Catálogo de publicaciones - revistas
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Evolution Medicine and Public Health
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health is an open access journal that publishes original, rigorous applications of evolutionary thought to issues in medicine and public health. It aims to connect evolutionary biology with the health sciences to produce insights that may reduce suffering and save lives. Because evolutionary biology is a basic science that reaches across many disciplines, this journal is open to contributions on a broad range of topics, including relevant work on non-model organisms and insights that arise from both research and practice.Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
evolutionary biology; pathology; microbiology; medicine; public health
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No requiere | desde ene. 2013 / hasta dic. 2024 | Directory of Open Access Journals |
Tipo de recurso:
ISSN impreso
Editor responsable
Oxford University Press (OUP)
Idiomas de la publicación
- inglés
País de edición
Reino Unido
Fecha de publicación
Información sobre licencias CC