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Pro ASP.NET 1.1 in VB .NET: From Professional to Expert

K. Scott Allen James Avery Russ Basiura Mike Batongbacal Marco Bellinaso Matt Butler Andreas Eide Daniel Cazzulino Michael Clark Richard Conway Robert Eisenberg Brady Gaster James Greenwood Kevin Hoffman Erik Johansson Angelo Kastroulis Dan Kent Sitaraman Lakshminarayanan Don Lee Christopher Miller Matt Milner Jan Narkiewicz Matt Odhner Ryan O’Keefe Andrew Reid Matthew Reynolds Enrico Sabbadin Bill Sempf Doug Seven Srinivasa Sivkumar Thiru Thangarathinam Doug Thews

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Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Apress 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Advanced ADO.NET

ADO.NET is, along with ASP.NET, one of the core ingredients of the .NET Framework. Understanding its subtleties is the key to writing scalable, data-driven applications. In this chapter, you explored advanced ADO.NET topics like transactions, images, and typed DataSets. You also learned how to build better data bound grids, and design a shopping cart system. To continue your exploration of ADO.NET, you can read one of the many dedicated books. One good choice is David Sceppa’s Microsoft ADO.NET (Core Reference) (Microsoft Press).

Palabras clave: Visual Studio; Shopping Cart; Product List; Helper Method; Isolation Level.

Part 2 - Data Access | Pp. 407-451


In this chapter, you’ve had a taste of ASP.NET’s XML features. The class libraries for interacting with XML are available to any .NET application, whether it’s a Windows application, web application, or a simple command-line tool. They provide one of the most fully featured toolkits for working with XML and other standards like XPath, XML Schema, and XSLT. XML is a vast topic, and there is much more to cover, such as advanced navigation, search and selection techniques, validation, and serialization. But remember that you should only use XML where it’s warranted. XML is a great tool for persisting file-based data in a readable format, and sharing information with other application components and services. However, it doesn’t replace the core data management techniques you’ve seen in previous chapters.

Palabras clave: Root Element; Child Element; Product Catalog; Stream Object; Namespace Prefix.

Part 2 - Data Access | Pp. 453-492

Files and Streams

In this chapter, you learned how to use the .NET classes for retrieving file system information. You also examined how to work with files and how to serialize objects. Along the way you learned how data binding can work with the file classes, how to plug security holes with the Path class, and how to deal with file contention in multiuser scenarios.

Palabras clave: File System; Binary File; Path Class; Full Path; Relative Path.

Part 2 - Data Access | Pp. 493-523

The ASP.NET Security Infrastructure

With ASP.NET, programmers finally have a comprehensive, full-featured set of security tools. As with many other features in the world of ASP.NET, the presence of a security framework simply means that there is less work for you to do to implement a variety of authentication and authorization scenarios. The .NET Framework provides three different types of authentication providers, including Windows authentication and forms authentication. Additionally, ASP.NET also includes all of the necessary interfaces and classes you need to build your own authentication and authorization system. In the following chapters, you’ll learn about all of these features.

Palabras clave: Certificate Authority; Malicious User; Symmetric Encryption; Security Infrastructure; Security Context.

Part 3 - Security | Pp. 527-543

Forms Authentication

In this chapter, you’ve seen how to use forms authentication to implement authentication systems that simplify life and provide a great deal of flexibility. You’ve learned how to protect passwords, use any data source for credential storage, and easily track user-specific information. In the next chapter, you’ll look at a different approach to validating user identity—Windows authentication.

Palabras clave: User Information; User Credential; Authentication Code; Malicious User; Anonymous User.

Part 3 - Security | Pp. 545-581

Windows Authentication

In this chapter, you’ve learned how to use Windows authentication with ASP.NET to let IIS validate user identities. You’ve learned about the different types of authentication, how to retrieve user information, and how to impersonate users so your code runs under a different Windows account. In the next chapter, you’ll learn about using advanced authorization rules that apply to Windows authentication and forms authentication.

Part 3 - Security | Pp. 583-599


Authorization provides an effective way to control access to resources. In this chapter, you’ve learned how to safeguard different pages, directories, and code routines in your web application using authorization. You’ve also seen how to extend forms authentication so it too can make use of role-based authorization. In the next chapter, you’ll take a look at a few advanced security techniques that you can use to extend ASP.NET authentication and authorization.

Part 3 - Security | Pp. 601-619

Advanced Security

In this chapter, you learned how take control of the .NET security with advanced techniques. You saw how to use stream-based encryption to protect stored data and the query string, and how to track users as they sign in and out of your application. Finally, you saw how to extend the ASP.NET authentication system with custom identity objects and authentication logic.

Part 3 - Security | Pp. 621-648

User Controls

In this chapter, you learned how to create simple and more sophisticated user controls. You also saw how to load user controls dynamically, and how to cache them. Though user controls are easy to create, they don’t solve every custom control challenge. In fact, user controls are quite limited in scope (they can’t be easily shared across applications), and have limited design-time support (for example, you can’t set events or properties in the Properties window or see how the control will look at design time). User controls also lack advanced features, and aren’t well suited if you need to render HTML and JavaScript on the fly. To improve on this situation, you can step up to custom controls, which are much more sophisticated and quite a bit more complicated to create.

Palabras clave: User Control; Server Control; Visual Studio; Event Handler; Public Class.

Part 4 - Advanced User Interface | Pp. 651-671

Custom Server Controls

In this chapter, you learned how to use a variety of techniques to create custom controls. In the next chapter, you’ll continue your exploration by learning how to take control of the design-time representation of a control. In Chapter 22 and Chapter 23, you’ll see examples of custom controls that use JavaScript and GDI+ for advanced solutions. Even after you’ve read all these chapters, you still won’t have learned everything there is to know about ASP.NET custom control creation. If you want to continue your exploration into the tricks, techniques, and idiosyncrasies of custom control programming, you might be interested in a dedicated book about the topic. One good resource is Developing Microsoft ASP.NET Server Controls and Components (Microsoft Press, 2002).

Palabras clave: Custom Server; Child Control; View State; Custom Control; Server Control.

Part 4 - Advanced User Interface | Pp. 673-726