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Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining: Proceedings of the International IIS: IIPWMŽ06 Conference held in Ustrón, Poland, June 19-22, 2006

Mieczysław A. Kłopotek ; Sławomir T. Wierzchoń ; Krzysztof Trojanowski (eds.)

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer 2006

Tabla de contenidos

A Parallel Immune Algorithm for Global Optimization

Vincenzo Cutello; Giuseppe Nicosia; Emilio Pavia

This research paper presents a parallel immune algorithm, par-IA, using the LAM/MPI library to tackle global numerical optimization problems. par-IA has been compared with two important clonal selection algorithms, CLONALG and opt-IA, and a well-known evolutionary algorithm for function optimization, FEP. The experimental results show a global better performance of par-IA with respect to optIA, CLONALG, and FEP. Considering the results obtained, we can claim that par-IA is a robust immune algorithm for effectively performing global optimization tasks.

X - Invited Session: Applications of Artificial Immune Systems | Pp. 467-475

Data Mining Approach to Classification of Archaeological Aerial Photographs

Łukasz Kobyliński; Krzysztof Walczak

Aerial archaeology plays an important role in the detection and documentation of archaeological sites, which often cannot be easily seen from the ground. It is a quick way to survey large areas, but requires a lot of error-prone human work to analyze it afterwards. In this paper we utilize some of the best-performing image processing and data mining methods to develop a system capable of an accurate automated classification of such aerial photographs. The system consists of phases of image indexing, rough image segmentation, feature extraction, feature grouping and building the classifier. We present the results of experiments conducted on a real set of archaeological and non-archaeological aerial photographs and conclude with perspectives for future work.

XI - Invited Session: Data Mining – Algorithms and Applications | Pp. 479-487

Hierarchical Document Clustering Using Frequent Closed Sets

Marzena Kryszkiewicz; Łukasz Skonieczny

Aerial archaeology plays an important role in the detection and documentation of archaeological sites, which often cannot be easily seen from the ground. It is a quick way to survey large areas, but requires a lot of error-prone human work to analyze it afterwards. In this paper we utilize some of the best-performing image processing and data mining methods to develop a system capable of an accurate automated classification of such aerial photographs. The system consists of phases of image indexing, rough image segmentation, feature extraction, feature grouping and building the classifier. We present the results of experiments conducted on a real set of archaeological and non-archaeological aerial photographs and conclude with perspectives for future work.

XI - Invited Session: Data Mining – Algorithms and Applications | Pp. 489-498

Mining Spatial Association Rules with No Distance Parameter

Robert Bembenik; Henryk Rybiński

The paper focuses on finding spatial association rules. A new approach to mining spatial association rules is proposed. The neighborhood is defined in terms of the Delaunay diagrams, instead of predefining distance thresholds with extra runs. Once a Delaunay diagram is created, it is used for determining neighborhoods, and then, based on this knowledge it continues with finding association rules.

XI - Invited Session: Data Mining – Algorithms and Applications | Pp. 499-508

Morfeusz — a Practical Tool for the Morphological Analysis of Polish

Marcin Woliński

This paper describes a morphological analyser for Polish. Its features include a large dictionary, a carefully designed tagset, presentation of results as a DAG of interpretations, high efficiency, and free availability for non-commercial use and scientific research.

XII - Invited Session: Fundamental Tools for the Lexical and Morphosyntactic Processing of Polish | Pp. 511-520

Domain–Driven Automatic Spelling Correction for Mammography Reports

Agnieszka Mykowiecka; Małgorzata Marciniak

The paper presents a program for automatic spelling correction of texts from a very specific domain, which has been applied to mammography reports. We describe different types of errors and present the program of correction based on the Levenshtein distance and probability of bigrams.

XII - Invited Session: Fundamental Tools for the Lexical and Morphosyntactic Processing of Polish | Pp. 521-530

Reductionistic, Tree and Rule Based Tagger for Polish

Maciej Piasecki; Grzegorz Godlewski

The paper presents an approach to tagging of Polish based on the combination of handmade reduction rules and selecting rules acquired by Induction of Decision Trees. The general open architecture of the tagger is presented, where the overall process of tagging is divided into subsequent steps and the overall problem is reduced to subproblems of ambiguity classes. A special language of constraints and the use of constraints as elements of decision trees are described. The results of the experiments performed with the tagger are also presented.

XII - Invited Session: Fundamental Tools for the Lexical and Morphosyntactic Processing of Polish | Pp. 531-540