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Sustainable Fashion and Textile Recycling
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
textile recycling; yarn spinning; inter-fiber cohesion; lubricant; mechanical tearing; life cycle assessment; normalization method; environmental impacts; ozonation process; decolorization; reactive dyed cotton textiles; “gate-to-gate” life cycle assessment (LCA); design methodology; materials science; regenerated cellulose; composites; fabrication; material design; transdisciplinary; interdisciplinary; circular economy; textile life cycle; environmental aspects; ecolabel; sustainable textiles; textile; recycling; circular fashion; polymer structure; fashion; apparel; challenges; circularity; sustainability; emotional durability; 3D printing fashion product design; Korean aesthetic; polyester; alkaline hydrolysis; depolymerization; peeling reaction; textile blend; viscose; industrial process layout; regenerated fibres; regenerated protein fibres; waste; valorisation; garment industry; manmade fibres; textile processing; textile history; Ardil; textile waste; virgin cotton; denim fabric; Design-Expert software; n/a
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