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Agronomy Journal

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No detectada desde ene. 1949 / hasta dic. 2023 Wiley Online Library


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Analysis of Sugarcane x Saccharum spontaneum progeny for sugar and biomass traits

Rungtip Ngaklunchon; Nakorn Jongrungklang; Kittipat Ukoskit; Collins KimbengORCID; Patcharin SongsriORCID

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Sugarcane production benefitted from useful genes imparted from <jats:italic>Saccharum spontaneum</jats:italic> L. Interspecific hybrids were evaluated for sugar and biomass traits in three environments, including two plants and one ratoon crop. The objective was to estimate genetic parameters for traits in this population and to develop appropriate breeding strategies and germplasm for use in variety development in both the sugar and bioenergy industries. Heritability was highest with all three environments considered; however, the increase was minimal compared with estimates from the first ratoon crop suggesting resources will be better spent selecting in the first ratoon crop. Significant differences (p &lt; 0.05) found among families for sucrose content related traits, warrants selecting first among families before selecting among genotypes within families for these traits. The same was not true for cane yield and cane yield components. Heritability was low to moderate (&gt; 0.3 &lt; 0. 47) for cane yield its components, and high (&gt; 0.7) for all other traits suggesting early selection in small plots could emphasize sucrose content related traits. Selecting intensely for a highly heritable trait in one stage can influence genetic variation of another trait in subsequent stages. Therefore, multivariate selection methods were employed which identified groups of genotypes with characteristics distinct to both industries. The <jats:italic>S. spontaneum</jats:italic> parents dominated trait variation in the hybrid population. Consequently, whereas genotypes with potential for the sugar industry would have to undergo rounds of backcrossing to recover good sugar characteristics, genotypes with immediate potential in the bioenergy industry were easily identified in this population.</jats:p><jats:p>This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Agronomy and Crop Science.

Pp. No disponible

Should we consider integrated crop‐livestock systems for ecosystem services, carbon sequestration, and agricultural resilience to climate change?

Alan J. FranzluebbersORCID; John R. Hendrickson

<jats:title>ABSTRACT</jats:title><jats:p>Contemporary agricultural systems can be generalized as highly specialized operations that are fueled by mechanization, supplied with external nutrients to maximize production, crops protected by petrochemicals to fight against weed, disease, and insect pressures, and livestock protected by therapeutics to ward off virus and bacterial infections when managed in confinement. Such specialized systems have led to low levels of diversity, elevated environmental risks from contamination, loss of soil organic matter, ecological instability, and limited adaptability to climate change. More diversified farming systems are possible, but research required to characterize them in a holistic manner as an alternative to contemporary, specialized systems remains challenging to fund and sustain over time, primarily because they require more labor, management skills, and accessible markets to achieve additional ecological, environmental, and social goals. We share some perspectives as to (1) how specialized systems became the norm and (2) what changes could be made to reverse some ecological risks and environmental declines associated with specialization, acknowledging there is no panacea. Strong evidence exists for perennial forages to restore soil organic C and N, but system‐level analyses of the net balance in greenhouse gas emissions remain to be characterized in the myriad of potential integrated crop‐livestock systems that might be deployed across the diversity of edaphic, environmental, and socio‐economic conditions. We suggest there are abundant opportunities for more sustainable agricultural production to sequester soil organic C, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and develop more climate‐resilient agricultural systems that will be needed in a future dominated by climate change issues.</jats:p><jats:p>This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved</jats:p>

Palabras clave: Agronomy and Crop Science.

Pp. No disponible