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Knowledge Discovery in Databases: PKDD 2007: 11th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Warsaw, Poland, September 17-21, 2007. Proceedings

Joost N. Kok ; Jacek Koronacki ; Ramon Lopez de Mantaras ; Stan Matwin ; Dunja Mladenič ; Andrzej Skowron (eds.)

En conferencia: 11º European Conference on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (PKDD) . Warsaw, Poland . September 17, 2007 - September 21, 2007

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Context-Specific Independence Mixture Modelling for Protein Families

Benjamin Georgi; Jörg Schultz; Alexander Schliep

Protein families can be divided into subgroups with functional differences. The analysis of these subgroups and the determination of which residues convey substrate specificity is a central question in the study of these families. We present a clustering procedure using the mixture framework using a Dirichlet mixture prior for simultaneous inference of subgroups and prediction of specificity determining residues based on multiple sequence alignments of protein families. Application of the method on several well studied families revealed a good clustering performance and ample biological support for the predicted positions. The software we developed to carry out this analysis is available from .

- Long Papers | Pp. 79-90

An Algorithm to Find Overlapping Community Structure in Networks

Steve Gregory

Recent years have seen the development of many graph clustering algorithms, which can identify community structure in networks. The vast majority of these only find disjoint communities, but in many real-world networks communities overlap to some extent. We present a new algorithm for discovering overlapping communities in networks, by extending Girvan and Newman’s well-known algorithm based on the centrality measure. Like the original algorithm, ours performs hierarchical clustering — partitioning a network into any desired number of clusters — but allows them to overlap. Experiments confirm good performance on randomly generated networks based on a known overlapping community structure, and interesting results have also been obtained on a range of real-world networks.

- Long Papers | Pp. 91-102

Privacy Preserving Market Basket Data Analysis

Ling Guo; Songtao Guo; Xintao Wu

Randomized Response techniques have been empirically investigated in privacy preserving association rule mining. However, previous research on privacy preserving market basket data analysis was solely focused on support/ confidence framework. Since there are inherent problems with the concept of finding rules based on their support and confidence measures, many other measures (e.g., correlation, lift, etc.) for the general market basket data analysis have been studied. How those measures are affected due to distortion is not clear in the privacy preserving analysis scenario.

In this paper, we investigate the accuracy (in terms of bias and variance of estimates) of estimates of various rules derived from the randomized market basket data and present a general framework which can conduct theoretical analysis on how the randomization process affects the accuracy of various measures adopted in market basket data analysis. We also show several measures (e.g., correlation) have monotonic property, i.e., the values calculated directly from the randomized data are always less or equal than those original ones. Hence, some market basket data analysis tasks can be executed on the randomized data directly without the release of distortion probabilities, which can better protect data privacy.

- Long Papers | Pp. 103-114

Feature Extraction from Sensor Data Streams for Real-Time Human Behaviour Recognition

Julia Hunter; Martin Colley

In this paper we illustrate the potential of motion behaviour analysis in assessing the wellbeing of unsupervised, vulnerable individuals. By learning the routine motion behaviour of the subject (i.e. places visited, routes taken between places) we show it is possible to detect unusual behaviours while they are happening. This requires the processing of continuous sensor data streams, and real-time recognition of the subject’s behaviour. To address privacy concerns, analysis will be performed locally to the subject on a small computing device. Current data mining techniques were not developed for restricted computing environments, nor for the demands of real-time behaviour recognition. In this paper we present a novel, online technique for discretizing a sensor data stream that supports both unsupervised learning of human motion behaviours and real-time recognition. We performed experiments using GPS data and compared the results of Dynamic Time Warping.

- Long Papers | Pp. 115-126

Generating Social Network Features for Link-Based Classification

Jun Karamon; Yutaka Matsuo; Hikaru Yamamoto; Mitsuru Ishizuka

There have been numerous attempts at the aggregation of attributes for relational data mining. Recently, an increasing number of studies have been undertaken to process social network data, partly because of the fact that so much social network data has become available. Among the various tasks in link mining, a popular task is , by which samples are classified using the relations or links that are present among them. On the other hand, we sometimes employ traditional analytical methods in the field of social network analysis using e.g., centrality measures, structural holes, and network clustering. Through this study, we seek to bridge the gap between the aggregated features from the network data and traditional indices used in social network analysis. The notable feature of our algorithm is the ability to invent several indices that are well studied in sociology. We first define general operators that are applicable to an adjacent network. Then the combinations of the operators generate new features, some of which correspond to traditional indices, and others which are considered to be new. We apply our method for classification to two different datasets, thereby demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach.

- Long Papers | Pp. 127-139

An Empirical Comparison of Exact Nearest Neighbour Algorithms

Ashraf M. Kibriya; Eibe Frank

Nearest neighbour search (NNS) is an old problem that is of practical importance in a number of fields. It involves finding, for a given point , called the query, one or more points from a given set of points that are nearest to the query . Since the initial inception of the problem a great number of algorithms and techniques have been proposed for its solution. However, it remains the case that many of the proposed algorithms have not been compared against each other on a wide variety of datasets. This research attempts to fill this gap to some extent by presenting a detailed empirical comparison of three prominent data structures for exact NNS: KD-Trees, Metric Trees, and Cover Trees. Our results suggest that there is generally little gain in using Metric Trees or Cover Trees instead of KD-Trees for the standard NNS problem.

- Long Papers | Pp. 140-151

Site-Independent Template-Block Detection

Aleksander Kołcz; Wen-tau Yih

Detection of template and noise blocks in web pages is an important step in improving the performance of information retrieval and content extraction. Of the many approaches proposed, most rely on the assumption of operating within the confines of a single website or require expensive hand-labeling of relevant and non-relevant blocks for model induction. This reduces their applicability, since in many practical scenarios template blocks need to be detected in arbitrary web pages, with no prior knowledge of the site structure. In this work we propose to bridge these two approaches by using within-site template discovery techniques to drive the induction of a site-independent template detector. Our approach eliminates the need for human annotation and produces highly effective models. Experimental results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed methodology for the important applications of keyword extraction, with relative performance gain as high as 20%.

- Long Papers | Pp. 152-163

Statistical Model for Rough Set Approach to Multicriteria Classification

Krzysztof Dembczyński; Salvatore Greco; Wojciech Kotłowski; Roman Słowiński

In order to discover interesting patterns and dependencies in data, an approach based on rough set theory can be used. In particular, Dominance-based Rough Set Approach (DRSA) has been introduced to deal with the problem of multicriteria classification. However, in real-life problems, in the presence of noise, the notions of rough approximations were found to be excessively restrictive, which led to the proposal of the Variable Consistency variant of DRSA. In this paper, we introduce a new approach to variable consistency that is based on maximum likelihood estimation. For two-class (binary) problems, it leads to the isotonic regression problem. The approach is easily generalized for the multi-class case. Finally, we show the equivalence of the variable consistency rough sets to the specific risk-minimizing decision rule in statistical decision theory.

- Long Papers | Pp. 164-175

Classification of Anti-learnable Biological and Synthetic Data

Adam Kowalczyk

We demonstrate a binary classification problem in which standard supervised learning algorithms such as linear and kernel SVM, naive Bayes, ridge regression, k-nearest neighbors, shrunken centroid, multilayer perceptron and decision trees perform in an unusual way. On certain data sets they classify a randomly sampled training subset nearly perfectly, but systematically perform worse than random guessing on cases unseen in training. We demonstrate this phenomenon in classification of a natural data set of cancer genomics microarrays using cross-validation test. Additionally, we generate a range of synthetic datasets, the outcomes of 0-sum games, for which we analyse this phenomenon in the i.i.d. setting.

Furthermore, we propose and evaluate a remedy that yields promising results for classifying such data as well as normal datasets. We simply transform the classifier scores by an additional 1-dimensional linear transformation developed, for instance, to maximize classification accuracy of the outputs of an internal cross-validation on the training set. We also discuss the relevance to other fields such as learning theory, boosting, regularization, sample bias and application of kernels.

- Long Papers | Pp. 176-187

Improved Algorithms for Univariate Discretization of Continuous Features

Jussi Kujala; Tapio Elomaa

In discretization of a continuous variable its numerical value range is divided into a few intervals that are used in classification. For example, Naïve Bayes can benefit from this processing. A commonly-used supervised discretization method is Fayyad and Irani’s recursive entropy-based splitting of a value range. The technique uses as a model selection criterion to decide whether to accept the proposed split.

We argue that theoretically the method is not always close to ideal for this application. Empirical experiments support our finding. We give a statistical rule that does not use the ad-hoc rule of Fayyad and Irani’s approach to increase its performance. This rule, though, is quite time consuming to compute. We also demonstrate that a very simple Bayesian method performs better than as a model selection criterion.

- Long Papers | Pp. 188-199