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25 Years of Transformations of Higher Education Systems in Post-Soviet Countries: Reform and Continuity

1st ed. 2016. 482p.

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

USSR countries; Soviet higher education reform; Soviet higher education policy; Post-Soviet higher education; vertical system differentiation; horizontal system differentiation

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No requiere 2016 Directory of Open access Books acceso abierto
No requiere 2016 SpringerLink acceso abierto


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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Kjell Jørgen Hole

Modern societies cannot function without information and communications technology (ICT) systems. When ICT systems such as electronic government (e-government) systems, e-payment infrastructures, and mobile phone networks fail, users can still access alternative systems based on older technologies, but these alternatives are rapidly disappearing. It is therefore necessary to develop ICT systems that remain highly robust to undesirable incidents over time and that are available to citizens around the clock.

Part I - The Concept of Anti-fragility | Pp. 3-12

Achieving Anti-fragility

Kjell Jørgen Hole

A stakeholder is a person or institution with a legitimate interest in a given information and communications technology (ICT) system. Examples of stakeholders are users, owners, operators, regulatory government agencies, system architects, and software developers. Given a set of stakeholders, a complex adaptive ICT system is to a particular type of negative impact, for example, downtime, if a possible large impact is unacceptable to some stakeholders in the set and if all possible impacts are acceptable to all stakeholders. The ICT system is if it learns (perhaps with help from some stakeholders) to maintain an acceptable impact to all stakeholders as the system and environment change over time.

Part I - The Concept of Anti-fragility | Pp. 13-23

The Need to Build Trust

Kjell Jørgen Hole

An organization operating and managing a complex adaptive information and communications technology (ICT) system is said to be anti-fragile when, over time, the organization is able to protect the user population from serious consequences of system failures and simultaneously provide digital services fulfilling the users’ changing needs. According to Chap. , failures are inevitable in a complex ICT system. Unless a user population has a high level of trust in the system, the population may abandon the system after a failure. Hence, any anti-fragile organization running a complex ICT system must maintain a high level of trust over time to keep their users after inevitable system failures.

Part I - The Concept of Anti-fragility | Pp. 25-34

Principles Ensuring Anti-fragility

Kjell Jørgen Hole

This chapter first introduces four design principles that together isolate local failures before they propagate and cause systemic failures. It then presents one operational principle to quickly remove exploitable vulnerabilities. Finally, the chapter discusses how a systemic failure can occur in a complex adaptive system even when no parts fail, as well as the need to build models to understand such extreme global behavior.

Part I - The Concept of Anti-fragility | Pp. 35-43

Anti-fragile Cloud Solutions

Kjell Jørgen Hole

To better understand how to achieve anti-fragility to downtime, the chapters of Part II discuss how to realize the four design principles and the one operational principle from Chap.  in different types of systems. The current chapter focuses on how to realize the principles in customer-facing web-scale solutions in the cloud. Much of the discussion is based on design and operational patterns described by Michael T. Nygard and Netflix’s realization of these patterns in its cloud-based streaming service.

Part II - Anti-fragility to Downtime | Pp. 47-56

Toward an Anti-fragile e-Government System

Kjell Jørgen Hole

This chapter first studies the Norwegian electronic government system Altinn as it appeared in 2012 to better understand why it is advantageous to base the design of anti-fragile web-scale systems on fine-grained service-oriented architectures in public clouds with scalable and distributed data storage. Next, the chapter considers the United Kingdom’s e-government system to understand the need for user-focused and iterative development to support both rapid change and high availability. Finally, the chapter discusses whether a nation should have a single e-government system running many services or multiple independent and diverse systems running a few services each.

Part II - Anti-fragility to Downtime | Pp. 57-65

Anti-fragile Cloud-Based Telecom Systems

Kjell Jørgen Hole

This chapter studies how to apply the five design and operational principles from Chap.  to develop and maintain cloud-based telecom infrastructures with anti-fragility to downtime.

Part II - Anti-fragility to Downtime | Pp. 67-78

Robustness to Malware Spreading

Kjell Jørgen Hole

This chapter investigates software diversity’s ability to make systems robust to the spreading of infectious malware and argues that diversity increases the time needed to compromise enterprise systems, thus increasing the probability of early detection and mitigation.

Part III - Anti-fragility to Malware | Pp. 81-92

Robustness to Malware Reinfections

Kjell Jørgen Hole

In this chapter, we study a stochastic epidemiological model of multimalware outbreaks where arbitrary but fixed probabilities determine whether nodes are infected. Furthermore, nodes recover from infections with given probabilities, only to be reinfected later. An incident from 2007, where the same worm repeatedly infected the internal networks of a Norwegian bank, illustrates how reinfections can occur in real networks.

Part III - Anti-fragility to Malware | Pp. 93-98

Anti-fragility to Malware Spreading

Kjell Jørgen Hole

To achieve anti-fragility to malware spreading, this chapter applies the fail fast principle from Chap.  to the robust malware-halting technique developed in the two previous chapters. According to the fail fast principle, it is necessary to learn from failures in complex adaptive systems when the impact of the failures are still small. In the case of infectious malware epidemics, once malware is detected on a node in a networked system, other nodes infected by the same malware should be healed and susceptible nodes should be protected from future infections of this malware.

Part III - Anti-fragility to Malware | Pp. 99-110