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Horses and Risk
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
horse-riding; risk; mitigation; culture; research; review; safety; behavior change; eque-culture; motivator; equestrian; horse; injury; helmet; online forum; barriers; enablers; injury prevention; horse-rider; road safety; decision-making vehicle; Australia; jockey; economic; costs; insurance; horse-related; accident; student; education; veterinary; bedding material; respiratory health; peat; wood shaving; thoroughbred; horse-racing; steeplechase; hurdles; animal-human relationships; media; public debate; horse stable; management; web tool; transport; journey duration; season; human–horse risk; context-specificity; attention; cognitive error; self-reference; horses; eventing; falls; riders; human−animal relationships; human−horse relationships; protective behavior; equestrians; horse-related accidents; safety equipment; multiple regression analysis; ethology; equitation science; learning theory; behaviour change; fireworks; anxiety; behaviour; fear; people; WHS; deaths; workplace; horse racing
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