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Aging Medicine

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Aging Medicine aims to facilitate international collaboration and exchange of comprehensive and cutting-edge information on basic, translational, and applied clinical research as well as epidemiological and translational studies in geriatrics. Aging Medicine is a peer-reviewed, open access, interdisciplinary journal providing rapid publication of cutting-edge research from global biomedical researchers across the aging sciences. Aging Medicine presents the findings that are of interest in the field of aging medicine: experimental/translational and clinical aging research, prevention medicine, palliative medicine, pharmacology and techniques applying to aging medicine. Aging Medicine is hosted by Beijing Hospital/ National Center of Gerontology, China, published by John Wiley & Sons Australila, Ltd. It is also the official journal of Chinese Society of Geriatrics.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

ageing medicine; geriatrics; gerontology; chronic diseases

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No requiere desde jun. 2018 / hasta dic. 2024 Wiley Online Library acceso abierto
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Tipo de recurso:


ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (WILEY)

Idiomas de la publicación

  • inglés

País de edición


Fecha de publicación

Información sobre licencias CC

Cobertura temática