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On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: OTM 2005 Workshops: OTM Confederated International Workshops and Posters, AWeSOMe, CAMS, GADA. MIOS+INTEROP, ORM, PhDS, SeBGIS. SWWS, and WOSE 2005, Agia Napa, Cyprus, October 31: November 4, 2005. Pr

Robert Meersman ; Zahir Tari ; Pilar Herrero (eds.)

En conferencia: OTM Confederated International Conferences "On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems" (OTM) . Agia Napa, Cyprus . October 31, 2005 - November 4, 2005

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Database Management; Theory of Computation; Popular Computer Science; Information Storage and Retrieval; Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet); Computer Communication Networks

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Software Design of Electronic Interlocking System Based on Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling Technique

Jong-Sun Kim; Ji-Yoon Yoo; Hack-Youp Noh

Electronic interlocking systems using micro-computer are developed to overcome the problems of conventional relay interlocking systems and to minimize the cost and the maintenance requirements when the system needs to be rebuilt or expanded.[1] However, it is very difficult to diagnose the root cause in case of a single device problem since there are multiple causes. Therefore, guaranteeing the stability to a equivalent level to relay interlocking systems is the main requirement for electronic interlocking systems to be benefit. This can be accomplished by a careful design of both the hardware and software and their interface. The stability of the interlocking software is determined by not only its reliability and efficiency of interlocking implementation but also by the convenience of maintenance. The method of real-time system development and (the) method of conventional data have an error of the confidential side, error detecting and error recovery, problem of exception situation processing, reusability of software of process and maintenance aspect and so on. The method for supplement shortcoming of these methods is real-time software development methodologies of object center. These methodologies play important role in solving complexity system, maintaining and requiring increased problems of software quantity as applying to object intention concept. But, because these methods are putting emphasis on analysis than design method, which are quitting emphasis on object structure among the analyses, development of real-time software has lacking aspects. A design approach for developing interlocking software to improve the problems of existing systems was proposed in this paper. A design and modeling strategy based on the Real-time Object-Oriented Modeling (ROOM)[2] procedure, which is the most appropriate approach in the initial stage of real-time software development, is proposed. Although it is an object-oriented method, it is a top-down design method that is similar to the structural analysis method based on the ROOM that is effective for real-time problems; therefore, it is not only convenient for standardization, expansion, and maintenance but also can contribute to improved reliability and stability of the electronic interlocking system.

- Posters of the 2005 DOA (Distributed Objects and Applications) International Conference | Pp. 22-23

Ontology Based Negotiation Case Search System for the Resolution of Exceptions in Collaborative Production Planning

Chang Ouk Kim; Young Ho Cho; Jung Uk Yoon; Choon Jong Kwak; Yoon Ho Seo

In this paper, we present an ontology based negotiation case search system that supports contractors to solve exceptions generated during the operation of supply chain.

- Posters of the 2005 ODBASE (Ontologies, Databases, and Applications of Semantics) International Conference | Pp. 24-25

Enhanced Workflow Models as a Tool for Judicial Practitioners

Jörn Freiheit; Susanne Münch; Hendrik Schöttle; Grozdana Sijanski; Fabrice Zangl

In the past, attempts were made to make law and justice more accessible to general audience and to legal practitioners using models of legal texts. We present a new approach to make the judicial workflows easier to understand. By using process modelling methods, the developed representation emphasises on improving transparency, on promoting mutual trust and on formalising models for verification. To design semi-formal models interviews are used as well as legal texts are consulted. These models are formalised in a second step. The models are enhanced with hierarchies, modules and the generation of different views. Language problems are also treated. The subsequent formalised models are used to verify trigger events and timing of judicial workflows, which have very specific requirements in terms of periods of time and fixed dates. A new tool, , is presented which gives new perspectives into justice and reveal new potentials for modelling methods in the field of justice.

- Posters of the 2005 ODBASE (Ontologies, Databases, and Applications of Semantics) International Conference | Pp. 26-27

Semantics of Information Systems Outsourcing

H. Balsters; G. B. Huitema

Businesses are in nature dynamic and change continuously. Because of different economic prospects they grow in size and portfolio or just the other way they have to reduce one of these aspects. There are several ways to accomplish growth or reduction. A smooth way may consist of outsourcing parts of one’s non-core business processes to specialized parties in the market. A variety of outsourcing models have been developed ([6]). Outsourcing can range from having all the business process (such as development, maintenance and operations) performed by an outsourcing partner, up to having a contract with a partner performing only one single business task. In our work we concentrate on conceptual modeling of outsourcing information systems, where outsourcing in the context of information systems will be defined as delegating a part of the functionality of the original system to an existing outside party (the supplier). Such functionality typically involves one or more operations (or services), where each operation satisfies certain input- and output requirements. These requirements will be defined in terms of the ruling service level agreements (SLAs). We provide a formal means to ensure that the outsourcing relationship between outsourcing party and supplier, determined by a SLA, satisfies specific correctness criteria. These correctness criteria are defined in terms of consistency and completeness between the outsourced operation and the associated operation offered by the supplier. Our correctness criterion will concern mappings between an existing outsourcer schema and an existing supplier schema, and will address both semantical and ontological aspects pertaining to outsourcing. Formal specifications as offered in our work can prove their value in the setup and evaluation of outsourcing contracts. We will perform our analysis within the modeling framework based on the UML/OCL formalism ([8,9]). The Object Constraint Language OCL offers a textual means to enhance UML diagrams, offering formal precision in combination with high expressiveness. In [1] it has been demonstrated that OCL has at least the same expressive power as the relational algebra, (the theoretical core of the relational query language SQL), thus making OCL a very powerful language for specification of constraints, queries and views.

- Posters of the 2005 ODBASE (Ontologies, Databases, and Applications of Semantics) International Conference | Pp. 28-29

Integration of Heterogeneous Knowledge Sources in the CALO Query Manager

José Luis Ambite; Vinay K. Chaudhri; Richard Fikes; Jessica Jenkins; Sunil Mishra; Maria Muslea; Tomas Uribe; Guizhen Yang

We report on our effort to build a real system for integrating heterogeneous knowledge sources with different query answering and reasoning capabilities. We are conducting this work in the context of CALO (Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes), a multidisciplinary project funded by DARPA to create cognitive software systems.

- Posters of the 2005 ODBASE (Ontologies, Databases, and Applications of Semantics) International Conference | Pp. 30-32

Context Knowledge Discovery in Ubiquitous Computing

Kim Anh Pham Ngoc; Young-Koo Lee; Sung-Young Lee

This article introduces the concept of context knowledge discovery process, and presents a middleware architecture which eases the task of ubiquitous computing developers, while supporting data mining and machine learning techniques.

- Posters of the 2005 ODBASE (Ontologies, Databases, and Applications of Semantics) International Conference | Pp. 33-34

Ontology-Based Integration for Relational Data

Dejing Dou; Paea LePendu

Recent years gave witness to significant progress in database integration including several commercial implementations. However, existing works make strong assumptions about mapping representations but are weak on formal semantics and reasoning. Current research and practical application calls for more formal approaches in managing semantic heterogeneity [3].

- Posters of the 2005 ODBASE (Ontologies, Databases, and Applications of Semantics) International Conference | Pp. 35-36

AWeSOMe 2005 PC Co-chairs’ Message

Pilar Herrero; Gonzalo Méndez; Lawrence Cavedon; David Martin

We wish to extend a warm welcome to AWeSOMe’05, The First International Workshop on Agents, Web Services and Ontologies Merging. This workshop will be held in conjunction with the On The Move Federated Conferences and Workshops 2005 (OTM’05).

The current and future software needs are towards the development of large and complex Intelligent Networked Information Systems, covering a wide range of issues as required for the deployment of Internet- and Intranet-based systems in organizations and for e-business. The OTM’05 Federated Conferences and Workshops provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to their background to different emerging areas such as Data and Web Semantics, Distributed Objects, Web Services, Databases, Workflow, Cooperation, Interoperability and Mobility.

Web services are a rapidly expanding approach to building distributed software systems across networks such as the Internet. A Web service is an operation typically addressed via a URI, declaratively described using widely accepted standards, and accessed via platform-independent XML-based messages.

- Workshop on Agents, Web Services and Ontologies Merging (AWeSOMe) | Pp. 37-38

Document Flow Model: A Formal Notation for Modelling Asynchronous Web Services Composition

Jingtao Yang; Corina Cîrstea; Peter Henderson

This paper presents a formal notation for modelling asynchronous web services composition, using context and coordination mechanisms. Our notation specifies the messages that can be handled by different web services, and describes a system of inter-related web services as the flow of documents between them. The notation allows the typical web services composition pattern, asynchronous messaging, and has the capability to deal with long-running service-to-service interactions and dynamic configuration behaviors.

- Workshop on Agents, Web Services and Ontologies Merging (AWeSOMe) | Pp. 39-48

Realising Personalised Web Service Composition Through Adaptive Replanning

Steffen Higel; David Lewis; Vincent Wade

The emergence of fully-automated Web service composition as a potential facilitator of both eBusiness and ambient or ubiquitous computing is to be welcomed. However this emergence has exposed the need for flexibility and adaptivity due to the fundamentally unreliable nature of the networks and infrastructure on which the component services rely. Furthermore, a key to driving forward acceptance and adoption of this growing set of technologies is the improvement of the user’s overall experience therewith. Our experimentation has proven that it is quite possible to generate inflexible and only partially adaptive service compositions using out of the box A.I. planners. Because modifying the planner is beyond the scope of our research, we seek to use methods of pre-processing and post-analysis to enable AI planners to produce adaptive compositions. In this paper, the current state of our research is presented along with a proposed direction for improving the reconciliation of user needs with the available services.

- Workshop on Agents, Web Services and Ontologies Merging (AWeSOMe) | Pp. 49-58