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The Future of Product Development: Proceedings of the 17th CIRP Design Conference

Frank-Lothar Krause (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Mechanical Engineering; Engineering Design; Industrial and Production Engineering; Automotive Engineering; Information Systems and Communication Service; Electrical Engineering

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Knowledge Reengineering for Reverse Engineering Purposes

Z. Weiss; M. Pankowski

Often in the case of a machine defect, the easy and quick production of necessary spare parts becomes impossible because of lacking documentation. In such cases, Reverse Engineering techniques are used for the reconstruction of damaged or worn mechanical parts. The paper points out how to obtain additional knowledge in the case when geometric data is not sufficient for the reverse engineering of mechanical parts. The paper presents a method and a case study of additional knowledge reengineering for worn machine parts regeneration. The method was used for gathering additional knowledge essential for the regeneration of a hydraulic bending machine.

- Reverse Engineering | Pp. 421-430

Extended Virtual Prototyping

G. Höhne; S. Husung; E. Lotter

The content of this paper are the research topics at the TU Ilmenau in Virtual Engineering of micro- and nanosystems considering the spatial presentation. Further the concept of an audiovisual CAVE is presented which combines the stereoscopic projection with the new technology of acoustic wave-field-synthesis. Currently the aim of interdisciplinary research is the realistic reproduction of technical systems acoustical behaviour. In connection with this, the spatial presentation of acoustical behaviour facilitates psycho-acoustical evaluation of technical solutions during design process.

- Virtual Prototyping | Pp. 431-440

MagicMirror & FootGlove: A New System for the Customized Shoe Try-on

S. Mottura; L. Greci; E. Travaini; G. Viganò; M. Sacco

Some times, when you have the experience in a shop to buy shoes, it happens that you cannot find your preferred model. Starting from this simple problem, a new concept of shoes shop model comes out: the customer doesn’t use a pre-built set of product samples but he can digitally customize in the shop the shoes, try-on the shoes in augmented reality and then order their realization. This type of approach opens new ways to the shop concept moving from concept of mass production to the idea of mass customization. In this field ITIA is carrying on, inside the CEC-Made-Shoe Project, some research activities finalized to the support of the try-on process of customized shoes with two systems, called MagicMirror (MM) and FootGlove (FG), for the feelings of wearing shoes. In this article, last results and improvements to MM and FG prototypes are presented.

- Virtual Prototyping | Pp. 441-450

Contact Pressure Calculation Methodologies in Aeronautic Gearboxes in the CAD Process

L. Zamponi; E. Mermoz; J. M. Linares

This paper deals with the various methodologies usable in a CAD environment for the calculation of contact pressures in aeronautic gearbox bearings. These methodologies may be analytical (Hertz theory), numerical (F.E.M.) or hybrid. They are analyzed and compared according to their precision, calculation time and readiness to be integrated in the industrial design process. An optimum contact pressure calculation methodology will be presented based upon the results of this analysis.

- Virtual Prototyping | Pp. 451-462

Common Representation of Products and Services: A Necessity for Engineering Designers to Develop Product-Service Systems

N. Maussang; D. Brissaud; P. Zwolinski

From a couple of years now, a new selling approach is emerging from European enterprises. They are now more focused on providing services rather than selling physical products, or on selling more added services with products. The Product-Service System (PSS) principle is used to call these embedded sets of product and services in which the ratio between product and services can vary to satisfy the customer. But the development of these new sets is almost made by developing scenarios of the use. The problem is to translate these scenarios into products and services criteria for the engineering designers. This article will present a methodology based on Functional Analysis in order to support the development of products and services included in a PSS.

- Product Design | Pp. 463-471

Toward Design Interference Detection to Deal with Complex Design Problems

T. Tomiyama; V. D’Amelio

This paper proposes a method to deal with complex design problems typically found in multi-disciplinary design such as mechatronics design. First, it explains two different types of complexity, namely and , typically found in mechatronics design, from the viewpoint of knowledge structure. Second, a mechatronics design case illustrates how these types of complexity lead to undesired and unpredictable interactions that cause destructive decoupling of subsystems. Third, we present a technological way to detect such undesirable interactions at an early stage of design based on a qualitative reasoning technique.

- Product Design | Pp. 473-482

About the Efficiency and Cost Reduction of Parallel Mixed-Model Assembly Lines

S. Hazbany; I. Gilad; M. Shpitalni

Although Mixed-Model assembly lines have a number of advantages over Single-Model lines, they suffer from several drawbacks, such as increased assembly complexity and greater work flow fluctuations, mainly due to the differences between the models assembled in the line. This research has adopted a new approach to cope with the above disadvantages in which the models are clustered into several assembly lines. The research presents a Model Partitioning and Clustering Algorithm (MPCA), which determines the similarity between models and assigns them accordingly to different parallel assembly lines. Empirical analysis shows that the MPCA can find a better solution than the optimal solution for one Mixed-Model line, which assembles all the models simultaneously.

- Product Design | Pp. 483-492

The Application of a Statistical Design of Experiment for Quantitative Analysis and Optimisation of Development Processes

F. -L. Krause; Chr Kind; C. Biantoro

Any current assessment of the process outputs, which are derived either by key figures or by process simulation, will not lead to process optimisation, because both the parameters’ adjustment and the outputs’ changes analysis are mostly done by considering only one factor at a time instead of considering the interaction between many possible interrelated factors. In order to improve this condition, this paper presents the application of a statistical design of experiment for analysing and optimising process outputs. The main objective of this method is to obtain outputs at or near desired targets and to minimise output variability by employing the desirability functions.

- Product Design | Pp. 493-502

PLM Services in Practice

L. Lämmer; R. Bugow

The paper presents recent developments in product data modelling technology and their application in integration products for composing valuable software assets in dynamically adopting workflow systems. The findings are accompanied by an evaluation of dissemination results within a business critical OEM-supplier relationship scenario realized with best of breed software components — IBM Process Server and PROSTEP OpenPDM integration suite.

- PLM | Pp. 503-512

Composite Applications Enabling Product Data Management Applying SOA Principles and Software Factory Methods

Y. Bock

In the early design phases of a product, the product features are defined according to their functional specification. Changes in the design process will provoke tremendous costs which will increase during the ongoing development process. Surveying and evaluating the product attributes as early as possible will not only save costly changes, it will help to improve the product quality right from the beginning. This paper describes the development of composite applications for the company-wide management of product data during the whole product life-cycle applying the SOA principles. Furthermore this paper points out, how SOA principles contribute to the factorization of the software development process.

- PLM | Pp. 513-520