Catálogo de publicaciones - tesis
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Geometría computacional aplicada a la generación en paralelo de mallas de elementos finitos
Pablo José Novara Néstor Alberto Calvo Juan Pablo D'Amato Mario Storti Enzo Dari Rainald Löhner Norberto Marcelo Nigro
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
This thesis presents two algorithms for parallel generation of unstructured all-tetrahedral meshes for a given set of points. The first method generates a Delaunay mesh for the interior of the point set's convex hull. This algorithm is robust in the sense that it solves all the problems related to numerical errors and Delaunay criterion's ambiguities. The second method adds to the input a fixed boundary mesh, and generates a Delaunay-dominant mesh for the domain defined by such boundary. This generated mesh fits the given boundary mesh connectivities and also improves mesh quality avoiding the generation of slivers, low-quality elements very common in Delaunay meshes. None of this methods will neither add nor move or remove nodes. This makes these algorithms suitable for many common interpolation operations, and for some particle-based simulations where nodes represents particles. Parallel implementations for both shared memory and distributed memory architectures are proposed for the two mesh generation problems presented. Advantages and disadvantages of each one, all problems found and the proposed solutions, and the major differences in the implementations for the two most usual kinds of parallel hardware architectures are described in this thesis. Finally, some results are presented and the parallel scalability and efficiency of the method is discussed. This thesis also includes descriptions for all the necessary data structures for the current implementations and the associated algorithms (for 2D and 3D, and both serial and parallel versions), along with all important details to justify those elections.Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital
Computational geometry; Mesh generation; Delaunay; Parallelism; Triangulation; Tetrahedralization; Geometría computacional; Generación de mallas; Paralelismo; Triangulación; Tetraedrización
Institución detectada | Año de publicación | Navegá | Descargá | Solicitá |
No requiere | 2016 | Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) |
Tipo de recurso:
Idiomas de la publicación
- español castellano
País de edición
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