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Rural Sustainability Research
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Scientific journal “Rural Sustainability Research” (Online ISSN – 2256-0939) of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (continue the tematic of former issue “Proceedings of Latvia university of Agriculture” ISSN: 2255-8535) publishes results of theoretical or experimental research as well as analytical reviews. We are welcome manuscripts dealing with Sustainable Crop Production Systems, Soil and Plant Sciences, Plant breeding and Genetics, Plant Pathology and Protection, Forestry, Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Food Processing, Agricultural Machinery and Husbandry, Biomass and Renewable Energy, Energetic and Automation, Engineering Technologies, Material Science, Transport, Motor Vehicles and Fuels, Engineering Economics and Education, Sustainable Social Development, Economics, Management and Marketing, Information Technologies and others topics related with agriculture and rural development. Scientific journal “Rural Sustainability Research” is open access; it does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges. Scientific journal “Rural Sustainability Research” copyrights belongs to Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
agriculture; forestry; veterinary medicine; food technology; environment; agricultural economics
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No requiere | desde ene. 2015 / hasta dic. 2024 | Directory of Open Access Journals |
Tipo de recurso:
ISSN electrónico
Editor responsable
Sciendo (SCIENDO)
Idiomas de la publicación
- inglés
- letón
País de edición
Fecha de publicación
Información sobre licencias CC