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Advanced Testing of Soft Polymer Materials
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
ultraviolet radiation; thermoplastic elastomer; high vinyl S-B-S; photoinitiator; mechanical properties; rubber; curing; bismaleimide; tensile strength; Diels–Alder reaction; effective electrical resistance; elastomer sensors; natural rubber; local strain; conductive filler; digital image correlation; strain sweep; rheometer; rubber process analyzer; swelling; absorption; infrared spectroscopy; mass spectrometry; gas chromatography; mechanical behavior; synthetic aviation fuels; 3D printed elastomers; elastomer; fast characterization; energy stored and released; heat source reconstruction; intrinsic dissipation; infrared thermography; engine mount; elastomer characterisation; experimental testing; resonance frequency; dynamic stiffness; parameter identification; electrodynamic shaker; test bench; cogging torque; synchronous machine; carbon black; tensile; Mullins effect; Payne effect; dynamic strain; hysteresis; material testing; rheology; Poisson’s ratio; viscoelasticity; plasticizer; polarity; carbon black network; simultaneous mechanical and dielectric analysis; mechanical stability; glass transition; kinetics; resin; BDS; FDSC; nanocomposites; carbon nanotubes; atomic force microscopy; dynamical mechanical analysis
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