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Estudio de propiedades y estructura de geles mixtos proteína-polisacárido: Influencia de la reacción de glicosilación
María Julia Spotti Carlos Roberto Carrara María del Pilar Buera Ana María Renata Pilosof Luis Gugliotta Amelia Catalina Rubiolo
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
The aim of this work was to study the influence of glycosylation (or Maillard Reaction) on structural characteristics and gelling capacity of whey proteins (WPI) and dextran (DX) systems. Gelation and mechanical properties of WPI/DX mixed gels (without Maillard reaction) were compared to glycosylated systems. The influence of reaction time and dextran molecular weight were evaluated. A further progress of the Maillard reaction with increasing DX concentration and reaction time but decreasing molecular weight, was observed. Maillard reaction greatly affected gelation time and temperature of the WPI/DX systems. The uniaxial compression test revealed two different behavior between glycosylated and mixed systems, since glycosyltaed gels did not present fracture under this test. Mechanical parameters of mixed gels revealed that the higher the DX concentration and the higher molecular weight, the greater the fracture strain (kPa), while the Hencky´s strain remains unaltered. Fracture parameters for glycosylated gels were not obtained, but Young's modulus was acquired. This parameter could reveal that glycosylated gels were much weaker than mixed gels. These results show that it is possible to obtain systems with totally different gelling properties, applying a reaction that occurs spontaneously in proper conditions and it is safe.Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital
Proteínas de suero; Dextranos; Reacción de Maillard; Geles; Propiedades mecánicas; Whey proteins; Dextrans; Maillard reaction; Gels; Mechanical properties
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No requiere | 2013 | Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) |
Tipo de recurso:
Idiomas de la publicación
- español castellano
País de edición
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