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Engineering a Better Future
Eswaran Subrahmanian ; Toluwalogo Odumosu ; Jeffrey Y. Tsao (eds.)
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
Engineering/Technology Education; Science and Technology Studies; Engineering Design; Innovation/Technology Management
Institución detectada | Año de publicación | Navegá | Descargá | Solicitá |
No requiere | 2018 | SpringerLink |
Tipo de recurso:
ISBN impreso
ISBN electrónico
Editor responsable
Springer Nature
País de edición
Reino Unido
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© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018
Cobertura temática
Tabla de contenidos
Innovations in Energy-Climate Education: Integrating Engineering and Social Sciences to Strengthen Resilience
Jennie C. Stephens
Energy systems around the world are in the midst of major changes as renewable energy expands and related infrastructures and governance regimes adapt to a future with reduced reliance on fossil fuels. At the same time, human societies are also grappling with the consequences of an increasingly unstable and rapidly changing climate. The challenges and opportunities at the energy-climate nexus require educational innovations to more impactfully and effectively integrate engineering and social sciences to strengthen societal resilience.
Pp. 1-8
Technology, Policy and Management: Co-evolving or Converging?
Margot Weijnen; Paulien Herder
The TU Delft Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TPM), established in 1992 as the Faculty of Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis and Management, currently formulates its core business as engineering.
Pp. 9-14
Reconnecting Engineering with the Social and Political Sphere
Jameson M. Wetmore
If technologies are going to be part of the solution to major social problems, we need engineers who are not simply “cogs in the wheel,” but rather active agents with a broad perspective. While many undergraduate engineering programs train students to narrow their vision rather than expand it, it is possible to create opportunities to reverse this trend. This chapter outlines two interventions designed to reconnect engineers with the social and political contexts they work in and which they would like to improve.
Pp. 15-19
Ecole des Mines de Paris: A Few Lessons from a Long History
Armand Hatchuel
I would like to explain how Ecole des Mines de Paris went from a Vocational Training School to a General Education School, then to a School based on Research, and how the image of engineers has changed over the last two centuries. The status of engineers as developed in France in the middle of the nineteenth century was invariably that of a scientist, but a scientist who also accepted explicit responsibility for his acts. The responsibility was progressively defined around three functions—critical, creative, and social—whose content and relative priorities have changed and will continue to change with the major movements in techniques, sciences, and society. For the Ecole des Mines de Paris, we will see that these functions have been reinterpreted over time. I will present a few ideas on what this long history may mean for us in the face of our contemporary challenges.
Pp. 21-32
Evolving from Single Disciplines to Renaissance Teams
Dan Siewiorek
Over 25 years, a capstone engineering course has evolved and refined into a User-Centered Interdisciplinary Concurrent System Design Methodology (UICSM) that integrates students from multiple disciplines to design and implement a unified system to meet the constraints of a real customer. This chapter sketches the origins of the methodology, outlines UICSM, illustrates the interactions between disciplines, demonstrates monitoring of the design process, and summarizes lessons learned.
Pp. 33-37
Designing the Future We Want
Yoram Reich
Our society faces constant challenges as a result of how we continually shape our present and future. We do it by designing technologies, policies, laws, and whatever else makes up our lives. Unfortunately, the dialogue between people, disciplines, and cultures that could address these challenges is broken. Consequently, other means are used for resolving conflicts; they are seldom constructive, and they are occasionally devastating, war-like situations. By better understanding what design and its critical importance are, through a new comprehensive framework, we may be in a good position to design new transdisciplinary education programs that will improve people design and dialogue capabilities, making everybody equal partners in shaping our better future.
Pp. 39-50
Engineering Design and Society
Shyam Sunder
As a discipline, engineering is rooted in mathematics and natural sciences; as a practice, it is social at its core. Social science is a more recent development than the society that it seeks to document and understand. Bringing social science into engineering design has its pros and cons. The consequences of design, especially at an aggregate or social level, are difficult to anticipate. Attempts to improve the design by engaging with the social science must, however, be moderated by the modest record of the latter in making out-of-sample predictions.
Pp. 51-60
The Cult of Innovation: Its Myths and Rituals
Langdon Winner
Philosophers and scholars of rhetoric point to the significance of what they call “god terms,” concepts that have a certain “inherent potency.” God terms sweep up whole periods of history as nations and cultures strive to reach a higher state of being.
Pp. 61-73
A Generative Perspective on Engineering: Why the Destructive Force of Artifacts Is Immune to Politics
Ron Eglash
Whether value is extracted for redistribution by a communist state, or extracted for purposes of private enterprise, the problem is in the extraction, which is strongly influenced by the engineering design. A generative approach to engineering would maintain value in unalienated forms, and allow it to circulate such that it returns to the communities of generation.
Pp. 75-88
Does Law Wear Out?
David Howarth
Lawyers, like engineers, are designers (Howarth in , Elgar, Cheltenham, ), designing artifacts such as contracts, corporations and statutes. Legal artifacts, like physical ones, are often designed to produce effects over extended periods of time. It would be useful for designing such artifacts to understand more about what happens to them over time. What, for example, would the hazard function of a legal artifact look like? This chapter offers a first look at answering that kind of question, offering a possible hazard curve for an important UK statute, the Companies Act 2006.
Pp. 89-95