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Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes: 16th International Symposium, AAECC-16, Las Vegas, NV, USA, February 20-24, 2006, Proceedings

Marc P. C. Fossorier ; Hideki Imai ; Shu Lin ; Alain Poli (eds.)

En conferencia: 16º International Symposium on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms, and Error-Correcting Codes (AAECC) . Las Vegas, NV, USA . February 20, 2006 - February 24, 2006

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Coding and Information Theory; Data Encryption; Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science; Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity; Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation; Algorithms

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Traitor Tracing Against Powerful Attacks Using Combinatorial Designs

Simon McNicol; Serdar Boztaş; Asha Rao

This paper addresses the problem of threshold traitor tracing for digital content where, by embedding appropriate digital patterns into the distributed content, it is possible to trace and identify the source of unauthorised redistribution.

We use a set of marking assumptions where the adversaries have varying powers to change or erase coordinates of the fingerprint where their individual fingerprints differ–and consider the implications. We propose new codes derived from combinatorial designs–and develop a method for concatenating these codes to filter out the false positives and defend against some of the attacks considered.

Pp. 215-224

New Bounds on the Capacity of Multi-dimensional RLL-Constrained Systems

Moshe Schwartz; Alexander Vardy

We examine the well-known problem of determining the capacity of multi-dimensional run-length-limited constrained systems. By recasting the problem, which is essentially a combinatorial counting problem, into a probabilistic setting, we are able to derive new lower and upper bounds on the capacity of (0,)-RLL systems. These bounds are better than all previously-known bounds for ≥ 2, and are even tight asymptotically. Thus, we settle the open question: what is the rate at which the capacity of (0,)-RLL systems converges to 1 as → ∞? While doing so, we also provide the first ever non-trivial upper bound on the capacity of general (,)-RLL systems.

Pp. 225-234

LDPC Codes for Fading Channels: Two Strategies

Xiaowei Jin; Teng Li; Thomas E. Fuja; Oliver M. Collins

This paper compares two approaches to reliable communication over fading channels using low-density parity check (LDPC) codes. The particular model considered is the block fading channel with independent channel realizations. The first approach uses a block interleaver to create independent sub-channels that are encoded using irregular LDPC codes with rates specified by the appropriate capacity values; this first approach uses a decision feedback structure wherein decoded data are used as pilots to estimate the channel prior to the next round of decoding. The second approach uses a combined graph describing both the channel and the code to iteratively estimate the channel and decode data. For comparable channels, it is shown that the decision-feedback approach provides better performance when a long delay is acceptable, while the iterative receiver provides better performance when more stringent delay constraints are imposed.

Pp. 235-244

Low-Floor Tanner Codes Via Hamming-Node or RSCC-Node Doping

Shadi Abu-Surra; Gianluigi Liva; William E. Ryan

We study the design of structured Tanner codes with low error-rate floors on the AWGN channel. The design technique involves the “doping” of standard LDPC (proto-)graphs, by which we mean Hamming or recursive systematic convolutional (RSC) code constraints are used together with single-parity-check (SPC) constraints to construct a code’s protograph. We show that the doping of a “good” graph with Hamming or RSC codes is a pragmatic approach that frequently results in a code with a good threshold and very low error-rate floor. We focus on low-rate Tanner codes, in part because the design of low-rate, low-floor LDPC codes is particularly difficult. Lastly, we perform a simple complexity analysis of our Tanner codes and examine the performance of lower-complexity, suboptimal Hamming-node decoders.

Pp. 245-254

Algebraic Constructions of Quasi-cyclic LDPC Codes – Part I: For AWGN and Binary Random Erasure Channels

Lan Lan; Lingqi Zeng; Ying Y. Tai; Lei Chen; Shu Lin; Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar

This paper is the first part of a sequence of two papers that present algebraic constructions of quasi-cyclic LDPC codes for AWGN, binary random and burst erasure channels. In this paper, a class of quasi-cyclic LDPC codes for both AWGN and binary random erasure channels is constructed based on finite fields and special vector representations of finite field elements.

Pp. 255-264

Algebraic Construction of Quasi-cyclic LDPC Codes – Part II: For AWGN and Binary Random and Burst Erasure Channels

Ying Y. Tai; Lingqi Zeng; Lan Lan; Shumei Song; Shu Lin; Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar

This paper is the second part of a sequence of two papers that present several algebraic methods for constructing quasi-cyclic (QC) LDPC codes for AWGN, binary random and burst erasure channels. In the first paper, we presented a class of QC-LDPC codes for both the AWGN and binary random erasure channels. The construction of this class of QC-LDPC codes is based on finite fields and location vector representations of finite field elements. In this paper, we presented two other algebraic methods for constructing QC-LDPC codes for the AWGN, binary random and burst erasure channels.

Pp. 265-274

New Constructions of Quasi-cyclic LDPC Codes Based on Two Classes of Balanced Incomplete Block Designs: For AWGN and Binary Erasure Channels

Lan Lan; Ying Yu Tai; Shu Lin; Behshad Memari; Bahram Honary

This paper presents two new methods for constructing quasi-cyclic LDPC codes using certain special classes of balanced incomplete block designs constructed based on finite fields. The codes constructed perform well with iterative decoding over both AWGN and binary erasure channels.

Pp. 275-284

Long Extended BCH Codes Are Spanned by Minimum Weight Words

Tali Kaufman; Simon Litsyn

It is shown that long enough extended -error correcting BCH codes are spanned by its lightest words of weight 2 + 2. The proof follows from an upper bound on the number of words of weight 2 + 2 in any subcode of of codimension 1.

Pp. 285-294

On the Feng-Rao Bound for Generalized Hamming Weights

Olav Geil; Christian Thommesen

The Feng-Rao bound gives good estimates of the minimum distance of a large class of codes. In this work we are concerned with the problem of how to extend the Feng-Rao bound so that it deals with all the generalized Hamming weights. The problem was solved by Heijnen and Pellikaan in [7] for a large family of codes that includes the duals of one-point geometric Goppa codes and the -ary Reed-Muller codes, but not the Feng-Rao improved such ones. We show that Heijnen and Pellikaan’s results holds for the more general class of codes for which the traditional Feng-Rao bound can be applied. We also establish the connection to the Shibuya-Sakaniwa bound for generalized Hamming weights ([15], [16], [17], [18], [19] and [20]). More precisely we show that the Shibuya-Sakaniwa bound is a consequence of the extended Feng-Rao bound. In particular the extended Feng-Rao bound gives always at least as good estimates as does the Shibuya-Sakaniwa bound.

Pp. 295-306

Nested Codes for Constrained Memory and for Dirty Paper

Hans Georg Schaathun; Gérard D. Cohen

Dirty paper coding are relevant for wireless networks, multiuser channels, and digital watermarking. We show that the problem of dirty paper is essentially equivalent to some classes of constrained memories, and we explore the binary so-called nested codes, which are used for efficient coding and error-correction on such channels and memories.

Pp. 307-316