Catálogo de publicaciones - revistas
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Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Al-Albab aims at proving a higly considered academic publication for the dinamics of the studies of religion in many different aspects. Specific topics of interest include, but not limited to, aspects of the studies on religion, religious practices, local tradition, and religious texts. Manuscripts submitted to Al-Albab are considered on the understanding that they have not been published, and are not under consideration for publication, elsewhere; and that all persons entitled to authorship have been named and have approved the final version of the submitted manuscript. Submitting authors should declare this information in the covering letter. All manuscripts submitted will be considered for publication. Manuscripts should be sent as an email attachment to redaksi Al-Albab ( See the guidline for author for more detail on manuscript submission.Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
religious studies; Islam; local culture
Institución detectada | Período | Navegá | Descargá | Solicitá |
No requiere | desde dic. 2024 / hasta dic. 2024 | Directory of Open Access Journals |
Tipo de recurso:
ISSN impreso
ISSN electrónico
Idiomas de la publicación
- inglés
País de edición
Fecha de publicación
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