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Aquaphotomics: Exploring Water Molecular Systems in Nature

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

coffee; NIRS; aquagrams; chemometrics; authentication; PCA; PCA-LDA; PLSR; temperature-dependent near-infrared spectroscopy; water structure; structural analysis; quantitative analysis; aquaphotomics; water; spectra; band assignment; functionality; polarization; kiwifruit; near infrared spectroscopy; soluble solids content; Brix; kiwifruit juice; extended multiplicative scatter correction (EMSC); external parameter orthogonalisation (EPO); absorbance; biofluid; cattle; discrimination; transmittance; virus; snow; Raman spectroscopy; OH-stretching band; liquid water content; cold stress; stress tolerance; soybean; water molecular species; honey; heat treatment; aquagram; PLRS; WAMACs; HMF; infrared absorption spectroscopy; molecular vibration; soft contact lenses; multivariate curve resolution; hydrogel; soft material; storage; ready-to-eat rocket; NIR; E-nose; electrolyte leakage; Aquaphotomics; adulteration; stingless bee honey; visible and near-infrared spectroscopy; bulk water content; near-field CMOS dielectric sensor; fluorescence imaging; corneoptosis; SG1 cell; double-filtration plasmapheresis; INUSpheresis; near-infrared spectroscopy; near-infrared spectroscopic pattern recognition; multi-optical-path; two-category priority’s compensation models; three-model voting fusion; moving-window-k-nearest neighbor; Norris derivative filter; semi-clathrate hydrate; intermolecular interaction; interionic interaction; low-frequency Raman; equilibrium temperature; lipid hydration; water interphases; crowded systems; restricted environments; H bonding propagation; polymer; polymer-water interaction; hydrophilic; hydrophobic; data analysis; water probe; mutual–individual factor analysis; calibration transfer; light; sound; frequency; perturbation; molecular dynamics; preprocessing; cement concrete; mortar; water molecular structure; drying shrinkage; n/a

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