga (eds.)

En conferencia: 5º International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (CEEMAS) . Leipzig, Germany . September 25, 2007 - September 27, 2007

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Computer Communication Networks; Software Engineering; User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Agent-Based Architecture of Intelligent Distance Learning System

Mikhail Pashkin

During several recent decades a lot of research projects have been done in the area of intelligent distance learning systems. Such systems became wide spread in different educational and industrial organizations due to rapid evolution of network engineering and Internet. The physical presence of teacher and students in one class is not required due to usage of such systems. Usually, such systems have distributed architecture. This was a major motivation to make a research to analyze possibility of multiagent technologies usage in intelligent distance learning systems. The paper presents the developed architecture of agent community for such systems and a research prototype allowing to model agents’ interaction for user interface control based on several pedagogical strategies.

- Short Papers | Pp. 301-303

An Architecture and Framework for Agent-Based Web Applications

Alexander Pokahr; Lars Braubach

The construction of web applications is a complex task as different kinds of technologies need to be integrated. To ease the task of developing web applications many different web frameworks have been conceived. These frameworks aim at providing support for recurring and tedious development tasks and address complexity by separating the basic concerns of applications. Most of the currently available web frameworks adhere to the widely accepted Model 2 design pattern that targets a clean separation of model, view and controller parts of an application in the sense of the model view controller (MVC) pattern. In this paper it is shown how the basic Model 2 archiecture can be adapted for enabling its usage in combination with business logic realized with agent technology. Besides the architecture itself additionally its realization within the Jadex Webbridge framework is sketched.

- Short Papers | Pp. 304-306

Closing the Gap Between Organizational Models and Multi-Agent System Deployment

Michael Köhler; Matthias Wester-Ebbinghaus

Multi-agent system research deals with organization theoretical concepts in order to analyse and control supra-individual phenomena. However, there exists a conceptual gap between organizational specifications and their multi-agent implementation. We address this problem by presenting an integrated approach for the specification and deployment of organizational models based on Petri nets.

- Short Papers | Pp. 307-309

Clustering Techniques in Automated Purchase Negotiations

Miguel A. Lopez-Carmona; Juan R. Velasco; Ivan Marsa-Maestre

In this paper we propose a modification to a fuzzy constraint based framework for automated purchase negotiations in competitive trading environments. The goal of this work is to improve the performance of the negotiation processes in terms of computation time and joint utility. This modification is based on the use of clustering techniques in the seller’s decision mechanisms.

- Short Papers | Pp. 310-312

Cooperative CBR System for Sharing Student Models in Cooperative Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Carolina González; Juan C. Burguillo; Martín Llamas

Cooperation is the fundamental characteristic of multi-agent systems where the overall system exhibits significantly greater functionality than the individual components. In this paper, we propose a P2P cooperation framework for multiple Case-based Reasoning (CBR) agents to handle the student models initialization problem in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs). Our work shows that using the “committee” collaboration policy the agents can obtain better results that working alone, allowing to enhance the system overall performance.

- Short Papers | Pp. 313-315

Decision Making System: Agent Diagnosing Child Care Diseases

Vijay Kumar Mago; M. Syamala Devi; Ravinder Mehta

The use of Multi-agent systems (MAS) in healthcare domain has been widely recognized. But, due to uncertainty in medical domain, it is difficult to decide the appropriate agent with whom to collaborate in order to find the proper diagnosis for a given set of sign-symptoms. To overcome this problem, a Bayesian network (BN) based decision making framework is presented. The proposed methodology is applied to an Intelligent Pediatric Agent (IPA), a part of MAS for child care [1].

- Short Papers | Pp. 316-318

FIPA-Based Interoperable Agent Mobility

Jordi Cucurull; Ramon Martí; Sergi Robles; Joan Borrell; Guillermo Navarro

This paper presents a proposal for a flexible agent mobility architecture based on IEEE-FIPA standards and intended to be one of them. This proposal is a first step towards interoperable mobility mechanisms, which are needed for future agent migration between different kinds of platforms. Our proposal is presented as a flexible and robust architecture that has been successfully implemented in the JADE and AgentScape platforms. It is based on an open set of protocols, allowing new protocols and future improvements to be supported. With this proposal we demonstrate that a standard architecture for agent mobility capable of supporting several agent platforms can be defined and implemented.

- Short Papers | Pp. 319-321

HeCaSe2: A Multi-agent Ontology-Driven Guideline Enactment Engine

David Isern; David Sánchez; Antonio Moreno

  is a multi-agent system that intends to help doctors to apply clinical guidelines to their patients in a semi-automatic fashion.   agents need a lot of (scattered) information on health care organisations, as well as medical knowledge, in order to provide an efficient support to health care practitioners. Modelling all these data is certainly a hard task. The paper describes how the inclusion of an especially designed ontology allows different agents to coordinate their activities in the enactment of clinical guidelines.

- Short Papers | Pp. 322-324

jTRASTO: A Development Toolkit for Real-Time Multi-Agent Systems

Martí Navarro; Vicente Julian; Vicente Botti

Nowadays, there exist some toolkits that design and implement multi-agent systems. However, these toolkits have certain deficiencies when applied in specific environments (i.e. real-time environments). In these environment there may be strict temporal restrictions that require the use of specific agent architectures. Since these architectures are not covered in the development process of existing tools, this paper presents a new toolkit for the implementation of real-time multi-agent systems based on the jART platform.

- Short Papers | Pp. 325-327

Models and Tools for Mulan Applications

Lawrence Cabac; Till Dörges; Michael Duvigneau; Christine Reese; Matthias Wester-Ebbinghaus

In this work we describe the development process of multi-agent application design and implementation with M. Our approach can be characterized as model driven development by using models in all stages and levels of abstraction regarding design, implementation and documentation. Both, standard methods from software development as well as customized ones are used to satisfy the needs of multi-agent system development.

- Short Papers | Pp. 328-330