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The Future of Product Development: Proceedings of the 17th CIRP Design Conference

Frank-Lothar Krause (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Mechanical Engineering; Engineering Design; Industrial and Production Engineering; Automotive Engineering; Information Systems and Communication Service; Electrical Engineering

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

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Tabla de contenidos

Facilitating Product Development with the Help of Knowledge Management: the McKnow Platform

J. Vertommen; J. D’hondt; J. Duflou

Product designers and other professionals spend a large part of their time in search of previously gained information and knowledge within and outside company borders. When unable to find what they are looking for, these professionals often resort to reinvention of the wheel. This paper introduces the McKnow platform, a framework on which algorithms are developed that support a quantified approach to knowledge management. Key aspects of these algorithms are automation and user-orientation. Several offered functionalities are described, as well as conclusions from their experimental evaluation.

- KBE | Pp. 629-638

Integration of Learning Aptitude into Technical Systems

K. Paetzold

The higher level of intelligence of multi-disciplinary systems results from the opportunities coming along with further developments within informatics. This opens up new opportunities to develop cognitive technical systems, which independently improve and optimize their own performance. However cognitive abilities in technical systems are always tied to their embodiment. The acting in terms of the system’s intended purpose is based on data collected by the system from its environment or provided by the system itself. Furthermore it is necessary to integrate learning aptitudes in the technical system. The paper describes methods to include learnability for realizing cognitive abilities in a technical system.

- KBE | Pp. 639-648

New Perspectives on Design and Innovation

L. Alting; C. Clausen; U. Jørgensen; Y. Yoshinaka

Industry and society face a range of new challenges concerning innovative competences, methods and approaches, in order to develop new products and systems on a competitive basis. These are challenges which ensue from the dynamics of change stemming from technology, markets and society in the new globalised context.

- Science Keynotes | Pp. 649-664

Future Trends in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)

M. Abramovici

Over the last decade PLM has become one of the key technological and organisational approaches and enablers for the effective management of product development and product creation processes. The first part of the paper summarises the current PLM state of the art. The second part of the contribution describes the main expected development directions in PLM and shows some results from PLM research projects carried out by ITM Bochum in cooperation with different industrial partners.

- Science Keynotes | Pp. 665-674

Modeling, Evaluation and Design of Product Quality under Disturbances throughout the Total Product Life Cycle

F. Kimura

Comprehensive computer support for engineering activities in product design and manufacturing has been developed, and effectively used in industry for reducing product development lead time and enhancing total product quality. However due to rapid increase of product complexity, the product design process becomes very complicated, and technological errors in product development phases and subsequent product failures have now become a big issue. Current product modelling technology is not sufficient for coping with this issue because of the lack of accurate product behaviour prediction in practical environment. This paper surveys recent progress of virtual manufacturing, and clarifies various issues for product modelling. A new approach for product behaviour prediction under various disturbances is shown, and its applications for product quality evaluation and design are discussed.

- Science Keynotes | Pp. 675-684

Hype or Reality: Service Oriented Architecture in Product Lifecycle Management — How IBM Can Help You Achieve Innovation That Matters

C. An

Products are becoming more complex due to rapid technical innovations, especially with the increase in electronics and software content even inside traditionally mechanical products. Furthermore, the design and supply chain of products have become more complex as well, with suppliers taking greater part in the design process of the overall system, often taking responsibility for the design and manufacturing of major subsystems. These challenges are causing manufacturing companies to rethink their business processes and systems for product lifecycle management.

We’ll discuss how the current progress on enterprise application and infrastructure architecture based on service orientation (SOA) can enable the manufacturing companies to allow creation of highly integrated product lifecycle management processes, from the product concept to the product maintenance and retirement, while keeping the processes and the supporting systems flexible enough to easily adapt to changing business environments.

- Closing Keynotes | Pp. 685-690

The Future of Product Development in India

A. Chakrabarti

A product is reflects the constraints, beliefs and aspirations of a society. Product development both influences and is influenced by the growth of a society and its economy. India is a fast growing economy. We use a brief historical, socioeconomic account of India as a backdrop to detect the drivers and roadblocks to its economic and social growth. In this context, current and future trends of PD practice, education and research are sketched. are taken as artefacts of the act of designing, without limiting to only those created by industry in a market-economic context.

- Closing Keynotes | Pp. 691-701

Virtual Product Development as an Engine for Innovation

F. -L. Krause; H. Jansen; Chr Kind; U. Rothenburg

Innovation is one of the most important phenomena for the further development of industry and the resulting effects on society. Over the last fifty years the speed of changes has gradually increased. To be able to participate in this world of fast changes, it is necessary to thoroughly think about the current methods of product development and its future issues. A number of research activities are illustrated to show important future directions of development.

- Closing Keynotes | Pp. 703-713