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Australasian Journal of Educational Technology

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Special aspects of education; Education

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Mapping out a research agenda for generative artificial intelligence in tertiary education

Jason M. LodgeORCID; Kate ThompsonORCID; Linda CorrinORCID

<jats:p>Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm. In this editorial, we outline some of the key areas of tertiary education impacted by large language models and associated applications that will require re-thinking and research to address in the short to medium term. Given how rapidly generative AI developments are currently occurring, this editorial is speculative. Although there is a long history of research on AI in education, the current situation is both unprecedented and seemingly not something that the AI in education community fully predicted. We also outline the editorial position of AJET in regards to generative AI to assist authors using tools such as ChatGPT as any part of the research or writing process. This is a rapidly evolving space. We have attempted to provide some clarity in this editorial while acknowledging that we may need to revisit some or all of what we offer here in the weeks and months ahead.</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Education.

Pp. 1-8

Home-campus nexus: The shift to homebased smart e-learning

Jiang NaORCID; Corinne Jacqueline PereraORCID; Zamzami ZainuddinORCID

<jats:p>This article outlines the trajectory of China’s higher education and its strategy of pioneering a brand-new smart e-learning environment that has functionally molded China into a hybrid educational hub. This paper chronicles the almanac of China’s offline campus education, depicting how it technologically evolved into an e-learning home-campus nexus. A sequential mixed-methods design was employed to shed light on students’ readiness levels toward China’s newly implemented smart e-learning platform for tertiary education. The psychometric analyses of the Smart e-Learning Questionnaire and other parametric statistical tests were performed using the Rasch measurement model. Overall, there is strong evidence to suggest that the in-depth qualitative interviews captured more nuanced accounts of the participants’ perceived reasons for their moderate level of readiness towards their novel home-campus e-learning course delivery. Evacuated campuses and virtual lessons have become the cliched representation of this pandemic. It is critical that e-learning offerings be contextualised in practical ways to invigorate equitable teaching strategies that can improve e-learning and support the success of China’s higher education learning model for the post-pandemic agendum. Implications for practice or policy: This research investigated home-campus e-learning as a higher education learning model for the post-pandemic agendum. The homebased smart e-learning prototype proposed in this study is framed as a learning delivery modality for advancing the latitude of digital literacy among higher education students. The deployment of the next-generation 5G internet connectivity and the implementation of hybrid smart e-learning platforms, draw clear implications for policymakers and practitioners to model after these insightful strategies. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Education.

Pp. 125-142

Engaging with open educational practices: Mapping the landscape in Australian higher education

Adrian Stagg; Helen Partridge; Carina Bossu; Johanna Funk; Linh Nguyen

<jats:p>For more than a decade, Australian higher education has engaged with open educational practice (OEP). This paper presents findings from a study investigating the institutional approaches to OEP in Australian universities. Interviews were conducted with representatives from 10 Australian universities. The findings of a thematic analysis reveal organisational context, business processes and educational design as key themes through which OEP is enacted within Australian universities. Together, these themes document Australian universities experiences of and with OEP and contribute to addressing the need for translational research in Australian higher education. This research contributes to a growing evidence basis to construct an understanding of the dimensions of OEP for practical action. Implications for practice or policy: University policymakers should enact institutional open education policy to signal support and provide clarity. Learning designers and academic staff can leverage OEP to catalyse student-centred, authentic pedagogical transformation. OEP advocates need to address the root problem of sector-wide lack of awareness. Australian institutions should recognise existing pockets of good OEP engagement and more strategically codify or connect these practices to realise the benefits of OEP. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Education.

Pp. 1-15

“It’s a pain, but it’s not like the end of the world”: Students’ experiences of emergency remote teaching

Rachael Ruegg

<jats:p>A chasm exists between pre-COVID online learning literature, focusing on teachers and students who have chosen online teaching and learning, and post-COVID literature, in which teaching and learning are forced online. This research focuses on students’ experiences of the move to online learning, the strategies they employed and their overall perceptions of differences between face-to-face and online learning. A single semi-structured interview was conducted with 16 students at the end of the semester in which learning was migrated online. When the learning was moved online, the students were all 3 weeks into their second year of a bachelor’s degree in the humanities and social sciences. The interview data was collected soon after the students completed these courses and analysed using thematic analysis. Generally, the findings of this study support other post-COVID studies, finding that students who were required to study online had more negative experiences than positive ones. Students who are enrolled in full-time face-to-face qualifications also appear to have different needs from those who choose to study online. Students felt that they would have benefited from more structure during emergency remote teaching, such as synchronous learning experiences scheduled at a fixed time. Implications for practice or policy: Lecturers should conduct lectures synchronously in emergency online learning for on-campus students. Teaching staff should include their faces in recorded instruction in asynchronous online modes. Teaching staff should offer tests in alternative formats rather than avoiding them in online learning. Universities should prioritise tutorials, workshops and laboratories in face-to-face mode over lectures in hybrid education. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Education.

Pp. 33-46

Examining self-regulated learning as a significant mediator among social presence, cognitive presence, and learning satisfaction in an asynchronous online course: A partial least squares structural equation modeling approach

Yan Hu; Jinyan Huang; Fanzhe Kong; Shahbaz Hussain

<jats:p>Using a 33-item 5-point Likert scale and partial least squares structural equation modeling approach, this study examined the role of 347 Chinese college first-year students’ self-regulated learning as a mediator among social and cognitive presences and their learning satisfaction in an asynchronous online course during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, it examined the extent to which their self-regulated learning and cognitive presence mediated the influence of social presence on their learning satisfaction. The results indicated that participants’ self-regulated learning had a significant positive effect on their learning satisfaction. It also had a significant mediation effect between social presence and their learning satisfaction, as well as between social and cognitive presences. Furthermore, social presence played a significant role in participants’ self-regulated learning and their learning satisfaction through the mediation of their self-regulated learning and cognitive presence. Implications for designing asynchronous online courses are discussed. Implications for practice or policy Course designers should consider how to leverage and increase students’ social presence in the asynchronous online learning environment. Course designers should make it a priority to clarify learning goals, inform learning activity time, provide prompt feedback, design appropriate autonomous tasks, arrange appropriate social learning activities, and specify optional online learning paths. Course designers should foster learners’ self-regulated learning, help them build online confidence, manage their time well, and overcome difficulty in completing the online learning tasks. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Education.

Pp. 16-32

Investigating university students’ online proctoring acceptance during COVID-19: An extension of the technology acceptance model

Xinyu Jiang; Tiong-Thye Goh; Xinran Chen; Mengjun Liu; Bing Yang

<jats:p>To ensure the normal operation of teaching and meet the needs of teaching quality assessment in the COVID-19 situation, universities in various countries have adopted online proctoring for assessment. The epidemic has accelerated the development of online education. Online proctoring, as an integral part of future online teaching, has not yet drawn sufficient attention. To understand students’ experiences and attitudes towards initial online proctoring, an extended technology acceptance model was utilised to examine the motivations and barriers that influence students’ online proctoring acceptance in terms of technology perception, presence and social influence. Structural equation models were used to analyse data from a questionnaire survey of 760 university students. Results revealed that social influence, social presence and perceived usefulness are the significant predictors of online proctoring acceptance. Social influence and social presence have significant positive effects on online proctoring acceptance through perceived usefulness, and social presence has a positive effect on perceived ease of use. However, perceived ease of use has a significant negative effect, while place presence has no significant effect. Implications, limitations and future work are discussed at the end. Implications for practice or policy: Online proctoring organisers can bring a better exam experience to students by ensuring the flexibility and integrity of online proctoring. Online proctoring workers can improve students' exam experience by building a positive group atmosphere in the early stages of online proctoring applications. Social recognition and support for online proctoring can enhance students' choice and willingness to use online proctoring and increase opportunities for online proctoring development. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Education.

Pp. 47-64

Effects of flipped language classrooms on learning outcomes in higher education: A Bayesian meta-analysis

Xieling Chen; Di Zou; Gary Cheng; Haoran Xie; Fan Su

<jats:p>Despite accumulated evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of flipped language classrooms in higher education, there is no quantitative examination of the extant empirical studies to draw a general conclusion. Based on Bayesian methodologies and 26 effect sizes, this study quantitatively examines empirical studies that investigated flipped language classrooms’ effects on learning outcomes in higher education. Our results indicate a large overall effect in favour of the effectiveness of flipped language classrooms. Subgroup analyses indicated that intervention duration, target languages, outcome types, allocation, and school locations were significantly related to the variability in language learning outcomes. A low risk of publication bias was identified. This study concluded that the flipped language classroom was a promising pedagogical approach to promoting language learning. Findings provided insights into an evidence-informed application of flipped language classrooms, for example: (1) sufficient face-to-face time to maximise the effectiveness of flipped language classrooms; (2) making flipped design adjustments based on student responses during long-term intervention; (3) giving students pre-training of flipped language classrooms and showing them the underlying benefits; (4) flipping basic contents of language learning and teaching complex contents face-to-face; and (5) adopting scaffolding strategies like code-switching to scaffold lower achievers. Implications for practice or policy: Instructors should flip writing and speaking courses with enough face-to-face time and technical support being provided to students. Instructors should consider time variance’s effects on learning performance and seek ways to maintain learners’ interest. Instructors should pre-train learners of flipped learning before implementation. Instructors should include practices, quizzes, and asynchronous online interaction tools in pre-class activities to check learners’ understandings and promote interaction and feedback provision. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Education.

Pp. 65-97

A meta-analysis of the moderating role of prior learning experience and mandatory participation on factors influencing MOOC learners’ continuance intention

Min ZhangORCID; Sihong Li; Yan ZhangORCID

<jats:p>Retaining learners has been an important issue for massive open online course (MOOC) platforms. Given the different, and even contradictory, conclusions in studies on the continuance intention of MOOC learners, this study selected 53 highly correlated empirical studies published from 2008 to 2022 and constructed a research model based on visual knowledge map analysis. Meta-analysis was applied to identify the key factors, and subgroup analysis was conducted to explore the moderating effect of mandatory participation and prior learning experience. The results show that attitude and satisfaction play the most significant role. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, confirmation, social influence, perceived enjoyment, outcome expectation, self-efficacy and task-technology fit all play essential functions, while the direct impact of social presence requires further research. Prior learning experience and mandatory participation have moderating effects on perceived usefulness. MOOC developers should make more efforts and improvements in content quality, social quality and service quality. Implications for practice or policy: Learners’ continuance intention can be enhanced by improving individual perceived positive feelings related to MOOCs and individual satisfaction with MOOC platforms. Directors of mandatory courses in MOOCs should place greater emphasis on improving learners’ perceived ease of use of MOOC platforms. Superintendents of MOOC platforms need to be aware of the role of perceived usefulness of learners with less prior learning experience in their continuance intention. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Education.

Pp. 115-141

Defining an effective approach to blended learning in higher education: A systematic review

Shaun McCarthyORCID; Edward PalmerORCID

<jats:p>Blended learning has enjoyed wide acceptance as a teaching and learning approach in higher education, but its use and understanding commonly fail to extend across all levels of blending. At the institutional level, challenges still exist in aligning a blended learning approach with core university priorities. Often, there is a focus on the provisions of technology tools and associated training; however, there is less emphasis on the development of frameworks that support an institutional-level approach to blended teaching and learning and ways that these can be effectively measured. This paper analyses previous work undertaken in the field of blended learning and looks to build on the literature by defining an effective approach to adoption using conceptual clarity, blended frameworks and institutional-level implementation of blended learning as a framework to describe effective use within higher education. Implications for practice or policy: University decision makers should define an institutional approach to blended learning and foster a common understanding of what success will look like. Institutional strategy must carefully consider the multifaceted roles of students, academics and administrators within blended learning. Blended learning adoption should be measured using criteria and descriptive standards to evaluate framework implementation. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Education.

Pp. 98-114

Online collaborative note-taking and discussion forums in flipped learning environments

Mik Fanguy; Jamie Costley; Norah Almusharraf; Asma Almusharraf

<jats:p>As the number of students learning in online and flipped contexts grows, an important question arises: to what extent is it necessary to have places or activities where students interact regarding course content? The present paper looked at three flipped learning environments: one with no online collaboration, one featuring an online discussion forum and one involving online collaborative note-taking. The subjects (N = 178) were all graduate students taking a flipped version of an English scientific writing class at a university in South Korea. The results show that students in the experimental conditions with online collaboration (collaborative note-taking and discussion forums) outperformed peers in the control condition (no online collaboration) on individual writing assignments. Furthermore, there was a benefit in the experimental condition with discussion forums regarding students’ group writing scores compared to the control group. These results show the value of implementing online student-to-student collaboration in flipped learning contexts and that both modes of collaboration tested herein add value to students’ learning. Implications for practice or policy: Incorporating online collaborative learning activities improves performance in flipped courses. Using collaborative forums and collaborative note-taking provide similar benefits. and their implementation will improve the online portion of a flipped class. Flipped classes generally include an online lecture component but should also feature online collaboration as well. </jats:p>

Palabras clave: Education.

Pp. 142-158