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Frontiers of Combining Systems: 6th International Symposium, FroCoS 2007 Liverpool, UK, September 10-12, 2007 Proceedings
Boris Konev ; Frank Wolter (eds.)
En conferencia: 6º International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS) . Liverpool, UK . September 10, 2007 - September 12, 2007
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
Theory of Computation; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages; Programming Techniques; Software Engineering
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No detectada | 2007 | SpringerLink |
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Editor responsable
Springer Nature
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Reino Unido
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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
Tabla de contenidos
Architecting Solvers for SAT Modulo Theories: Nelson-Oppen with DPLL
Sava Krstić; Amit Goel
We offer a transition system representing a high-level but detailed architecture for SMT solvers that combine a propositional SAT engine with solvers for multiple disjoint theories. The system captures succintly and accurately all the major aspects of the solver’s global operation: boolean search with across-the-board backjumping, communication of theory-specific facts and equalities between shared variables, and cooperative conflict analysis. Provably correct and prudently underspecified, our system is a usable ground for high-quality implementations of comprehensive SMT solvers.
- Section 1. Invited Contributions | Pp. 1-27
From KSAT to Delayed Theory Combination: Exploiting DPLL Outside the SAT Domain
Roberto Sebastiani
In the last two decades we have witnessed an impressive advance in the efficiency of propositional satisfiability techniques (SAT), which has brought large and previously-intractable problems at the reach of state-of-the-art SAT solvers. Most of this success is motivated by the impressive level of efficiency reached by current implementations of the DPLL procedure. Plain propositional logic, however, is not the only application domain for DPLL. In fact, DPLL has also been successfully used as a boolean-reasoning kernel for automated reasoning tools in much more expressive logics.
In this talk I overview a 12-year experience on integrating DPLL with logic-specific decision procedures in various domains. In particular, I present and discuss three main achievements which have been obtained in this context: the DPLL-based procedures for modal and description logics, the lazy approach to Satisfiability Modulo Theories, and Delayed Theory Combination.
- Section 1. Invited Contributions | Pp. 28-46
Hierarchical and Modular Reasoning in Complex Theories: The Case of Local Theory Extensions
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans
We present an overview of results on hierarchical and modular reasoning in complex theories. We show that for a special type of extensions of a base theory, which we call , hierarchic reasoning is possible (i.e. proof tasks in the extension can be hierarchically reduced to proof tasks w.r.t. the base theory). Many theories important for computer science or mathematics fall into this class (typical examples are theories of data structures, theories of free or monotone functions, but also functions occurring in mathematical analysis). In fact, it is often necessary to consider complex extensions, in which various types of functions or data structures need to be taken into account at the same time. We show how such local theory extensions can be identified and under which conditions locality is preserved when combining theories, and we investigate possibilities of efficient modular reasoning in such theory combinations.
We present several examples of application domains where local theories and local theory extensions occur in a natural way. We show, in particular, that various phenomena analyzed in the verification literature can be explained in a unified way using the notion of locality.
- Section 1. Invited Contributions | Pp. 47-71
Temporalising Logics: Fifteen Years After
Michael Zakharyaschev
A straightforward way of adding a temporal dimension to a logical system is to combine it with a suitable temporal logic. Typical examples are first-order temporal logic [3], temporal description logics [1] or spatio-temporal logics [4]. In 1992, Finger and Gabbay [2] started an investigation of possible ways of temporalising abstract logical systems.
- Section 1. Invited Contributions | Pp. 72-72
Termination of Innermost Context-Sensitive Rewriting Using Dependency Pairs
Beatriz Alarcón; Salvador Lucas
Innermost context-sensitive rewriting has been proved useful for modeling computations of programs of algebraic languages like Maude, OBJ, etc. Furthermore, innermost termination of rewriting is often easier to prove than termination. Thus, under appropriate conditions, a useful strategy for proving termination of rewriting is trying to prove termination of innermost rewriting. This phenomenon has also been investigated for context-sensitive rewriting (). Up to now, only few transformations have been proposed and used to prove termination of innermost . In this paper, we investigate direct methods for proving termination of innermost . We adapt the recently introduced context-sensitive dependency pairs approach to innermost and show that they can be advantageously used for proving termination of innermost . We have implemented them as part of the termination tool
- Section 2. Technical Papers | Pp. 73-87
A Compressing Translation from Propositional Resolution to Natural Deduction
Hasan Amjad
We describe a translation from SAT solver generated propositional resolution refutation proofs to classical natural deduction proofs. The resulting proof can usually be checked quicker than one that simply simulates the original resolution proof. We use this result in interactive theorem provers, to speed up reconstruction of SAT solver generated proofs. The translation is efficient, running in time linear in the length of the original proof, and effective, easily scaling up to large proofs with millions of inferences.
- Section 2. Technical Papers | Pp. 88-102
Combining Algorithms for Deciding Knowledge in Security Protocols
Mathilde Arnaud; Véronique Cortier; Stéphanie Delaune
In formal approaches, messages sent over a network are usually modeled by terms together with an equational theory, axiomatizing the properties of the cryptographic functions (encryption, exclusive or, ...). The analysis of cryptographic protocols requires a precise understanding of the attacker knowledge. Two standard notions are usually considered: deducibility and indistinguishability. Those notions are well-studied and several decidability results already exist to deal with a variety of equational theories. However most of the results are dedicated to specific equational theories.
We show that decidability results can be easily combined for any disjoint equational theories: if the deducibility and indistinguishability relations are decidable for two disjoint theories, they are also decidable for their union. As an application, new decidability results can be obtained using this combination theorem.
- Section 2. Technical Papers | Pp. 103-117
Combining Classical and Intuitionistic Implications
Carlos Caleiro; Jaime Ramos
We present a simple logic that combines, in a conservative way, the implicative fragments of both classical and intuitionistic logics, thus settling a problem posed by Dov Gabbay in [5]. We also show that the logic can be given a nice complete axiomatization by adding four simple mixed axioms to the usual axiomatizations of classical and intuitionistic implications.
- Section 2. Technical Papers | Pp. 118-132
Towards an Automatic Analysis of Web Service Security
Yannick Chevalier; Denis Lugiez; Michaël Rusinowitch
Web services send and receive messages in XML syntax with some parts hashed, encrypted or signed, according to the WS-Security standard. In this paper we introduce a model to formally describe the protocols that underly these services, their security properties and the rewriting attacks they might be subject to. Unlike other protocol models (in symbolic analysis) ours can handle non-deterministic receive/send actions and unordered sequence of XML nodes. Then to detect the attacks we have to consider the services as combining multiset operators and cryptographic ones and we have to solve specific satisfiability problems in the combined theory. By non-trivial extension of the combination techniques of [3] we obtain a decision procedure for insecurity of Web services with messages built using encryption, signature, and other cryptographic primitives. This combination technique allows one to decide insecurity in a modular way by reducing the associated constraint solving problems to problems in simpler theories.
- Section 2. Technical Papers | Pp. 133-147
Certification of Automated Termination Proofs
Evelyne Contejean; Pierre Courtieu; Julien Forest; Olivier Pons; Xavier Urbain
Nowadays, formal methods rely on tools of different kinds: proof assistants with which the user interacts to discover a proof step by step; and fully automated tools which make use of (intricate) decision procedures. But while some proof assistants can the soundness of a proof, they lack automation. Regarding automated tools, one still has to be satisfied with their answers //, the validity of which can be subject to question, in particular because of the increasing size and complexity of these tools.
In the context of rewriting techniques, we aim at bridging the gap between proof assistants that yield formal guarantees of reliability and highly automated tools one has to trust. We present an approach making use of both shallow and deep embeddings. We illustrate this approach with a prototype based on the CME rewriting toolbox, which can discover involved termination proofs that can be certified by the proof assistant, using the library for rewriting.
- Section 2. Technical Papers | Pp. 148-162