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Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 5th International Symposium, ATVA 2007 Tokyo, Japan, October 22-25, 2007 Proceedings

Kedar S. Namjoshi ; Tomohiro Yoneda ; Teruo Higashino ; Yoshio Okamura (eds.)

En conferencia: 5º International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA) . Tokyo, Japan . October 22, 2007 - October 25, 2007

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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Automatic Merge-Point Detection for Sequential Equivalence Checking of System-Level and RTL Descriptions

Bijan Alizadeh; Masahiro Fujita

In this paper, we propose a novel approach to verify equivalence of C-based system level description versus Register Transfer Level (RTL) model by looking for merge points as early as possible to reduce the size of equivalence checking problems. We tackle exponential path enumeration problem by identifying merge points as well as equivalent nodes automatically. It will describe a hybrid bit- and word-level representation called Linear Taylor Expansion Diagram (LTED) [1] which can be used to check the equivalence of two descriptions in different levels of abstractions. This representation not only has a compact and canonical form, but also is close to high-level descriptions so that it can be utilized as a formal model for many EDA applications such as synthesis. It will then show how this leads to more effective use of LTED to verify equivalence of two descriptions in different levels of abstractions. We use LTED package to successfully verify some industrial circuits. In order to show that our approach is applicable to industrial designs, we apply it to 64-point Fast Fourier Transform and Viterbi algorithms that are the most computationally intensive parts of a communication system.

- Regular Papers | Pp. 129-144

Proving Termination of Tree Manipulating Programs

Peter Habermehl; Radu Iosif; Adam Rogalewicz; Tomáš Vojnar

We consider the termination problem of programs manipulating tree-like dynamic data structures. Our approach is based on a counter-example guided abstraction refinement loop. We use abstract regular tree model-checking to infer invariants of the program. Then, we translate the program to a counter automaton (CA) which simulates it. If the CA can be shown to terminate using existing techniques, the program terminates. If not, we analyse the possible counterexample given by a CA termination checker and either conclude that the program does not terminate, or else refine the abstraction and repeat. We show that the spuriousness problem for lasso-shaped counterexamples is decidable in some non-trivial cases. We applied the method successfully on several interesting case studies.

- Regular Papers | Pp. 145-161

Symbolic Fault Tree Analysis for Reactive Systems

Marco Bozzano; Alessandro Cimatti; Francesco Tapparo

Fault tree analysis is a traditional and well-established technique for analyzing system design and robustness. Its purpose is to identify sets of basic events, called , which can cause a given , e.g. a system malfunction, to occur. Generating fault trees is particularly critical in the case of reactive systems, as hazards can be the result of complex interactions involving the dynamics of the system and of the faults. Recently, there has been a growing interest in model-based fault tree analysis using formal methods, and in particular symbolic model checking techniques. In this paper we present a broad range of algorithmic strategies for efficient fault tree analysis, based on binary decision diagrams (BDDS). We describe different algorithms encompassing different directions (forward or backward) for reachability analysis, using dynamic cone of influence techniques to optimize the use of the finite state machine of the system, and dynamically pruning of the frontier states. We evaluate the relative performance of the different algorithms on a set of industrial-size test cases.

- Regular Papers | Pp. 162-176

Computing Game Values for Crash Games

Thomas Gawlitza; Helmut Seidl

We consider crash games which are a generalization of parity games in which the play value of a play is an integer, -∞ or ∞. In particular, the play value of a finite play is given as the sum of the payoffs of the moves of the play. Accordingly, one player aims at maximizing the play value whereas the other player aims at minimizing this value. We show that the game value of such a crash game at position , i.e., the least upper bounds to the minimal play value that can be enforced by the maximum player in a play starting at , can be characterized by a hierarchical system of simple integer equations. Moreover, we present a practical algorithm for solving such systems. The run-time of our algorithm (w.r.t. the uniform cost measure) is independent of the sizes of occurring numbers. Our method is based on a strategy improvement algorithm. The efficiency of our algorithm is comparable to the efficiency of the discrete strategy improvement algorithm developed by Vöge and Jurdzinski for the simpler Boolean case of parity games [19].

- Regular Papers | Pp. 177-191

Timed Control with Observation Based and Stuttering Invariant Strategies

Franck Cassez; Alexandre David; Kim G. Larsen; Didier Lime; Jean-François Raskin

In this paper we consider the problem of controller synthesis for timed games under imperfect information. Novel to our approach is the requirements to strategies: they should be based on a finite collection of and must be in the sense that repeated identical observations will not change the strategy. We provide a constructive transformation to equivalent finite games with perfect information, giving decidability as well as allowing for an efficient on-the-fly forward algorithm. We report on application of an initial experimental implementation.

- Regular Papers | Pp. 192-206

Deciding Simulations on Probabilistic Automata

Lijun Zhang; Holger Hermanns

Probabilistic automata are a central model for concurrent systems exhibiting random phenomena. This paper presents, in a uniform setting, efficient decision algorithms for strong simulation on probabilistic automata, but with subtly different results. The algorithm for strong probabilistic simulation is shown to be of polynomial complexity via a reduction to LP problem, while the algorithm for strong simulation has complexity . The former relation allows for convex combinations of transitions in the definition and is thus less discriminative than the latter. As a byproduct, we obtain minimisation algorithms with respect to strong simulation equivalences and – for Markov decision processes – also to strong bisimulation equivalences. When extending these algorithms to the continuous-time setting, we retain same complexities for both strong simulation and strong probabilistic simulations.

- Regular Papers | Pp. 207-222

Mechanizing the Powerset Construction for Restricted Classes of -Automata

Christian Dax; Jochen Eisinger; Felix Klaedtke

Automata over infinite words provide a powerful framework to solve various decision problems. However, the mechanized reasoning with restricted classes of automata over infinite words is often simpler and more efficient. For instance, weak deterministic Büchi automata (s) can be handled algorithmically almost as efficient as deterministic automata over finite words. In this paper, we show how and when the standard powerset construction for automata over finite words can be used to determinize automata over infinite words. An instance is the class of automata that accept -recognizable languages. Furthermore, we present applications of this new determinization construction. Namely, we apply it to improve the automata-based approach for the mixed first-order linear arithmetic over the reals and the integers, and we utilize it to accelerate finite state model checking. We report on experimental results for these two applications.

- Regular Papers | Pp. 223-236

Verifying Heap-Manipulating Programs in an SMT Framework

Zvonimir Rakamarić; Roberto Bruttomesso; Alan J. Hu; Alessandro Cimatti

Automated software verification has made great progress recently, and a key enabler of this progress has been the advances in efficient, automated decision procedures suitable for verification (Boolean satisfiability solvers and satisfiability-modulo-theories (SMT) solvers). Verifying general software, however, requires reasoning about unbounded, linked, heap-allocated data structures, which in turn motivates the need for a logical theory for such structures that includes unbounded reachability. So far, none of the available SMT solvers supports such a theory. In this paper, we present our integration of a decision procedure that supports unbounded heap reachability into an available SMT solver. Using the extended SMT solver, we can efficiently verify examples of heap-manipulating programs that we could not verify before.

- Regular Papers | Pp. 237-252

A Generic Constructive Solution for Concurrent Games with Expressive Constraints on Strategies

Sophie Pinchinat

The emerging technology of interacting systems calls for new formalisms to ensure their reliability. Concurrent games are paradigmatic abstract models for which several logics have been studied. However, the existing formalisms show certain limitations in face of the range of strategy properties required to address intuitive situations. We propose a generic solution to specify expressive constraints on strategies in concurrent games. Our formalism naturally extends alternating-time logics while being highly flexible to combine constraints. Our approach is constructive and can synthesize many types of complex strategies, via automata-theoretic techniques.

- Regular Papers | Pp. 253-267

Distributed Synthesis for Alternating-Time Logics

Sven Schewe; Bernd Finkbeiner

We generalize the distributed synthesis problem to the setting of alternating-time temporal logics. Alternating-time logics specify the game-like interaction between processes in a distributed system, which may cooperate on some objectives and compete on others. Our synthesis algorithm works for hierarchical architectures (in any two processes there is one that can see all inputs of the other process) and specifications in the temporal logics ATL, ATL*, and the alternating-time -calculus. Given an architecture and a specification, the algorithm constructs a distributed system that is guaranteed to satisfy the specification. We show that the synthesis problem for non-hierarchical architectures is undecidable, even for CTL specifications. Our algorithm is therefore a comprehensive solution for the entire range of specification languages from CTL to the alternating-time -calculus.

- Regular Papers | Pp. 268-283