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Migration Between Mexico and the United States: IMISCOE Regional Reader
Parte de: IMISCOE Research Series
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
Mexico-United States migration; Mexican migrants in the United States and Mexico; Return migrants from the United States to Mexico; Mexican migrant families; Migrant well-being; Hispanic population of the U.S; Migration Policy in North America; Demographic dynamics of Mexico-U.S. migration; Migration and employment in Mexico and the U.S.; Migration and education in Mexico and the U.S.; Migration and health in Mexico and the U.S.; Migration, violence and crime in Mexico; Migration and fear in the United States; Social programs and migration in Mexico; U.S.-born immigrants in Mexico; Migration from the United States to Mexico; Reincorporation of Mexican returnees; Migrant integration in Mexico and the United States
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