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Heavy Metals Accumulation, Toxicity and Detoxification in Plants
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cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.); transcriptome; Cd stress; GhHMAD5; overexpression; VIGS (virus induced gene silence); cadmium; glycinebetaine; photosynthesis; ultrastructure; tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.); Cadmium; hyperaccumulator; Viola baoshanensis; detoxification; Cd; PtoABCG36; tolerance; poplar; accumulation; efflux; phytoremediation; heavy metals; hyperaccumulation; plant genotype improvement; soil management; cadmium accumulation; absorption and transport; QTL location; mapping population; rice (Oryza sativa L.); selenium; cadmium stress; auxin; root architecture; phosphate transporter; Nicotiana tabacum; oxidative stress; cell cycle; cell wall; germination; reproduction; plant growth and development; antioxidative system; Brassicaceae family; mitogen-activated protein kinases; Ulva compressa; antioxidant; metal chelator; in vivo chlorophyll a florescence; physiology; mitogen activated protein kinases; metal accumulation; DNA methylation; ABCC transporters; HMA2; wheat; metal stress tolerance; manganese toxicity; Mn detoxification; tolerance mechanism; gene function; subcellular compartment; lead; nicotianamine; mugineic acid; heavy metal; toxic metal; durum wheat; Arabidopsis; small heat shock protein; OsMSR3; copper stress; reactive oxygen species; copper and zinc; expression in bacteria; metallothioneins; marine alga; Brassica campestris L.; glutathione synthetase; glutathione S-transferase; alternative splicing; Italian ryegrass root; LmAUX1; hormesis; growth; chlorophyll a fluorescence; n/a
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