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Engineering Design: A Systematic Approach

Gerhard Pahl Wolfgang Beitz Jörg Feldhusen Karl-Heinrich Grote

Third Edition.

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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag London 2007

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Gerhard Pahl; Wolfgang Beitz; Jörg Feldhusen; Karl-Heinrich Grote

In the same way as the “static” Semantic Web deals with data model and language heterogeneity and semantics that lead to RDF and OWL, there is language heterogeneity and the need for a semantical account concerning Web dynamics. Thus, generic rule markup has to bridge these discrepancies, i.e., allow for of component languages, retaining their distinguished semantics and making them accessible e.g. for reasoning about rules.

In this paper we analyze the basic concepts for a general language for evolution and reactivity in the Semantic Web. We propose an ontology based on the paradigm of Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules including an XML markup. In this framework, different languages for events (including languages for composite events), conditions (queries and tests) and actions (including complex actions) can be composed to define high-level rules for describing behavior in the Semantic Web.

Pp. 1-25


Gerhard Pahl; Wolfgang Beitz; Jörg Feldhusen; Karl-Heinrich Grote

In the same way as the “static” Semantic Web deals with data model and language heterogeneity and semantics that lead to RDF and OWL, there is language heterogeneity and the need for a semantical account concerning Web dynamics. Thus, generic rule markup has to bridge these discrepancies, i.e., allow for of component languages, retaining their distinguished semantics and making them accessible e.g. for reasoning about rules.

In this paper we analyze the basic concepts for a general language for evolution and reactivity in the Semantic Web. We propose an ontology based on the paradigm of Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules including an XML markup. In this framework, different languages for events (including languages for composite events), conditions (queries and tests) and actions (including complex actions) can be composed to define high-level rules for describing behavior in the Semantic Web.

Pp. 27-62

Product Planning, Solution Finding and Evaluation

Gerhard Pahl; Wolfgang Beitz; Jörg Feldhusen; Karl-Heinrich Grote

In the same way as the “static” Semantic Web deals with data model and language heterogeneity and semantics that lead to RDF and OWL, there is language heterogeneity and the need for a semantical account concerning Web dynamics. Thus, generic rule markup has to bridge these discrepancies, i.e., allow for of component languages, retaining their distinguished semantics and making them accessible e.g. for reasoning about rules.

In this paper we analyze the basic concepts for a general language for evolution and reactivity in the Semantic Web. We propose an ontology based on the paradigm of Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules including an XML markup. In this framework, different languages for events (including languages for composite events), conditions (queries and tests) and actions (including complex actions) can be composed to define high-level rules for describing behavior in the Semantic Web.

Pp. 63-124

Product Development Process

Gerhard Pahl; Wolfgang Beitz; Jörg Feldhusen; Karl-Heinrich Grote

In the same way as the “static” Semantic Web deals with data model and language heterogeneity and semantics that lead to RDF and OWL, there is language heterogeneity and the need for a semantical account concerning Web dynamics. Thus, generic rule markup has to bridge these discrepancies, i.e., allow for of component languages, retaining their distinguished semantics and making them accessible e.g. for reasoning about rules.

In this paper we analyze the basic concepts for a general language for evolution and reactivity in the Semantic Web. We propose an ontology based on the paradigm of Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules including an XML markup. In this framework, different languages for events (including languages for composite events), conditions (queries and tests) and actions (including complex actions) can be composed to define high-level rules for describing behavior in the Semantic Web.

Pp. 125-143

Task Clarification

Gerhard Pahl; Wolfgang Beitz; Jörg Feldhusen; Karl-Heinrich Grote

In the same way as the “static” Semantic Web deals with data model and language heterogeneity and semantics that lead to RDF and OWL, there is language heterogeneity and the need for a semantical account concerning Web dynamics. Thus, generic rule markup has to bridge these discrepancies, i.e., allow for of component languages, retaining their distinguished semantics and making them accessible e.g. for reasoning about rules.

In this paper we analyze the basic concepts for a general language for evolution and reactivity in the Semantic Web. We propose an ontology based on the paradigm of Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules including an XML markup. In this framework, different languages for events (including languages for composite events), conditions (queries and tests) and actions (including complex actions) can be composed to define high-level rules for describing behavior in the Semantic Web.

Pp. 145-158

Conceptual Design

Gerhard Pahl; Wolfgang Beitz; Jörg Feldhusen; Karl-Heinrich Grote

In the same way as the “static” Semantic Web deals with data model and language heterogeneity and semantics that lead to RDF and OWL, there is language heterogeneity and the need for a semantical account concerning Web dynamics. Thus, generic rule markup has to bridge these discrepancies, i.e., allow for of component languages, retaining their distinguished semantics and making them accessible e.g. for reasoning about rules.

In this paper we analyze the basic concepts for a general language for evolution and reactivity in the Semantic Web. We propose an ontology based on the paradigm of Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules including an XML markup. In this framework, different languages for events (including languages for composite events), conditions (queries and tests) and actions (including complex actions) can be composed to define high-level rules for describing behavior in the Semantic Web.

Pp. 159-225

Embodiment Design

Gerhard Pahl; Wolfgang Beitz; Jörg Feldhusen; Karl-Heinrich Grote

In the same way as the “static” Semantic Web deals with data model and language heterogeneity and semantics that lead to RDF and OWL, there is language heterogeneity and the need for a semantical account concerning Web dynamics. Thus, generic rule markup has to bridge these discrepancies, i.e., allow for of component languages, retaining their distinguished semantics and making them accessible e.g. for reasoning about rules.

In this paper we analyze the basic concepts for a general language for evolution and reactivity in the Semantic Web. We propose an ontology based on the paradigm of Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules including an XML markup. In this framework, different languages for events (including languages for composite events), conditions (queries and tests) and actions (including complex actions) can be composed to define high-level rules for describing behavior in the Semantic Web.

Pp. 227-438

Mechanical Connections, Mechatronics and Adaptronics

Gerhard Pahl; Wolfgang Beitz; Jörg Feldhusen; Karl-Heinrich Grote

In the same way as the “static” Semantic Web deals with data model and language heterogeneity and semantics that lead to RDF and OWL, there is language heterogeneity and the need for a semantical account concerning Web dynamics. Thus, generic rule markup has to bridge these discrepancies, i.e., allow for of component languages, retaining their distinguished semantics and making them accessible e.g. for reasoning about rules.

In this paper we analyze the basic concepts for a general language for evolution and reactivity in the Semantic Web. We propose an ontology based on the paradigm of Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules including an XML markup. In this framework, different languages for events (including languages for composite events), conditions (queries and tests) and actions (including complex actions) can be composed to define high-level rules for describing behavior in the Semantic Web.

Pp. 439-463

Size Ranges and Modular Products

Gerhard Pahl; Wolfgang Beitz; Jörg Feldhusen; Karl-Heinrich Grote

In the same way as the “static” Semantic Web deals with data model and language heterogeneity and semantics that lead to RDF and OWL, there is language heterogeneity and the need for a semantical account concerning Web dynamics. Thus, generic rule markup has to bridge these discrepancies, i.e., allow for of component languages, retaining their distinguished semantics and making them accessible e.g. for reasoning about rules.

In this paper we analyze the basic concepts for a general language for evolution and reactivity in the Semantic Web. We propose an ontology based on the paradigm of Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules including an XML markup. In this framework, different languages for events (including languages for composite events), conditions (queries and tests) and actions (including complex actions) can be composed to define high-level rules for describing behavior in the Semantic Web.

Pp. 465-515

Design for Quality

Gerhard Pahl; Wolfgang Beitz; Jörg Feldhusen; Karl-Heinrich Grote

In the same way as the “static” Semantic Web deals with data model and language heterogeneity and semantics that lead to RDF and OWL, there is language heterogeneity and the need for a semantical account concerning Web dynamics. Thus, generic rule markup has to bridge these discrepancies, i.e., allow for of component languages, retaining their distinguished semantics and making them accessible e.g. for reasoning about rules.

In this paper we analyze the basic concepts for a general language for evolution and reactivity in the Semantic Web. We propose an ontology based on the paradigm of Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules including an XML markup. In this framework, different languages for events (including languages for composite events), conditions (queries and tests) and actions (including complex actions) can be composed to define high-level rules for describing behavior in the Semantic Web.

Pp. 517-534