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Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: 21st International Conference, FASE 2018, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 14-20, 2018, Proceedings
Parte de: Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
En conferencia: 21º International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE) . Thessaloniki, Greece . April 16, 2018 - April 19, 2018
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
computer software maintenance; computer software selection and evaluation; formal logic; formal methods; formal specification; programming languages; semantics; software engineering; specifications; verification
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No requiere | 2018 | Directory of Open access Books | ||
No requiere | 2018 | SpringerLink |
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Springer Nature
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Reino Unido
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Cobertura temática
Tabla de contenidos
A Formal Framework for Incremental Model Slicing
Gabriele Taentzer; Timo Kehrer; Christopher Pietsch; Udo Kelter
Program slicing is a technique which can determine the simplest program possible that maintains the meaning of the original program w.r.t. a slicing criterion. The concept of slicing has been transferred to models, in particular to statecharts. In addition to the classical use cases of slicing adopted from the field of program understanding, model slicing is also motivated by specifying submodels of interest to be further processed more efficiently, thus dealing with scalability issues when working with very large models. Slices are often updated throughout specific software development tasks. Such a slice update can be performed by creating the new slice from scratch or by incrementally updating the existing slice. In this paper, we present a formal framework for defining model slicers that support incremental slice updates. This framework abstracts from the behavior of concrete slicers as well as from the concrete model modification approach. It forms a guideline for defining incremental model slicers independent of the underlying slicer’s semantics. Incremental slice updates are shown to be equivalent to non-incremental ones. Furthermore, we present a framework instantiation based on the concept of edit scripts defining application sequences of model transformation rules. We implemented two concrete model slicers for this instantiation based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework.
- Model-Based Software Development | Pp. 3-20
Multiple Model Synchronization with Multiary Delta Lenses
Zinovy Diskin; Harald König; Mark Lawford
Multiple (more than 2) model synchronization is ubiquitous and important for MDE, but its theoretical underpinning gained much less attention than the binary case. Specifically, the latter was extensively studied by the bx community in the framework of algebraic models for update propagation called . Now we make a step to restore the balance and propose a notion of multiary delta lens. Besides multiarity, our lenses feature updates, when consistency restoration requires some amendment of the update that violated consistency. We emphasize the importance of various ways of lens composition for practical applications of the framework, and prove several composition results.
- Model-Based Software Development | Pp. 21-37
Controlling the Attack Surface of Object-Oriented Refactorings
Sebastian Ruland; Géza Kulcsár; Erhan Leblebici; Sven Peldszus; Malte Lochau
Refactorings constitute an effective means to improve quality and maintainability of evolving object-oriented programs. Search-based techniques have shown promising results in finding optimal sequences of behavior-preserving program transformations that (1) maximize code-quality metrics and (2) minimize the number of changes. However, the impact of refactorings on extra-functional properties like security has received little attention so far. To this end, we propose as a further objective to minimize the attack surface of programs (i.e., to maximize strictness of declared accessibility of class members). Minimizing the attack surface naturally competes with applicability of established refactorings for improving coupling/cohesion metrics. Our tool implementation is based on an EMF meta-model for Java-like programs and utilizes MOMoT, a search-based model-transformation framework. Our experimental results gained from a collection of real-world Java programs show the impact of attack surface minimization on design-improving refactorings by using different accessibility-control strategies. We further compare the results to those of existing refactoring tools.
- Model-Based Software Development | Pp. 38-55
Effective Analysis of Attack Trees: A Model-Driven Approach
Rajesh Kumar; Stefano Schivo; Enno Ruijters; Buǧra Mehmet Yildiz; David Huistra; Jacco Brandt; Arend Rensink; Mariëlle Stoelinga
Attack trees (ATs) are a popular formalism for security analysis, and numerous variations and tools have been developed around them. These were mostly developed independently, and offer little interoperability or ability to combine various AT features.
We present ATTop, a software bridging tool that enables automated analysis of ATs using a model-driven engineering approach. ATTop fulfills two purposes: 1. It facilitates interoperation between several AT analysis methodologies and resulting tools (e.g., ATE, ATCalc, ADTool 2.0), 2. it can perform a comprehensive analysis of attack trees by translating them into timed automata and analyzing them using the popular model checker , and translating the analysis results back to the original ATs. Technically, our approach uses various metamodels to provide a unified description of AT variants. Based on these metamodels, we perform model transformations that allow to apply various analysis methods to an AT and trace the results back to the AT domain. We illustrate our approach on the basis of a case study from the AT literature.
- Model-Based Software Development | Pp. 56-73
ROLA: A New Distributed Transaction Protocol and Its Formal Analysis
Si Liu; Peter Csaba Ölveczky; Keshav Santhanam; Qi Wang; Indranil Gupta; José Meseguer
Designers of distributed database systems face the choice between stronger consistency guarantees and better performance. A number of applications only require (RA) and (PLU). Existing distributed database systems that meet these requirements also provide additional stronger consistency guarantees (such as ), and therefore incur lower performance. In this paper we define a new distributed transaction protocol, ROLA, that targets applications where only RA and PLU are needed. We formally model ROLA in Maude. We then perform model checking to analyze both the correctness and the performance of ROLA. For , we use standard model checking to analyze ROLA’s satisfaction of RA and PLU. To analyze we: (a) use statistical model checking to analyze key performance properties; and (b) compare these performance results with those obtained by analyzing in Maude the well-known protocol Walter. Our results show that ROLA outperforms Walter.
- Distributed Program and System Analysis | Pp. 77-93
A Process Network Model for Reactive Streaming Software with Deterministic Task Parallelism
Fotios Gioulekas; Peter Poplavko; Panagiotis Katsaros; Saddek Bensalem; Pedro Palomo
A formal semantics is introduced for a Process Network model, which combines streaming and reactive control processing with task parallelism properties suitable to exploit multi-cores. Applications that react to environment stimuli are implemented by communicating sporadic and periodic tasks, programmed independently from an execution platform. Two functionally equivalent semantics are defined, one for sequential execution and one real-time. The former ensures functional determinism by implying precedence constraints between jobs (task executions), hence, the program outputs are independent from the task scheduling. The latter specifies concurrent execution on a real-time platform, guaranteeing all model’s constraints; it has been implemented in an executable formal specification language. The model’s implementation runs on multi-core embedded systems, and supports integration of run-time managers for shared HW/SW resources (e.g. for controlling QoS, resource interference or power consumption). Finally, a model transformation approach has been developed, which allowed to port and statically schedule a real spacecraft on-board application on an industrial multi-core platform.
- Distributed Program and System Analysis | Pp. 94-110
Distributed Graph Queries for Runtime Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems
Márton Búr; Gábor Szilágyi; András Vörös; Dániel Varró
In safety-critical cyber-physical systems (CPS), a service failure may result in severe financial loss or damage in human life. Smart CPSs have complex interaction with their environment which is rarely known in advance, and they heavily depend on intelligent data processing carried out over a heterogeneous computation platform and provide autonomous behavior. This complexity makes design time verification infeasible in practice, and many CPSs need advanced runtime monitoring techniques to ensure safe operation. While graph queries are a powerful technique used in many industrial design tools of CPSs, in this paper, we propose to use them to specify safety properties for runtime monitors on a high-level of abstraction. Distributed runtime monitoring is carried out by evaluating graph queries over a distributed runtime model of the system which incorporates domain concepts and platform information. We provide a semantic treatment of distributed graph queries using 3-valued logic. Our approach is illustrated and an initial evaluation is carried out using the MoDeS3 educational demonstrator of CPSs.
- Distributed Program and System Analysis | Pp. 111-128
-Based Analysis Framework for Web Apps Using Dynamically Collected States
Joonyoung Park; Kwangwon Sun; Sukyoung Ryu
JavaScript web applications (apps) are prevalent these days, and quality assurance of web apps gets even more important. Even though researchers have studied various analysis techniques and software industries have developed code analyzers for their own code repositories, statically analyzing web apps in a sound and scalable manner is challenging. On top of dynamic features of JavaScript, abundant execution flows triggered by user events make a sound static analysis difficult.
In this paper, we propose a novel ()-based static analysis for web apps using dynamically collected state information. Unlike traditional whole-program analyses, the -based analysis intentionally analyzes partial execution flows using concrete user events. Such analyses surely miss execution flows in the entire program, but they analyze less infeasible flows reporting less false positives. Moreover, they can finish analyzing partial flows of web apps that whole-program analyses often fail to finish analyzing, and produce partial bug reports. Our experimental results show that the -based analysis improves the precision dramatically compared with a state-of-the-art JavaScript whole-program analyzer, and it can finish analysis of partial execution flows in web apps that the whole-program analyzer fails to analyze within a timeout.
- Distributed Program and System Analysis | Pp. 129-145
Hierarchical Specification and Verification of Architectural Design Patterns
Diego Marmsoler
Architectural design patterns capture architectural design experience and provide abstract solutions to recurring architectural design problems. Their description is usually expressed informally and it is not verified whether the proposed specification indeed solves the original design problem. As a consequence, an architect cannot fully rely on the specification when implementing a pattern to solve a certain problem. To address this issue, we propose an approach for the specification and verification of architectural design patterns. Our approach is based on interactive theorem proving and leverages the hierarchical nature of patterns to foster reuse of verification results. The following paper presents FACTum, a methodology and corresponding specification techniques to support the formal specification of patterns. Moreover, it describes an algorithm to map a given FACTum specification to a corresponding Isabelle/HOL theory and shows its soundness. Finally, the paper demonstrates the approach by verifying versions of three widely used patterns: the singleton, the publisher-subscriber, and the blackboard pattern.
- Software Design and Verification | Pp. 149-168
Supporting Verification-Driven Incremental Distributed Design of Components
Claudio Menghi; Paola Spoletini; Marsha Chechik; Carlo Ghezzi
Software systems are usually formed by multiple components which interact with one another. In large systems, components themselves can be complex systems that need to be decomposed into multiple sub-components. Hence, system design must follow a systematic approach, based on a recursive decomposition strategy. This paper proposes a comprehensive verification-driven framework which provides support for designers during development. The framework supports hierarchical decomposition of components into sub-components through formal specification in terms of pre- and post-conditions as well as independent development, reuse and verification of sub-components.
- Software Design and Verification | Pp. 169-188