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Research Notes of the AAS (RNAAS)

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Research Notes of the AAS is a non-peer reviewed, indexed and secure record of works in progress, comments and clarifications, null results, or timely reports of observations in astronomy and astrophysics.
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No detectada desde ene. 2017 / hasta dic. 2023 IOPScience


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ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

American Astronomical Society (AAS)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

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Tabla de contenidos

Yet Another Odd Radio Circle?

Amitesh OmarORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>The Odd Radio Circles are newly identified diffuse radio sources at ∼1 GHz frequency, with edge-brightened nearly circular morphology, which is remarkably similar to supernova remnants although a physical association with previous population of Galactic supernova remnants is challenging due to detections of the Odd Radio Circles at high Galactic latitudes. Here, a serendipitous identification of a new source in a LOFAR 144 MHz image with similar morphology as that of Odd Radio Circles is reported. This is the first reported identification of an Odd Radio Circle at a very low frequency and with the LOFAR.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 100

Intergalactic Travel with MOND Rockets

Abraham LoebORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>An attractive interpretation of MOdified Newtonian Dynamics as an alternative to dark matter, changes the inertia of matter at accelerations <jats:italic>a</jats:italic> ≲ <jats:italic>a</jats:italic> <jats:sub>0</jats:sub> ≈ 1.2 × 10<jats:sup>−8</jats:sup> cm s<jats:sup>−2</jats:sup>. I show that if inertia is modified at low accelerations, this suppresses the exponential factor for the required fuel mass in low acceleration journeys. Rockets operating at <jats:italic>a</jats:italic> ≪ <jats:italic>a</jats:italic> <jats:sub>0</jats:sub> might allow intergalactic travel with a modest fuel-to-payload mass ratio.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 101

The Entry of Supergiants into the Astronomical Lexicon

Graeme H. Smith

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>The early use of the term <jats:italic>supergiant</jats:italic> within the published literature has been traced from text searches carried out with the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 102

Flickering Returns as RS Oph Reestablishes Quiescent Conditions Following its 2021 Nova Outburst

Ulisse MunariORCID; Fulvio Tabacco

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>RS Oph has persistently displayed flickering at optical wavelengths when observed away from its repeating nova outbursts. During the 2006 eruption the flickering disappeared, and this repeated during the recent 2021 event. We have been monitoring RS Oph looking for the reappearance of flickering at <jats:italic>B</jats:italic>-band following the 2021 outburst. The flickering was still absent (<jats:italic>σ</jats:italic>(<jats:italic>B</jats:italic>) &lt; 0.002 mag) on day +210 (counted from nova optical maximum), appeared at <jats:italic>σ</jats:italic>(<jats:italic>B</jats:italic>) = 0.008 mag on day +224, and raised to <jats:italic>σ</jats:italic>(<jats:italic>B</jats:italic>) = 0.029 mag on day +250. On following dates the amplitude remained large, although fluctuating. The recovery of <jats:italic>B</jats:italic>-band quiescence brightness by RS Oph begun around day +225 and was completed by day +260. The parallel patterns followed by the rise in system brightness and the reappearance of flickering confirm the central role played in RS Oph by the return to pre-outburst conditions of the accretion disk and the refilling by the RG wind of the immediate circumstellar space.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 103

Galactic Kites

Abraham LoebORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>I show that interstellar films of material thinner than a micron, drift away from the Galactic plane as a result of stellar radiation pressure. Such films, whether produced naturally by dust coagulation in proto-planetary disks or artificially by technological civilizations, would accumulate over the age of the Milky Way and hover above the Galactic disk at a scale-height set gravitationally by the dark matter halo. Limits on scattered starlight imply that this population carries a fraction below 2 × 10<jats:sup>−3</jats:sup> of the interstellar medium mass.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 104

The Behavior of HgMn Stars in the Far UV −4: ι CrB A

Richard MonierORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>The analysis of twelve high resolution SWP spectra of the HgMn star HD 143807 A (<jats:italic>ι</jats:italic> CrB A) obtained through the large aperture recorded by the International Ultraviolet Explorer reveals that the far-ultraviolet flux of this star remained constant over the various observations with IUE. The TESS lightcurve of <jats:italic>ι</jats:italic> CrB does not show evidence for periodic variability. The absence of far and mid-UV variability and the reproducibility of the brightness in the <jats:italic>V</jats:italic> band during the IUE observations precludes the presence of large chemical gradients over the surface of <jats:italic>ι</jats:italic> CrB at the epoch of the IUE observations. The analysis of six high resolution SOPHIE spectra obtained over three consecutive nights in 2007 March does not show any variations of the lines, either in reduced intensity nor in radial velocity.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 105

Note on Fundamental Physics Tests from Black Hole Imaging: Comment on “Hunting for Extra Dimensions in the Shadow of Sagittarius A*”

Sunny VagnozziORCID; Luca VisinelliORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>Several recent works have tested fundamental physics with horizon-scale black hole (BH) images, using the size <jats:italic>r</jats:italic> <jats:sub>sh</jats:sub> and deviation from circularity <jats:inline-formula> <jats:tex-math> <?CDATA ${\rm{\Delta }}{ \mathcal C }$?> </jats:tex-math> <mml:math xmlns:mml="" overflow="scroll"> <mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Δ</mml:mi> <mml:mi mathvariant="italic"></mml:mi> </mml:math> <jats:inline-graphic xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="rnaasac7331ieqn1.gif" xlink:type="simple" /> </jats:inline-formula> of the BH shadow. For the Event Horizon Telescope image of Sgr A*, limits on <jats:inline-formula> <jats:tex-math> <?CDATA ${\rm{\Delta }}{ \mathcal C }$?> </jats:tex-math> <mml:math xmlns:mml="" overflow="scroll"> <mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Δ</mml:mi> <mml:mi mathvariant="italic"></mml:mi> </mml:math> <jats:inline-graphic xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="rnaasac7331ieqn2.gif" xlink:type="simple" /> </jats:inline-formula> are not available due to the sparse interferometric coverage of the 2017 observations, alongside the short variability timescale of Sgr A* compared to M87*. We comment on the results of a recent preprint which purports to have derived new limits on extra dimensions using the deviation from circularity of Sgr A*'s shadow. The latter is quoted to be ≲10% as with M87*, based on the “similarity” of the two shadows, which however is an incorrect assumption. In the immediate future, the simplest tests of fundamental physics from Sgr A*'s image will mostly have to rely on <jats:italic>r</jats:italic> <jats:sub>sh</jats:sub>.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 106

Discovery of a New Massive ZZ Ceti Star

Kendall G. ShepherdORCID; Weston HallORCID; Barbara G. Castanheira

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>Massive pulsating white dwarf stars are extremely rare, because they are the final product of intermediate-mass stars, which are less common than low-mass stars. Additionally, their small size makes them fainter than the normal-mass white dwarf stars (∼0.6 <jats:italic>M</jats:italic> <jats:sub>⊙</jats:sub>). Our motivation to look for this type of variable is to be able to study in detail their internal structure and therefore derive properties for the outcome of the evolution of intermediate mass stars, below 10 <jats:italic>M</jats:italic> <jats:sub>⊙</jats:sub>. Using the 2.1 m Otto Struve Telescope at McDonald Observatory, we report on the discovery of a new massive pulsating white dwarf star. These stars might be massive enough that their cores have a significant crystallized portion, up to about 50%. A detailed asteroseismic study of these stars will provide important constrains on intermediate-mass stellar evolution, and the opportunity to study solid state physics at extreme conditions.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 107

A Linear Divider Between the Blue Sequence and Red Sequence in Color–Magnitude Space

Derrick James; Barbara S. RydenORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>We compute the optimal divider between the red sequence and blue sequence in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Legacy Survey of galaxies. Within the luminosity range −18 &gt; <jats:italic>M</jats:italic> <jats:sub> <jats:italic>r</jats:italic> </jats:sub> &gt; −24, we find a good fit with a simple linear relation, <jats:italic>u</jats:italic> − <jats:italic>r</jats:italic> = 2.326–0.1305(<jats:italic>M</jats:italic> <jats:sub> <jats:italic>r</jats:italic> </jats:sub> + 21).</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 108

VIDEO: Data Release 5

Boris HäußlerORCID; Matt Jarvis; Nicholas J. G. Cross

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>V<jats:sc>ideo</jats:sc> is a deep near-infrared survey which targets 12deg2 over the ELAIS-S1 (2 continuous V<jats:sc>ircam</jats:sc> tiles), XMM-LSS, and E-CDFS (3 continuous V<jats:sc>ircam</jats:sc> tiles, each) extra-galactic fields. This research note presents the final data release (DR5) of all tiles, stacks and the deep stacked data in all areas, V<jats:sc>ideo</jats:sc>-ES1, V<jats:sc>ideo</jats:sc>-XMM and V<jats:sc>ideo</jats:sc>-CDFS in <jats:italic>Z</jats:italic>, <jats:italic>Y</jats:italic>, <jats:italic>J</jats:italic>, <jats:italic>H</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>Ks</jats:italic> bands.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: General Medicine.

Pp. 109