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Feeding the Other: Whiteness, Privilege, and Neoliberal Stigma in Food Pantries

Parte de: Food, Health, and the Environment

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

food justice; food insecurity; food system; stigma; neoliberalism; whiteness; white privilege; feminism; charity; food assistance; volunteers; volunteerism; race; class; gender; political economy; politics; poverty governance; racism; intersectionality; Duluth; social construction; difference; Us and Them; Other; identity; otherizing; entitlements; SNAP; food stamps; hunger industrial complex; starvation; obesity; food shelves; emergency food assistance; discourse; discursive ideological formation; hard work; personal responsibility; accountability; citizenship; neoliberal subjectivities; self-blame; entrepreneurialism; Christian; Christianity; religion

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Estados Unidos

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