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Katalog der Mittelalterlichen Handschriften in Salzburg, Registerband
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
The catalogue contains manuscript descriptions of smaller collections from the county of Salzburg, especially those, held at Salzburg City Archive (Archiv der Stadt Salzburg), Salzburg District Archive (Salzburger Landesarchiv), Archive of the Archdiocese Salzburg (Archiv der Erzdiözese Salzburg), Salzburg Museum Library (Bibliothek des Salzburg Museums) as well as those held at the Library and the Archive of Mattsee Monastery. The catalogue continues a list of previous publications that make major collections of German medieval manuscripts in Salzburg accessible, such as the catalogue of German manuscripts of St. Peter, the University Library and the Latin manuscripts from Michaelbeuern Monastery.Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
Codicology; medieval studies; literary history; history of science; history of law; liturgics; Handschriftenkunde; Mediävistik; Literaturgeschichte; Medizingeschichte; Rechtsgeschichte; Liturgiewissenschaft
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No requiere | 2015 | Directory of Open access Books |
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