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Narodna Umjetnost

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Narodna umjetnost was first published in 1962 as the annual published journal of the Institute of Folk Art in Zagreb (now the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research). The journal was regularly published on an annual basis until 1995, when from issue No. 32/1 it started to be published twice a year: the first issue is always in English, while the second issue is published in Croatian. Until the 1970s, the journal was largely oriented towards folkloristics, concentrating mainly on ethnomusicological and ethnochoreological themes and on oral and folk literature. With the development of the ethnological profession within the Institute, the interdisciplinary significance of Narodna umjetnost has also grown. Today, the journal features articles from the fields of ethnology, cultural anthropology, philology, folkloristics, ethnomusicology and ethnochoreology. The editorial policy of Narodna umjetnost strives to bring together the heritage of diverse disciplines, to establish a balance between scientific theory and research practice, and to reconcile traditional ethnological and folkloristic demands with innovative approaches and new research issues.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

ethnology; cultural anthropology; philology; folkloristics; ethnomusicology; ethnochoreology

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Idiomas de la publicación

  • inglés

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