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Dental Perspectives on Human Evolution: State of the Art Research in Dental Paleoanthropology
Shara E. Bailey ; Jean-Jacques Hublin (eds.)
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No detectada | 2007 | SpringerLink |
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Springer Nature
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© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007
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Histological study of an upper incisor and molar of a bonobo () individual
F. Ramirez Rozzi; R.S. Lacruz
Work based on ground sections of teeth has provided accurate information on dental development in extant and extinct hominoid species. In contrast to radiographic studies, histological work is usually carried out using relatively small sample sizes. However, incremental lines in enamel and dentine enable us to interpret stages of crown formation and to establish patterns of dental development. Although these types of studies have been carried out in modern humans, common chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, and gibbons as well as in some extinct hominoids, almost nothing is known about the bonobo (). In this paper we present some aspects of dental development for a young female with the I crown just completed. Ground sections were obtained for the right I and M. The spacing between successive cross striations was measured in the outer, middle and inner portions of occlusal, lateral and cervical thirds of the enamel. The periodicities of the striae of Retzius were obtained, and the number of striae/perikymata were used to calculate the lateral formation time. Prism length and the average distance between cross striations were used to determine the cuspal formation time. Spacing between cross striations shows a gradual increase from the inner to the outer portions, and a decrease from the occlusal to the cervical region, as observed in modern humans and great apes. It is noteworthy that average values in this individual appear to be high. Crown formation time of this I was short. In addition, the perikymata packing pattern in was also different from that of and , in that the number of perikymata increased towards the cervix.
Part II - Dental Microstructure and Life History | Pp. 163-176
New perspectives on chimpanzee and human molar crown development
T.M. Smith; D.J. Reid; M.C. Dean; A.J. Olejniczak; R.J. Ferrell Assistant Professor; L.B. Martin
Previous histological studies of small samples of chimpanzee and human molars suggested similarities in crown formation time, which is surprising given substantial life history differences. As part of an on-going study of hominoid molar development, we report on the largest-known sample of chimpanzee and human molars, including re-evaluation of previously examined histological sections. Variation of incremental features within and between genera is examined, including Retzius line periodicity, daily secretion rate, and Retzius line number. Differences due to population-level variation and sexual dimorphism are also considered. Significant increasing trends in daily secretion rates were found from inner to outer cuspal enamel, ranging from approximately 3–5 microns/day in chimpanzees. Humans demonstrate slightly lower and higher mean values at the beginning and end of cuspal formation, respectively, but both genera show an overall average of approximately 4 microns/day. Retzius line periodicity ranges from 6–7 days within chimpanzees and 6–12 days within humans. Within upper molars, mesiopalatal cusps (protocones) show thicker cuspal enamel and longer crown formation time than mesiobuccal cusps (paracones). Within lower molars, mesiobuccal cusps (protoconids) show greater Retzius line numbers, longer imbricational formation time, and thicker cuspal enamel than mesiolingual cusps (metaconids), resulting in longer formation times. A negative correlation was found between Retzius line number and periodicity in the human sample, resulting in similar crown formation times within cusp types, despite the range of individual periodicities. Few sex differences were found, but a number of developmental differences were apparent among human populations. Cusp-specific formation time in chimpanzees ranges from 2–3 years on average. Within specific cusp types, humans show greater average formation times than chimpanzees, due to higher mean periodicity values and/or thicker cuspal enamel. However, formation time within specific cusp types varies considerably, and the two genera show overlapping ranges, which has implications for the interpretation of small samples.
Part II - Dental Microstructure and Life History | Pp. 177-192
Portable confocal scanning optical microscopy of enamel structure
T.G. Bromage; R. Lacruz; A. Perez-Ochoa; A. Boyde
The study of hominid enamel microanatomical features is usually restricted to the examination of fortuitous enamel fractures by low magnification stereo-zoom microscopy or, rarely, because of its intrusive nature, by high magnification compound microscopy of ground thin sections. To contend with limitations of magnification and specimen preparation, a Portable Confocal Scanning Optical Microscope (PCSOM) has been specifically developed for the non-contact and non-destructive imaging of early hominid hard tissue microanatomy. This unique instrument can be used for high resolution imaging of both the external features of enamel, such as perikymata and microwear, as well as internal structures, such as cross striations and striae of Retzius, from naturally fractured or worn enamel surfaces. Because there is veritably no specimen size or shape that cannot be imaged (e.g. fractured enamel surfaces on intact cranial remains), study samples may also be increased over what would have been possible before. We have applied this innovative technology to the study of enamel microanatomical features from naturally occurring occluso-cervical fractures of the South African hominid, representing different tooth types. We present for the first time detailed information regarding cross striation periodicity for this species and, in addition, we present data on striae-EDJ angles in a large sample of teeth and crown formation time for a molar of . Our results characterize a pattern of enamel development for , which is different to that reported for the genus , as previously observed.
Part II - Dental Microstructure and Life History | Pp. 193-209
Imbricational enamel formation in Neandertals and recent modern humans
D. Guatelli-Steinberg; D.J. Reid; T.A. Bishop; C. Spencer Larsen
Aspects of imbricational enamel growth are important for two reasons. First, they may be species-typical, providing insight into taxonomic questions. Second, because dental and somatic growth are linked, aspects of imbricational enamel growth may also provide insights into species-typical rates of growth and development. The present study investigates aspects of imbricational enamel formation in Neandertal anterior teeth relative to three modern human population samples from diverse regions (Point Hope, Alaska; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England; Southern Africa). A recent study by the same authors (Guatelli-Steinberg et al., 2005) focuses on evaluating how different Neandertals were from these modern human populations in the number of
Part II - Dental Microstructure and Life History | Pp. 211-227
B.A. Wood
A decade has past since I last reviewed the various ways in which studies of dental development can contribute to what was then still called hominid paleobiology (Wood, 1996) A little more than eighty years have passed but Adolph Schultz’s (1924) seminal contribution is still largely ignored and his paper is seldom cited.
Part III - Dental Development | Pp. 231-235
Of mice and monkeys: Quantitative genetic analyses of size variation along the dental arcade
L.J. Hlusko; M.C. Mahaney
We present preliminary results from quantitative genetic analyses of tooth size variation in two outbred pedigreed populations, baboons and mice. These analyses were designed to test the dental field theory as proposed by Butler (1939), that there are three fields within the dentition: incisor, canine, and molar. Specifically we estimated the genetic correlation between pairs of linear size measurements. Results from the baboon analyses suggest that there may also be a premolar field that is only partially independent of the molar field proposed by Butler (1939). Analyses of the mouse data indicate that for mice, size variation in the incisors appears to be genetically independent of molar size. If the field theory is correct, future analyses on incisor data for the baboons will return similar results of genetic independence. Circumstantial evidence from the fossil record suggests that there will be at least some degree of independence between the anterior and postcanine dentitions of primates.
Part III - Dental Development | Pp. 237-245
Quantifying variation in human dental development sequences: An EVO-DEVO perspective
J. Braga; Y. Heuze
The present paper describes a novel analytical approach to provide a comprehensive description of the complex interactions that exist between the growing permanent mandibular teeth (excluding the third molars), and to quantify variability in sequences of key events during crown and root formation, independent of chronological age. Importantly, our method integrates the fundamental concept of modularity and rejects the old statistical fallacy of analyzing data on the assumption that it contains no information beyond that revealed on a tooth-by- tooth analysis. Indeed, interactions between growing teeth may also contain some information, which enables developmental or evolutionary information to be uncovered. Our training sample is based upon cross-sectional standardized panoramic radiographs of the teeth of a total of 2089 children (1206 girls and 883 boys) of different geographic origins (mainly Western Europe, Southern Iran, and Ivory Coast). We observe that, in extant humans sampled so far, the relative development of the permanent incisors is more plastic and varies more than for other teeth. Therefore, we consider that the quantification of possible variations between onsets, durations and rates of development of different teeth in any given child, within a large sample, is a prerequisite to the analysis of fossil hominids. In particular, we seriously question the assumption that the anterior teeth can serve as a reliable substitute for the other permanent teeth, and in particular for interpretations on somatic maturity and brain size. Our hypothesis of modularity in dental development and our method derived from this concept can serve as a basis for identifying and studying patterns of dental growth and, importantly, for comparisons between extant populations, and/or fossil species. These studies do not need to be hedged with age assessments of unknown accuracy and reliability levels (particularly in fossils), or the assumption of independence between growing teeth.
Part III - Dental Development | Pp. 247-261
Dental calcification stages of the permanent M1 and M2 in U.S. children of African-American and European-American ancestry born in the 1990s
J. Monge; A. Mann; A. Stout; J. RogÈr; R. Wadenya
Reported here are the preliminary results of an ongoing study undertaken to determine if there are significant changes from the results obtained in the middle of the 20th Century in the range of variation in dental development in American children of European and African ancestry. Several thousand orthopanoramic radiographs, available from the Dental Clinics of Temple University and the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania will eventually be incorporated into this study. The 170 radiographs that have thus far been analyzed document significant changes in the maturation and development of the first and second permanent lower molars. Children in this study have dentitions that are maturing earlier than those in the samples published by Moorrees et al.(1963)and (1973). If the results of this preliminary analysis are confirmed by the incorporation of additional teeth and a larger sample of children, as has been reported elsewhere, it will be necessary to reconsider the characterization of dental development in living humans. Confirmation would also require re-evaluation of the range of inherent plasticity in human dental development. These preliminary results, along with the work by zihlman (2004), suggest that current concepts of what constitutes ‘‘normal’’ dental development in living humans and chimpanzees may have to be reconsidered; there are also marked implications for the way in which the developing dentition in fossil hominins is characterized.
Part III - Dental Development | Pp. 263-274
A computerized model for reconstruction of dental ontogeny: A new tool for studying evolutionary trends in the dentition
P. Smith; R. Müller; Y. Gabet; G. Avishai
All hominid molars show the same sequence of cusp initiation, but differ in the later stages of development. The topography of the dentin-enamel junction (DEJ) represents the outcome of differential growth between cusps. Since the cusps grow in an orderly sequence from tip to base (defined by the plane of coalescence with adjacent cusps), quantification of cusp volume and relationships can be used to reconstruct successive stages in development and their contribution to the morphometry of the crown surface. Their volume and spatial relationships at the DEJ enable us to partition cell proliferation in relation to cusp initiation, while quantification of the amount and distrib ution of enamel overlying the DEJ provides the necessary discrimination between cell proliferation and cell function, expressed in enamel matrix apposition. We have developed a three-dimensional computerized model of a lower molar tooth that enables us to identify and quantify the different stages of tooth development defined above. The model is based on serial micro-computed tomography (microCT) images of human teeth that provide accurate quantification of the outer and inner enamel and dentin boundaries of individual cusps. We have used this model to compare morphogenesis in the lower second deciduous molar and lower first permanent molar. Spatial relationships of the cusps, expressed by the topography of the DEJ showed that shape differences were established in the early stages of morphogenesis by differential proliferation within the developing tooth germ and that cusp size and proportions were modified at the crown surface by enamel apposition. Reduction of the hypoconulid in the permanent molar shown at the DEJ was largely masked by the exceptional thickness of enamel on this cusp. We propose that this model provides a novel contribution to the identification of ontogenetic trajectories and their contribution to evolutionary trends in tooth size, shape and enamel thickness.
Part III - Dental Development | Pp. 275-288
F.E. Grine
Teeth convey information about a number of interesting and potentially significant biological phenomena. Because the development of the dentition is closely related to that of the individual possessing it, teeth may reveal aspects of somatic development and life history (Dean et al., 1986, 2001; Smith, 1989; Smith et al., 1994, 1995; Bermúdez de Castro et al., 1999; Kelley and Smith, 2003; Ramirez Rozzi and Bermúdez de Castro, 2004; Nargolwalla et al., 2005). These revelations, in turn, may be of some importance to questions relating to the taxonomy of extinct hominins.
Part IV - Dentition and Diet | Pp. 291-302