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Data Management in a Connected World: Essays Dedicated to Hartmut Wedekind on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday

Theo Härder ; Wolfgang Lehner (eds.)

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Database Management; Computer Communication Networks; Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet); Software Engineering; Management of Computing and Information Systems

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Databases: The Integrative Force in Cyberspace

Andreas Reuter

Database technology has come a long way. Starting from systems that were just a little more flexible than low-level file systems, they have evolved into powerful programming and execution environments by embracing the ideas of data independence, non-procedural query languages, extensible type systems, automatic query optimization (including parallel execution and load balancing), automatic control of parallelism, automatic recovery and storage management, transparent distributed execution–to just name a few. Even though database systems are (today) the only systems that allow normal application programmers to write programs that will be executed correctly and safely in a massively parallel environment on shared data, database technology is still viewed by many people as something specialized to large commercial online applications, with a rather static design, something substantially different from the “other” IT components. More to the point: Even though database technology is to the management of persistent data what communication systems are to message-based systems, one can still find many application developers who pride themselves in not using databases, but something else. This is astounding, given the fact that, because of the dramatic decrease in storage prices, the amount of data that needs to be stored reliably (and retrieved, eventually) is growing exponentially–it’s Moore’s law, after all. And what is more: Things that were thought to be genuinely volatile until recently, such as processes, turn into persistent objects when it comes to workflow management, for example.

The paper argues that the technological evolution of database technology makes database systems the ideal candidate for integrating all types of objects that need persistence one way or the other, supporting all the different types of execution that are characteristic of the various application classes. If database systems are to fulfill this integrative role, they will have to adapt to new roles vis-a‘-vis the other system components, such as the operating system, the communication system, the language runtime environment, etc. but those developments are under way as well.


Federating Location-Based Data Services

Bernhard Mitschang; Daniela Nicklas; Matthias Grossmann; Thomas Schwarz; Nicola Hönle

With the emerging availability of small and portable devices which are able to determine their position and to communicate wirelessly, mobile and spatially-aware applications become feasible. These applications rely on information that is bound to locations and managed by so-called location-based data services. Large-scale location-based systems have to cope efficiently with different types of data (mostly spatial or conventional). Each type poses its own requirements to the data server that is responsible for management and provisioning of the data. In addition to efficiency, it is overly important to provide for a combined and integrated usage of that data by the applications.

In this paper we discuss various basic technologies to achieve a flexible, extensible, and scalable management of the context model and its data organized and managed by the different data servers. Based on a classification of location-based data services we introduce a service-oriented architecture that is built on a federation approach to efficiently support location-based applications. Furthermore, we report on the Nexus platform that realizes a viable implementation of that approach.


An Agent-Based Approach to Correctness in Databases

Herbert Stoyan; Stefan Mandl; Sebastian Schmidt; Mario Vogel

When defining the schema of a relational database, integrity constraints are included to describe simple syntactic constraints of correctness that can easily be tested in a centralized way when tuples are inserted, deleted or updated. Complex dependencies may exist between different tuples of a relation. The description of them can be difficult with current formalisms. An example for such an inconsistency is the problem of duplicates, the existence of different tuples describing the same real world entity. Duplicates can occur when one makes typographic or other errors while transferring the representation of a real-world entity to the database. In this paper, we describe a new method to detect dependencies of that kind using continuously active agents that check consistency of a database and propose steps to improve the content of the database.


Thirty Years of Server Technology — From Transaction Processing to Web Services

Klaus Meyer-Wegener

Server technology started with transaction-processing systems in the sixties. Database Management Systems (DBMS) soon adopted mechanism like multi-process and multi-threading. In distributed systems, the remote procedure call also needed process structures at the server side. The same is true for file servers, object servers (CORBA), Web servers, application servers, EJB containers, and Web Services. All these systems support a request-response behavior, sometimes enhanced with a session concept. They are facing thousands of requests per second and must manage thousands of session contexts at the same time. While programming the applications that run on the servers and actually process the requests should be as simple as possible, efficiency must still be very high. So a general programming environment should be defined that is easy to use and, on the other hand, allows for the efficient execution of thousands of program instances in parallel. This contribution will identify mechanisms that have been developed in the context of transaction processing and database management. It will then generalize them to server processing of any kind. This includes program structures, context management, multi-tasking and multi-threading, process structures, program management, naming, and transactions. The driving force behind the discussion is to avoid the re-invention of the wheel that far too often occurs in computer science, mostly in ignorance of older and presumably outdated systems.


Caching over the Entire User-to-Data Path in the Internet

Theo Härder

A Web client request traverses four types of Web caches, before the Web server as the origin of the requested document is reached. This client-to-server path is continued to the backend DB server if timely and transaction-consistent data is needed to generate the document. Web caching typically supports access to single Web objects kept ready somewhere in caches up to the server, whereas database caching, applied in the remaining path to the DB data, allows declarative query processing in the cache. Optimization issues in Web caches concern management of documents decomposed into templates and fragments to support dynamic Web documents with reduced network bandwidth usage and server interaction. When fragment-enabled caching of fine-grained objects can be performed in proxy caches close to the client, user-perceived delays may become minimal. On the other hand, database caching uses a full-fledged DBMS as cache manager to adaptively maintain sets of records from a remote database and to evaluate queries on them. Using so-called cache groups, we introduce the new concept of constraint-based database caching. These cache groups are constructed from parameterized cache constraints, and their use is based on the key concepts of value completeness and predicate completeness. We show how cache constraints affect the correctness of query evaluations in the cache and which optimizations they allow. Cache groups supporting practical applications must exhibit controllable load behavior for which we identify necessary conditions. Finally, we comment on future research problems.


Reweaving the Tapestry: Integrating Database and Messaging Systems in the Wake of New Middleware Technologies

Sangeeta Doraiswamy; Mehmet Altinel; Lakshmikant Shrinivas; Stewart Palmer; Francis Parr; Berthold Reinwald; C. Mohan

Modern business applications involve a lot of distributed data processing and inter-site communication, for which they rely on middleware products. These products provide the data access and communication framework for the business applications.

Integrated messaging seeks to integrate messaging operations into the database, so as to provide a single API for data processing and messaging. Client applications will be much easier to write, because all the logic of sending and receiving messages is within the database. System configuration, application deployment, and message warehousing are simplified, because we don’t have to manage and fine-tune multiple products.

Integrating messaging into a database also provides features like backup, restore, transactionality & recoverability to messages. In this paper, we’ll look at some aspects of messaging systems, and the challenges involved in integrating messaging such as message delivery semantics, transaction management and impact on query processing.


Data Management Support for Notification Services

Wolfgang Lehner

Database management systems are highly specialized to efficiently organize and process huge amounts of data in a transactional manner. During the last years, however, database management systems have been evolving as a central hub for the integration of mostly heterogeneous and autonomous data sources to provide homogenized data access. The next step in pushing database technology forward to play the role of an information marketplace is to actively notify registered users about incoming messages or changes in the underlying data set. Therefore, notification services may be seen as a generic term for subscription systems or, more general, data stream systems which both enable processing of standing queries over transient data.

This article gives a comprehensive introduction into the context of notification services by outlining their differences to the classical query/response-based communication pattern, it illustrates potential application areas, and it discusses requirements addressing the underlying data management support. In more depth, this article describes the core concepts of the project thereby choosing three different perspectives. From a first perspective, the subscription process and its mapping onto the primitive publish/subscribe communication pattern is explained. The second part focuses on a hybrid subscription data model by describing the basic constructs from a structural as well as an operational point of view. Finally, the notification service project is characterized by a storage and processing model based on relational database technology.

To summarize, this contribution introduces the idea of notification services from an application point of view by inverting the database approach and dealing with persistent queries and transient data. Moreover, the article provides an insight into database technology, which must be exploited and adopted to provide a solid base for a scalable notification infrastructure, using the project as an example.


Search Support in Data Management Systems

Andreas Henrich

In consequence of the change in the nature of data management systems the requirements for search support have shifted. In the early days of data management systems, efficient access techniques and optimization strategies for exact match queries had been the main focus. Most of the problems in this field are satisfactorily solved today and new types of applications for data management systems have turned the focus of current research to content-based similarity queries and queries on distributed databases. The present contribution addresses these two aspects. In the first part, algorithms and data structures supporting similarity queries are presented together with considerations about their integration in data management systems, whereas search techniques for distributed data management systems and especially for peer-to-peer networks are discussed in the second part. Here, techniques for exact match queries and for similarity queries are addressed.


Toward Automated Large-Scale Information Integration and Discovery

Paul Brown; Peter Haas; Jussi Myllymaki; Hamid Pirahesh; Berthold Reinwald; Yannis Sismanis

The high cost of data consolidation is the key market inhibitor to the adoption of traditional information integration and data warehousing solutions. In this paper, we outline a next-generation integrated database management system that takes traditional information integration, content management, and data warehouse techniques to the next level: the system will be able to integrate a very large number of information sources and automatically construct a global business view in terms of “Universal Business Objects”. We describe techniques for discovering, unifying, and aggregating data from a large number of disparate data sources. Enabling technologies for our solution are XML, web services, caching, messaging, and portals for real-time dashboarding and reporting.


Component-Based Application Architecture for Enterprise Information Systems

Erich Ortner

The paradigm of reuse is a traditional concept of surviving for humanity that manifests itself in human languages. The words (components) will be taken out of a lexicon (repository) and then combined to sentences (applications) according to the rules of a specific syntax (grammar). The paper points out the parallels between the component-based approach of human languages on the one hand and component-based application-system design in the software-engineering discipline on the other hand. We describe some instruments (e.g., repositories, part lists) for managing component-based system design, and introduce a language-critical middleware framework supporting the development and processing of component-oriented e-commerce applications (e.g., an electronic marketplace for trading software components). Furthermore, we present a classification of component types and a component specification framework. The existence of standards and exchange forums (e.g., market places) is — besides a sophisticated component- and configuration theory — a substantial prerequisite for superior component-based application development and system life-cycle management.